16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan

Poster Presentation Instructions

Create a successful poster for presentation and publication
Poster presenter explaining their research at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation

Poster presenters should be prepared to meet the following two conditions:

  • Attend and present a printed poster at the meeting (each poster presenter must bring a printed version of their poster).
  • Upload a poster PDF for publication. Poster PDFs will be available for online viewing during the conference and will be published and archived, with its manuscript, after the meeting in the conference Proceedings on the SPIE Digital Library.

Instructions for preparing your poster presentation and publishing your poster PDF are below.

Important dates

Abstracts due 15 November 2023
Registration opens March 2024
Authors notified and program posts online 28 February 2024
Submission system opens for manuscripts and poster PDFs* 15 April 2024
Poster PDFs due for spie.org preview and publication 22 May 2024
Manuscripts due 29 May 2024
Advance upload deadline for oral presentation slides** 14 June 2024

*The contact author or speaker must register prior to uploading
**After this date, slides must be uploaded on site at Speaker Check-in

Step-by-step guide to a successful in-person poster presentation

Create and print your poster

The most successful posters are graphically rich presentations of your research that highlight and summarize the main points, with the poster presenter filling in details in-person at the session. The least effective poster format is an enlarged copy of your manuscript.

Your poster should include:

  • The paper title and all authors at the top
  • A brief introduction, goals, experimental detail, conclusions, and references; presented in a logical and clear sequence
  • Explanations for each graph, picture, and table

Size, fonts, and color

  • The maximum poster size is 90cm wide x 120cm high. View the SPIE Poster template.
  • Use easily read type. Suggested minimum font sizes:
    • Title: 36 point type
    • List of authors: 25 point type
    • Body copy should be double-spaced text: 15 point type
  • Choose colors that provide strong contrast and avoid pairing red and green elements to assist those with color blindness

Print a high-resolution copy of your poster to present onsite.

Onsite printing may be available through Kinkos. Please contact the vendor directly to determine availability, pricing, and schedule.

Create and submit your poster PDF

Poster presentations can be created in a number of software applications but must be exported in PDF format to submit for publication in the conference Proceedings in the SPIE Digital Library. The file size must be less than 100 MB. Avoid uploading multiple versions of your poster PDF. When you finish creating your PDF, check the following:

  • Is it saved with the .pdf file extension?
  • Is your file size less than 100 MB?
  • Do all your graphs, pictures, and tables include explanations?
  • Is your text color and size easy to read on screen?
  • Did you include references?

Submit your poster PDF

Your poster PDF must be received by the deadline, approximately three weeks before the meeting. After the submission system opens for presentations and manuscripts, visit spie.org/myaccount, signin to your account then take the following steps:

  • From the account dashboard, look under "Submission and Review System" and click on the symposium link
  • Scroll down until you find your paper
  • Click on the "Upload Poster" file link to submit your poster PDF and follow the steps to upload your .pdf file

NOTE: The contact author or speaker must be registered before uploading. Only the contact author can submit the poster PDF. A coauthor as the contact author can be assigned to submit the poster PDF via the submission system or by sending a request to authorhelp@spie.org (please include your poster number in the email).

Set up your poster onsite

  • Bring your high-resolution printed poster with you to the meeting (size must not exceed 90cm wide x 120cm high)
  • Check the individual conference program to find your poster session location and timing
  • Set up your printed poster at least one hour before your session start time on the day you are scheduled to present
  • Paper numbers will be placed on the poster boards in numerical order
  • Find your paper number and put up your printed poster in the designated space
  • Push pins, tape, or Velcro will be provided to hang your poster

Present your poster in person

  • Each poster presenter is responsible for printing their poster and bringing it to the meeting. SPIE does not print posters.
  • One person may not present more than two posters in a poster session.
  • Poster presenters are required to stand by their poster during the scheduled duration of the poster session to answer questions from attendees.
  • Presenters who have not placed their poster on their assigned board at least one hour prior to the start of the poster session, and/or do not attend for the duration of the poster session, will be considered a "no show". As a result, their manuscript and poster PDF will not be published in the Proceedings on the SPIE Digital Library.
  • Presenters must remove their printed posters immediately after the poster session.
  • SPIE assumes no responsibility for the printed posters and will not save any left hanging after the end of the session.

Publication of your poster

  • SPIE will publish and archive all poster PDFs, along with the manuscript, in the conference Proceedings in the SPIE Digital Library
  • To qualify for publication, poster PDFs must be received by the advertised due dates, and the printed poster must be presented at the meeting
  • SPIE retains rights to distribute and market the published poster PDF; the presenter retains copyright of all presented content


Contact your program coordinator (listed in your SPIE.org account).