21 - 25 April 2024
National Harbor, Maryland, US
Conference 13045 > Paper 13045-17
Paper 13045-17

Towards Cn2 parity between imaging-based simulation and measurement

On demand | Presented live 24 April 2024


Optical turbulence in the atmosphere causes defocus, blur, and wander of images captured over long distances, which can significantly degrade their quality. Turbulence is a manifestation of variations in the index of refraction, which are caused by local variations in air temperature, pressure, humidity, gas content, and other factors. Turbulence can be quantified by the refractive index structure function parameter C2n. Simulation of images after propagation through an atmosphere of a specific C2n, along with measurement of the observed C2n from images, is thus of interest for a variety of agricultural, environmental, and defense applications. We discuss the generation of simulated imagery after propagation through an atmosphere of a defined C2n using various algorithms, then examine methods to determine the observed C2n from the generated images. Finally, we choose and test an algorithm to generate images and another to estimate C2n, then compare and contrast the observed C2n to the defined C2n in each case to observe how the simulation method and measurement method perform.


Thomas P. Watson
The Univ. of Memphis (United States)
Thomas P. Watson
The Univ. of Memphis (United States)
Apratim Dasgupta
The Univ. of Memphis (United States)
Daniel Foti
The Univ. of Memphis (United States)
The Univ. of Memphis (United States)