21 - 25 April 2024
National Harbor, Maryland, US
Conference 13051 > Paper 13051-25
Paper 13051-25

When the occasion comes, the proverb comes: value alignment via proverbial bank and synthetic rules

On demand | Presented live 23 April 2024


Large Language Models act as an all-inclusive ground for engagement. However, the output of these models is not always aligned with the correct human preferences or values. This can produce a large range of inappropriate and offensive content. In human culture/society, proverbs act as a way to transmit and shape human values and behavior. In this research, we experiment to determine whether or not proverbs can play the same role for LLMs in transmitting and aligning to human values. Additionally, we research to determine how we can prompt LLMs to generate their own set of rules for categories of human values and use that as a means to align future-generated content to said values.


Cesa Salaam
Howard Univ. (United States)
Cesa Salaam is a Ph.D. candidate at Howard University studying Artificial Intelligence. Broadly focusing on Natural Language Processing (NLP). More narrowly, Mr. Salaam is focused on researching topics related to fairness and bias mitigation in NLP. Additionally, Mr. Salaam is interested in NLP for low-resourced and overlooked languages, specifically from Africa and its diaspora.
Application tracks: AI/ML
Cesa Salaam
Howard Univ. (United States)
Howard Univ. (United States)