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Conference OM102
Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology X
This conference has an open call for papers:
Abstract Due: 22 January 2025
Manuscript Due: 4 June 2025
This conference focuses on any optical metrology topic, where modelling aspects play a crucial role and accurate modelling is a prerequisite for traceable and comparable measurements. The conference covers the development and verification of methods to describe the interaction of light with matter for quantitative characterization of micro- and nanostructures. The verification of these methods often relies on comparison measurements with independent metrology methods. Improved data analysis is often achieved applying sophisticated hybrid metrology and holistic approaches. Relevant applications include e.g. optical metrology and inspection of nanostructures for semiconductor and nanotechnologies, display production to the investigation of grating structures and grating-based devices. In most of the applications nanometre or sub-nanometre measurement uncertainties are required. Thus, complex and increasingly challenging metrology applications emphasize even more the importance of error modelling for optical systems. Special emphasis is placed on the description and modelling of new methods, algorithms, components or complete measurement systems up to the treatment of big data.
The topics will include, but are not limited to:
The topics will include, but are not limited to:
- optical metrology
- image modelling
- lensless imaging, coherent diffraction imaging
- modelling of sensor response, parametric modelling
- modelling of optical metrology systems
- novel microscopy methods
- super-resolution
- measurement uncertainty and error modelling in optical systems
- multiprobe characterization
- hybrid metrology
- scatterometry, OCD
- inverse problems in optics
- Maxwell equation solving algorithms
- algorithms for real 3D simulations
- modelling of material properties in optics
- modelling of polarization effects, ellipsometry and Mueller ellipsometry
- optimization for diffractive optical elements
- 3D shape metrology
- placement, registration, alignment and overlay metrology
- modelling for nanomanufacturing and nanolithography
- modeling for integrated photonics
- quality control and defect inspection for semiconductor manufacturing
- metrology for multi-patterning/exposure and EUV lithography
- modelling of stochastic parameters, objects and interactions
- phase metrology, phase retrieval techniques
- flatness metrology, deflectometry
- high-precision interferometry
- grating characterization and modelling
- optical scattering, SERS and related
- time-dependent phenomena, modelling of ultrafast processes
- new materials, metamaterials
- plasmonics for metrological applications
- photonic crystals, photonic devices
- modelling of optomechanical systems (NOMS, MOMS, MOEMS...)
- modelling of line-edge roughness
- modelling of photometry and radiometry
- modeling for integrated photonics.
Program Committee
Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie IISB (Germany)
View call for papers
What you will need to submit
- Presentation title
- Author(s) information
- Speaker biography (1000-character max including spaces)
- Abstract for technical review (200-300 words; text only)
- Summary of abstract for display in the program (50-150 words; text only)
- Keywords used in search for your paper (optional)
- Check the individual conference call for papers for additional requirements (i.e. extended abstract PDF upload for review or instructions for award competitions)