21 - 25 April 2024
National Harbor, Maryland, US
Conference 13058 > Paper 13058-42
Paper 13058-42

Integrating information warfare strategies with emerging AI technologies for enhanced national security (Invited Paper)

24 April 2024 • 4:25 PM - 4:55 PM EDT | National Harbor 6


As the landscape of global conflict evolves, the integration of Information Warfare (IW) strategies with emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly crucial for national security. This presentation, led by Terry Traylor, a seasoned military professional with expertise in IW and AI, aims to explore the synergies between these domains. Drawing from his experience as Deputy G39 for Information Warfare at MARSOC and his academic background in computer science focusing on machine learning, the talk will delve into the challenges and opportunities of incorporating AI into IW operations. Special attention will be given to the ethical considerations of AI in IW and how machine learning can be leveraged to counter disinformation campaigns effectively. The session will also discuss a case study involving a Phase II SBIR for USSOCOM, emphasizing the practical applications of these integrations in real-world scenarios. This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how AI can augment IW strategies, offering a forward-looking perspective on national security.


Terry Traylor Jr.
North Dakota State Univ. (United States)
Mr. Terry Traylor is a student at North Dakota State University and a retired military officer with over 26 years leading Cyberspace, Information Warfare, Space, Communications, Innovation Research, and Special Operations Support operations. As a student at North Dakota State University, he has focused his research on studying AI and ML topics that affect national security, naval strategy/warfare, multi-domain operations, cybersecurity, information exploitation/cooption, and natural learning systems. In the corporate world, Mr. Traylor works as the Applied Technology Academy Director of Strategy and Program Management. In this role, he designs strategies that integrate emerging technologies such as AI/ML into research and precisely tailored products. Finally, as a research leader, Mr. Traylor has served as a Principal Investigator for corporate-led Small Business Innovation Research efforts with the DoD.
Application tracks: AI/ML
Terry Traylor Jr.
North Dakota State Univ. (United States)