Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega is associate professor in the Physics Department and heads the Optics Center and the Photonics and Mathematical Optics Group at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, México. http://optica.mty.itesm.mx/pmog/
Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega received the BS degree in physics (1991) and MS degree in electric engineering (1995) from the Tecnológico de Monterrey. In 2000, he received his PhD degree in optics from the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics in Puebla, México. He is the author and co-author of more than 145 scientific publications in international journals, conference proceedings, and books. His research activities are focused on the nondiffracting propagation of wavefields, special solutions of the Helmholtz and paraxial wave equation: Mathieu, parabolic, and Ince-Gaussian beams, and laser resonators. Dr. Gutiérrez-Vega is a member of SPIE, OSA, and APS.
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