Recipients announced of SPIE Remote Sensing and Security + Defence best student paper awards


06 November 2014

Winners of the Best Student Paper Awards at the recent the recent SPIE Remote Sensing and SPIE Security + Defence conferences co-located in Amsterdam were selected by the conference chairs, SPIE Senior Member Charles Bostater, Florida Institute of Technology, and SPIE Fellow David Titterton, UK Defence Academy. The events were sponsored by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, and ran 22-25 September.

The awards are designed to encourage and acknowledge excellence in oral and poster student paper presentations. Among 6 Remote Sensing sessions and 5 Security + Defence sessions, 11 students were recognized for their outstanding papers on sensors and imaging technologies for monitoring crops, measuring airborne toxins, and detecting IEDs (improvised explosive devices).

SPIE Remote Sensing winners:

  • SPIE Member Jonathan Van Beek, Katholieke Universiteit: "Vegetation index correction to reduce background effects in orchards with high spatial resolution imagery," part of Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology
  • SPIE Member Laura Zotta, Università di Pisa: "Design and validation of object recognition methodologies for underwater fluorescence lidar applications," part of Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions
  • SPIE Member Robert Banks, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre: "Retrieval of boundary layer height from lidar using extended Kalman filter approach, classic methods, and backtrajectory cluster analysis," part of Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere
  • SPIE Member Francescopaolo Sica, Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment: "Benefits of blind speckle decorrelation for InSAR processing," part of SAR Image Analysis, Modelling, and Techniques
  • SPIE Member Lia Duarte, Universidade do Porto: "Deriving phenological metrics from NDVI through an open source tool developed in QGIS," part of Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications
  • SPIE Member Lucana Falcon, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: "FPGA implementation of the hyperspectral Lossy Compression for Exomars (LCE) algoritm," part of High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing.

SPIE Security + Defence winners:

  • Swaminathan Parthasarathy, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences: "Channel modelling for free-space optical inter-HAP links using adaptive ARQ transmission," part of Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Networks
  • SPIE Member Thomas Dyer, Surrey University: "Optical fibre techniques for use within tamper indicating enclosures designed for arms control verification purposes," part of Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems
  • SPIE Member Leon Smith, Cranfield University: "Modelling a man-portable air-defence (MANPAD) system with a rosette scan two-colour infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) seeker," part of Technologies for Optical Countermeasures
  • SPIE Member Daniel Rozban, Ariel University: "Detection of hidden objects using a real-time 3D millimeter-wave imaging system", part of Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime FIghting and Defence
  • Leonid Kotov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology: "Single-mode single-frequency high peak power all-fiber MOPA at 1550 nm," part of High-Power Lasers.

Best Student Papers are recognized in the conference proceedings, on the Remote Sensing and Security + Defence Europe website, and in the 2015 Remote Sensing and Security + Defence Call for Papers and Advance and Final Programs. The 2015 events will take place from 21 to 24 September 2015 in Toulouse, France.

The conference proceedings are published online in the SPIE Digital Library as manuscripts are approved, with CD and print publication to follow when all manuscripts are in.