21 - 25 April 2024
National Harbor, Maryland, US
Conference 13058 > Paper 13058-15
Paper 13058-15

Risk considerations for the department of defense's fielding of large language models

On demand | Presented live 22 April 2024


In a 10 August 2023 memo to Senior Department of Defense (DoD) Leaders, the Deputy Secretary of Defense outlined the roles and responsibilities of the DoD's newly established Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models Task Force, Task Force Lima. The AI and LLM Task Force is charged with focusing the DoD's exploration and responsible fielding of generative AI and LLM capabilities. While AI and LLM have revolutionized natural language processing in commercial applications, significant concerns must be addressed before the technology is fully deployed within the DoD. This study will explore the current biases in training data, ethical violations, security breaches, potential misuse, and challenges with AI and LLM interpretability. Industry, academic and government partnerships need to ensure a responsible and equitable deployment of LLMs that harnesses the full potential of the capabilities in a manner that is responsible, secure, and well understood by the end user community.


Datalytica (United States)
Dr. Misty Blowers is a seasoned executive with extensive experience in pioneering advanced security technologies within the AI sector. She has led initiatives to develop robust, cutting-edge solutions to complex security challenges faced with AI enabled systems. She has 15 years government experience and 10 years in the private sector. Her company, Datalytica, provides expert consulting services to places like DARPA and the NSA. The products based line is innovating at a pace that is ahead of current industry trends.
Application tracks: AI/ML
Datalytica (United States)
Santos Salinas
Datalytica (United States)
Seth Bailey
Datalytica (United States)