Proceedings Volume 6160

Twelfth Joint International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics

Gelii A. Zherebtsov, Gennadii G. Matvienko
Proceedings Volume 6160

Twelfth Joint International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics

Gelii A. Zherebtsov, Gennadii G. Matvienko
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Volume Details

Date Published: 13 February 2006
Contents: 5 Sessions, 114 Papers, 0 Presentations
Conference: Twelfth Joint International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics 2005
Volume Number: 6160

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Molecular Spectroscopy and Atmospheric Radiative Processes
  • Optical Radiation Propagation in the Atmosphere and Ocean
  • Optical Investigation of Atmosphere and Ocean
  • Atmospheric Physics
  • Special Session of ISTC
Molecular Spectroscopy and Atmospheric Radiative Processes
Climatic effect of clusterization of greenhouse gases
A. Y. Galashev, O. R. Rahmanova, O. A. Galasheva, et al.
The process of C02, CH4 and N20 molecules' absorption by water clusters is investigated by the molecular dynamics method, the frequency spectra of dielectric permittivity for systems consisting of (H2O)n, (C02)i(H20)10, (CH4)i(H20)10 and the (N20)i(H20)10 clusters are defined. The calculation and analysis of IR radiation absorption spectra for these systems are carried out. The influence of the clusters' composition on the reflection coefficient of transverse electromagnetic wave from their surface is considered. The capture of greenhouse gas molecules by ultra disperse aqueous medium, reduces the ability of the medium to absorb the Earth's radiation, i.e. reduces the greenhouse effect.
Data integration methodology for the atlas, Atmospheric Aerosols of Siberia
Serge P. Kovalyov, Yuriy I. Molorodov
This article aims at applying e-Science methodology to atmospheric aerosol exploration. The amount of atmospheric observation data volumes, both experimental (measurement and observation results) and theoretical (numeric modeling results), is growing intensively. In order to navigate through these volumes they should be turned into information resources by attaching adequate metadata. It is necessary to provide capabilities to process results gained by specialists from different areas working in different organizations. Unified distributed access to heterogeneous information resources and computing systems is needed. Such type of access to Siberian regional data is available via the electronic atlas "Atmospheric aerosols of Siberia".
Effective dipole moment operator for C4v molecules: case of Z-resonances
The effective dipole moment operators for the interacting fundamental nondegenerate vn bands of different symmetry and degenerate Vt bands are presented. Using symmetry properties of the effective dipole moment parameters, the transition moments are expressed and well-known Herman-Wallis factors are constructed. The case of strong Z-resonances between fundamentals is considered.
Architecture of distributed information-computing system for exploring atmospheric aerosol
Serge P. Kovalyov
This report addresses developing next generation integrated information-computing infrastructure for performing atmosphere physics research. The system aims at transparent integration of heterogeneous data sources collected by monitoring atmosphere physicochemical characteristics. System architecture is elaborated as distributed set of databases surrounded by web/grid-services capable to collect, validate, visualize, and compute data. Such architecture is known as data grid and actively used at scientific automation. It belongs to key constituents of e-Science: an innovative approach to software support of scientific research.
Absorption spectrum of H2S between 10015 and 10323 cm-1
L. R. Brown, O. V. Naumenko, E. R. Polovtseva
High resolution FT absorption spectrum of H2S in the near IR region from 10015 to 10323 cm-1 recorded at Kilt Peak National observatory, USA, has been analyzed for the first time. Three interacting vibrational states: (103), (004), and (400) belonging to the first pentadecade were considered. For the spectrum analysis the Watson-type rotational Hamiltonian which takes into account the resonance interaction between involved vibrational states has been used. One hundred forty four energy levels were reproduced from the fit with an average accuracy of 0.003 cm-1 for the main isotope species using a set of 27 rotational and coupling parameters. New evaluation ofthe band origin of the dark (400) state: E = 10292.493 cm-1 has been obtained from the fit to the upper state experimental energy levels which agrees well with the value of the band origin calculated using the effective vibrational Hamiltonian [1]. As a result, the H2S absorption spectrum was completely analyzed in region under study. The calculated line positions and transition intensities are presented in the "ATMOS" information system. The obtained data on the hydrogen sulfide absorption represent valuable information for investigation ofhighly excited states of H2S molecule.
Theoretical investigation of absorption spectra from excited states of psoralens
N. G. Bryantseva, I. V. Sokolova
The present paper deals with compounds called photosensitizers, namely, psoralens (Ps), 4'-hydroxymethyl-4, 5', 8- trimethyipsoralen (HMTMP) and 10,11-phenyl-21,22-cyclohexylpsoralen (PhChP). The absorption spectra from excited both singlets and triplets states were investigated in this paper. The triplet-triplet and singlet-singlet absorption spectra of PS, HMTMP and PhChP (fig. 1) have been determined using INDO method (see below).
Software 7S for simulating of the solar reflected radiance transfer in atmosphere
M. Yu. Kataev, I. V. Boichenko, S. Maksyutov
In the report the description of the program 7S (Shell for 6S), its possibilities on simulating of the reflected sunlight in near IR spectral region is described. The well known program 65 is written for work in UNIX (in Fortran language), that causes a mass of inconveniences at calculations, visualization, a choice of necessary parameters that is especially appreciable at routine calculations (for example, changing of solar zenith angle). We undertake attempt to write a Windows application of the 65 program that allows to set working parameters in an interactive mode, to choose corresponding databases, operatively performing calculations and visualize them, transmit data of calculation in other program.
Theoretical investigation of dipole moment function of LiH molecule for small internuclear separations
Michail A. Buldakov, Elena V. Koryukina, Victor N. Cherepanov, et al.
The dipole moment function μ(R) of the X1Σ+ electronic state of LiH molecule for small internuclear separation R has been determined. The calculations were carried out within the framework of the model of a united atom. The wave functions and energy levels of the united Be atom were calculated by ab initio HF method. The dipole moment function obtained at R -> 0 has the form μ(R) = AR3. The numeric value of the coefficient A has been obtained. The limits of an applicability of the united atom approximation for the calculation of the dipole moment of LiH molecule were determined.
Dynamic polarizability of the N2...Y and 02...Y (Y=He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) dimers
Michail A. Buldakov, Victor N. Cherepanov, Nataliya S. Nagornova
In the framework of the DID model the analytical expressions for the tensor components of the dynamic polarizability of X2...Y dimers have been obtained taking into account the size of X2 molecule. The polarizability functions of the complexes depend on their configuration and dynamic polarizabilities of the atom Y and the molecule X2. The dynamic polarizabilities of the complexes X2...Y (X2 = N2, 02 and Y = He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) have been calculated.
Polarizability functions of HF and HCI molecules
Michail A. Buldakov, Victor N. Cherepanov, Nataliya S. Nagornova
The semiempirical method of construction of the electronic polarizability functions for heteronuclear diatomic molecule in the piecewise-continuous form is discussed. The polarizability functions obtained have true asymptotic behaviour as for small as for large internuclear separations R and describe correctly the polarizability of a molecule in a vicinity of the equilibrium internuclear distance. To describe the polarizability functions for large separations, the DID interactions of atoms have been taken into account, and the exchange interactions of atoms have been considered by asymptotic methods. The method has been applied to calculate the polarizability functions of HF and HCI molecules in a range R ∈ [0,∞).
Theoretical investigation of physical properties for microsystems: atom-cluster-nanostructure
Alexander V. Nyavro, Valerii S. Demidenko, Michail A. Buldakov, et al.
Software developed by authors for ab initio calculations of energy parameters and physical properties of the microsystems using the scattered wave method allows investigating the changes of their atom-molecular physical characteristics depending on the sizes and dimensions of the systems: atom-molecule-cluster-nanostructure-crystal. Any atoms of Periodic Table calculated in the nonrelativistic approach can form the structure of the considered systems. The work aims to study theoretically the energy and electric characteristics of the atom-molecular systems when the conditions of three-dimensional regulating are fulfilled and the environment are varied. The original software is used to unify the calculation procedure for any state of a system. The regularities of forming of the electronic structure for the microsystems Li - Li2 - Li9 - Li15 - Li91 have been studied. The influence of an environment on the three-dimensional regulating of atoms was analyzed. Also, the differences in the electronic structure of the subsystems within the volume and on the surface were studied. The electronic energies of the structural modifications for the three-dimensional systems were compared. The peculiarities of structure of the heteronuclear systems, using the molecule LiH as an example, have been considered. The problem of a choice of the exchange-correlation contribution into the MT-potential was analyzed. The role of interactions of the valence and core states of a molecule to form the dipole moment function depending on the internuclear separations is discussed.
Web system for storing and processing data of atmospheric aerosols
Nikolay V. Golikov, Yuriy I. Molorodov, Irina A. Sudarikova
It was created public information system, permitted to solve different problems in a field of collecting, processing and publication of the atmospheric aerosol's data. It was organized data schema, built up interface for access to observational data, based on GIS-technology. It was developed the ontology of this system. It is planned the realization of dynamic interface for searching defined information, based on ontology. On the whole, system allows appreciating the influence of anthropogenic and natural sources on changing of atmospheric aerosol characteristics, solving problems and tasks of ecology.
Software tool for processing and interpretation of the satellite data from device AVHRR
M. Yu. Kataev, S. Maksyutov, F. S. Byshlanov, et al.
The wide distribution of the satellite data measurements lead to increase of their role in the solving of the monitoring tasks. Now the set of satellites with the various characteristics works, but data received by device AVHRR of satellite NOAA near 30 years find the maximal application in many tasks of the industry, an agriculture and a science. However, the low spatial resolution, essential geometrical and brightness distortions of the images received from satellite devices AVHRR, established on satellites of series NOAA, complicate their direct analysis algorithms of thematic processing. There is a task of calibration received data to transition from the value directly measured by the device (ADC units) to real physical dimension (W/(m2×sr)), taking into account characteristics of the device at the moment of measurement. Because measurements are carried out not only in subsatellite point, and in some angular span, there is a problem of definition of exact geographical coordinates of a point in which measurement was carried out, and also geometrical correction of a image. Device AVHRR established on satellites of series NOAA, represents the space digital polyzonal system providing reception of the image of a surface of the Earth in 5 spectral channels with the spatial resolution of 1.1 km, the radiometric resolution of 10 bytes (1024 gradation) some times in day. As some satellites of this series simultaneously are in orbits so the same site of a surface of 5-6 times in day is accessible to the review. The width of a strip of scanning of the device makes 2048 points. For solving tasks of the satellite data processing for the educational-research purposes we develop the software "SATELLITEEXPLORER", working as Windows application. This application allows to process of the satellite data of device AVHRR which has been written in format HRPT.
Application of the neural network approach for retrieving of gas concentration from CO2-laser data
Mikhail Yu. Kataev, A. Ya. Sykhanov
In the report a method of atmospheric gases concentration retrieving from the C02-laser gas analyser data on the basis of neural networks (NN) is description. The method of neural networks is compared to the known method of the least squares most frequently meeting at processing of laser signals. One of the problems arising at processing of the lidar signals is stability of the solving (gas concentration) depending on random mistakes of measurement. A method of the neural network as have shown results of numerical modeling, it is possible to relate to a stable method of retrieving of gases concentration from C02-laser data.
Software for simulating and data processing of the scanning passive Fourier spectrometer
M. Yu. Kataev, A. V. Lonchin, A. V. Mardyashov
In article the software designed for calculation of an atmosphere emission radiation on horizontal atmospheric path with the help of the scanning passive Fourier-spectrometer is described. The emission spectrum contains the information on gas composition of an atmosphere and presence of sources of polluting an atmosphere as with the increased temperature (a source of industrial emissions, etc.), and with the increased pollution gas contents. The program is developed for educational research goals.
Correction of the Lorentz model
The propagation of electromagnetic field in the isotropic substance is considered. The corrected Lorentz model of a simple harmonic oscillator is justified, which takes into account the action of magnetic component of electromagnetic field. It is shown that the corrected Lorentz model, except for the term, proportional to electric field intensity, contains the term proportional to the derivative of the electric field intensity. The last term takes into account the action of magnetic component of electromagnetic field.
Study of main components of long-period variations of stratospheric ozone according to reconstructed and instrumental data by caterpillar method
S. L. Bondarenko
The paper presents the results of analysis of data of spatiotemporal variations of ozonosphere using modified Caterpillar method of main components (Saint Petersburg University). We use as the studied sample the TOMS satellite data of total ozone (TO) and data of TO reconstruction from annual ring density of coniferous trees for midlatitudes. We explored the possibility of approximation of TO time series based on simple components separated by this method.
Radiation properties of water vapor in IR range for the thermodynamically inhomogeneous optical paths
Olga K. Voitsekhovskaya, Victor N. Cherepanov, Alexander Yu. Zaprjagaev, et al.
The report is devoted to the research of IR spectrum of high temperature (T < 3000 K) and thermodynamic inhomogeneous heat water vapor. The physical models of the description factors of absorption and emissivity within the framework of direct accounts line by line are discussed. The main attention is given to the form of the spectral lines parameters databases of water vapor based on generating information system HOTGAS-H20. Assuming that the radiation diffusion and local thermodynamic balance are fulfilled inside a layer, the emissivity calculations for various path conditions of concentration and temperatures 300-3000 K are designed. Thus, stratified environment formed by an user was simulated by layers of various thickness. Approximations of absorption coefficients simplifying considerably calculations are proposed. The estimation of the nonselective absorption of water vapor in the range 8-12 microns for temperatures I 500-3000 K are given for the first time.
Experimental research of smoke transparency at forest fire
Vladimir V. Reino, Valentina M. Sazanovich, Rouvim Sh. Tsvyk, et al.
Spectrum for smoke absorption factor over the range of 0.28 ÷ 6.5 microns is presented. Measurements were carried out in the model local forest fire at natural convection without a wind. Absorption lines of water vapor (bands of I .8 and 2.7 microns) and carbonic gas (band of 4.3 microns) were identified in the spectrum. It was shown, that the concentration in smokes at the rear of fire front increased by a factor of 1 .5 ÷ 2 for water vapor, and up by a factor of 3 for carbonic gas in comparison with initial concentration in the clean medium.
Complex mechanisms of nonlinear interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with molecular atmosphere
The theoretical analysis of complex mechanisms of nonlinear interaction of powerful femtosecond laser pulses with the molecular atmosphere is presented on the basis of combined action of "elementary" nonlinear effects such as multiphoton or tunnel ionization, Kerr nonlinearity, nonlinear resonance interaction of gas components. Basic attention is focused on analysis of complex mechanisms of quadratic and cubic nonlinear phenomena in the atmosphere.
Visualization albedo using data from cosmic observations
I. S. Dubrov
This paper presents information system developed for integration of existent albedo database, that is presented as a number of files, into the electronic atlas "Atmospheric aerosols of Siberia" and visualization of these data. The goal the informational system as a whole is to provide transparent integration of distributed sources of data independently of its and the information portal that provides user interface, so end-users can access data without prior knowledge of details where this data is located and how it is accessed by the underlying systems. In this one module of the information system and some architectural decisions during the implementation of the module were described. The module developed integrates catalogs with albedo and the information portal. The module constraints several requirements, so the system as whole allows easy and convenient access to the albedo database from the portal. The integration module is built using the modem technologies and specifications, so it can be easily interoperated with other systems supporting these specifications. System as a whole provides different views on the data, HTML-based interface and GIS-interface.
An introduction to RHINO: real-time histogram interpretation of numerical observations
RHINO, Real-time Histogram Interpretation of Numerical Observations, is a specialty algorithm and tool under development for the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research. The intent is to provide real-time feedback for adaptive control of telescope pointing for ground-space-ground laser illumination experiments. Nukove together with New Mexico State University first established a proof-of-principle laboratory experiment using RHINO and, under a controlled environment, reduction of the pointing error known as boresight was demonstrated. Additionally, the RHINO algorithm successfully predicted a systematic pointing offset due to solar illumination of a satellite. RHINO is resilient to effects such as glints, speckle, and scintillation. The forthcoming commercially available version of RHINO will use real-time field data and provide adaptive control to the user.
Optical Radiation Propagation in the Atmosphere and Ocean
Nonlinear optical acoustic effect during the interaction of femtosecond laser pulse with air and aerosol particles
N. N. Bochkarev, A. A. Zemlyanov, Al. A. Zemlyanov, et al.
The aim of experimental investigations is study of nonlinear optical acoustic effect during interaction of femtosecond laser pulse (FLP) with laboratory air both in area of laser beam filamentation and outside it.
Bispectral analysis of intensity fluctuations of optical waves propagation in turbulent atmosphere
The theoretical research of possibilities of the bispectral analysis of intensity fluctuations of the optical wave propagation in turbulent atmosphere is studied. The propagation of a plane optical wave in an approximation of a model of a thin phase screen in the turbulence with the pure Kolmogorov spectrum of fluctuations of a dielectric permittivity of atmosphere is considered. Cases of "weak" and "strong" intensity fluctuations of an optical wave asymptotically were studied. Is shown, that the bispectrum of intensity fluctuations of the plane wave propagation in turbulent atmosphere, in area of "weak" fluctuations is equal to zero, and in area of "strong" fluctuations has a two-scale character. The high frequency asymptotic of bispectrum for area of "strong" intensity fluctuations of an optical wave has a description of a bell-shaped surface with a characteristic scale determined to a size of speckle. The characteristic frequency of this asymptotic of spectrum is determined by the radius of a coherence of a plane wave in an atmospheric turbulence and the transversal to direction of propagation component velocities of a wind on a path of propagation. In the same conditions the low-frequency asymptotic of bispectrum is determined to a by second of scale, related with a diffraction on a radius of a coherence of a plane wave in turbulent atmosphere.
Optical source image random displacement in atmosphere with precipitation
The results of the theoretical investigation of the statistical characteristics of fluctuation parameters of a light wave and a random image displacement of a light wave after passing through an atmospheric layer with precipitation are presented in this paper. Statistical characteristics of a light wave propagating in an atmosphere containing a large number of discrete "optical soft" large-scale bodies have been examined in the approximation of a single scattering. Cases of "weak" intensity fluctuations of optical radiation have been considered.
Computer simulation of a partially coherent laser beam backscattering in atmosphere
V. A. Banakh, D. S. Rytchkov, A. V. Falits
The results of computer simulation of backscattering of the partially coherent pulsed laser beam by atmospheric aerosol or molecular layer are present. Dependence of the mean power of backscattered radiation in the focal plane of receiving telescope on the spatial partial coherence of the laser source is investigated. Analysis is carried out for the ring-shaped transmitting aperture in cases of collimated and focused laser beam incident on scattering layer. It is shown that the mean power depends on the parameters of phase fluctuations of spatially partially coherent laser source.
Algorithm for formation of an infinite random turbulent screen
A new approach to formation of random turbulent screens is proposed. Simulation of temporal fluctuations of refractive index inhomogeneities helps in removing the spatial periodicity arising at the transversal displacement of the screen. This improvement allows the formation of random turbulent screens having an infinite extension. Some examples of the problems of atmospheric turbulent optics are presented along with their numerical solution obtained using the algorithm proposed. The problems under consideration involve simulating long (in time) observation series of characteristics of laser beams propagating through the atmosphere.
Energy and statistical characteristics of optical radiation reflected from an infinite retroreflector array
The energy and statistical characteristics of laser radiation reflected from an infinite surface in the form of an array of single retroreflectors have been investigated. The study of the reflecting properties of such a surface involved the calculation of the coherence function of the radiation in the reflection plane. Rigorous and high-accuracy approximate expressions have been obtained for this characteristic. The intensity in the far zone and the coherence function of the reflected radiation at an arbitrary distance from the surface have been calculated. Approximate equations have been derived for these characteristics of the radiation. The results of numerical simulation by the Monte Carlo technique have been compared with the rigorous and approximate calculations. It has been shown that in the most significant cases the approximate equations proposed give a deviation within 5% from the rigorous ones and from the results of averaging over numerical realizations. The approximate equations obtained have been used to solve the problem of radiation propagation along sensing paths, including the forward propagation through the turbulent atmosphere, reflection, and backward propagation.
Analysis of spectra of acoustic signals generated by high-power pulsed laser radiation propagating in the atmosphere
S. V. Shamanaev, L. G. Shamanaeva
Results of experimental investigations of the spectra of acoustic signals generated by high-power pulsed laser radiation propagating through the atmosphere in the breakdown mode are presented. Laboratory experiments on the study of the spectra of acoustic signals generated by individual plasma formations were carried out using a GOS-1001 laser (λ = 1 .06 μm Emax = 1 kJ, and τL =1 ms). Field experiments on the study of the spectra of acoustic signals generated by laser sparks were carried out using high-power pulsed CO2 lasers (λ = 10.6 μm). The spark was made by laser beam focusing into the atmosphere at distances from 50 to 500 m. The density of acting laser radiation in the caustic region was varied from 8 to 20 J/cm2. The special features of laser-induced spectra of acoustic signals radiated by individual plasma formations and discrete laser sparks are discussed.
Cloudiness monitoring for database of local weather
S. V. Zuev, A. A. Tikhomirov
The wide-angle image device has 360-degree horizontal and 180-degree vertical viewing angles and allows to observe the all-sky in real time. The all-sky image, transformed to a television signal by means of CCD camera, enters onto input of PC's capture card and is digitized. Record of video signal is carried out with frequency at 1 frame per sec. The size of captured video file varies and it depends on duration of light time of day and the window size of the video. In case of addition to the given data of the information about temperature, humidity, and pressure of air, the full data about weather in the specific place of the specific district for any time moment of any day will be received and kept. This database can be used for cloud cover analysis, atmospheric research, pollution monitoring, plume research, UV prediction, and in general meteorology.
The ionize radiation of the optical breakdown in the air
S. A. Shishigin
The interaction of powerful laser radiation with the dense plasma accompanies by development of different kind of parametric instabilities in the plasma. In the unstable plasma little indignation, up to thermal noise, increase exponentially to time, it exerts influence to macroparameters of plasma. The theory of parametrical resonance shows, that ideas of parametrical instabilities permit to understand effects of the interaction powerful radiation with the laser plasma. The great absorption of light by the laser plasma, the modulation reflection, the generating of laser radiation harmonics by plasma, the parametrical acceleration of plasma particle, the hard ionize radiation of plasma concern by number of these effects. The chemical reactions which lead to the formation of gas halo with high concentration of NO2, 03 and ions oxygen take place in the air surrounding plasma center to interaction of ionize radiation. The gas halos around the plasma optical breakdown center ofthe air screen plasma radiation in the visible spectrum section.
Dependence of adaptive correction with multiactuators mirror on statistical properties of turbulence
It is presented the results of adaptive correction of turbulent distortions of laser radiation depending on statistical properties of turbulence: refractive index C 2n and dispersion of phase fluctuations. The correction was realized in system which used the different number of the freedom degrees. In this investigation was used a model of the dynamic turbulence that is identical of sequence of phase screens corresponding to the turbulent distortions at the different moments. It is showed that the efficiency of the correction is depending on the dispersion of the intensity of the beam in the plane of the observation.
Impact of the outer scale of air density inhomogeneities in the middle atmosphere on spatial coherence of electromagnetic radiation
Dmitri A. Marakassov
In the report the results of investigation of spatial coherence of electromagnetic wave dependence on statistical characteristics of air density inhomogeneities within the altitude interval 20-70 km are presented. The electromagnetic field characteristics are evaluated in frame of phase shifting screen approximation at the plane placed 2×l03 - 4×103 km behind atmospheric layer. Considering the impact of outer scale of anisotropic atmospheric inhomogeneities on spatial coherence of registered wave the statistical homogeneity on sphere of the refraction index fluctuations is taken into account. In case of infinitely large outer scales the spatial coherence of the wave affected by the random fields with power-law structure functions is proved to be remaining partially whence the power index exceeds 4 in contraposition to the case of statistically homogeneity in space.
Laser optical communication systems with space transmitters
Since 2001 Institute of Astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences is working out space astrometric mission devoted to the basic problems of modern astronomy - establishment of inertial space co-ordinates frame and measurement of parallaxes of any bright star inside our Galaxy. To do this it was necessary to make astrometric instrument with unprecedent precision of few microseconds of arc. We managed to design such instrument, and now we are ready to move up to the Stage "B" of the project and plan the launch of the mission at 2012-2014. Designed device allows measuring directions to the astronomical sources, and it can also be used for telescope pointing to target objects in the space as well as on the Earth. If optical receiver/transmitter telescope is paced on the geostationary orbit, the laser beam from 1-meter telescope will illuminate a patch on the Earth's surface about 30 meters. To provide stable connection between space and Earth's telescopes it is necessary to have pointing accuracy for both telescopes not worse then 0,015". It is obvious that propagation of light beam through Earth's atmosphere must be very carefully pre-calculated. Besides refraction that changes beam direction, the transmitted from Earth laser beam will be widened by atmosphere turbulence. Widened to diameter 5" beam has to be 500 times more powerful then undistorted one, so study of possible ways of fine handling of the passed through atmosphere beams is valuable for creation of laser communications systems.
Nonparametric robust estimates of the shift and scale parameters
I. V. Rymar, V. A. Simakhin
In the present study, a class of nonparametric robust estimates of the shift and scale parameters (μ, S) of the form (please see manuscript for formula) is synthesized by the weighted maximum likelihood method based on parametric density estimates, where (see manuscript for formula) are the Walsh half-sums, K(u) is the kernel function, and W(u) is the weighting function: (see formula in manuscript.) The radicalness parameter I determines the weighting functions W(zij) executing the process of soft truncation of the estimates depending on a priori information on outliers: the estimates converge to maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) at l = 1 and to radical estimates at l = 0.5. The adaptive estimates converge to radical ones. They belong to the class of nonparametric estimates of implicit parameters, and their study is performed based on the generalized M-estimates.
Adaptive robust estimates of shift and scale parameters
I. V. Rymar, V. A. Simakhin
An analysis of the radicalness criteria and robust estimation algorithms allows us to conclude that all these estimates can be derived based on the weighted maximum likelihood method (WMLM) with the estimation function of the form (see manuscript for formula). In the present study, robust estimates of shifts and scales are synthesized in the class of Student's global supermodels and approximately normal distributions depending on the radicalness parameter l. Algorithms of adaptive robust estimates are suggested. They allow estimates to be adapted to distribution types and local deviations.
Fire detection from space: correction for the distorting effect of the atmosphere
An analysis of the results of spaceborne fire detection in the Tomsk Region of Western Siberia allows us to conclude the following. Complex situations often arise in satellite observations in the presence of the atmospheric aerosol or the semitransparent cloudiness when standard algorithms cannot detect automatically small-sized fires from space. In such situations, the problem can be solved successfully by using the atmospheric correction of satellite measurements for the distorting effect of the atmosphere based on atmospheric radiance/scattering models. In this case, a priori information on the optical and meteorological parameters of the atmosphere and on the geometry of observations is used. In the present study, some results of numerical simulation and atmospheric correction for the distorting effect of the atmosphere in the problem of fire detection are given.
Edge effect reduction for interference fringe tracer
Vitaly G. Maximov, Valery A. Tartakovsky, Serge A. Chudinov
During processing of fringes interferogram, a missing data of the interferogram fringes in area of the aperture edge make difficulties for positioning of the equal-phase lines. It results in mistakes of the phase surface recovering at boundary of the interferogram area. Inaccuracy of building of the equal-phase lines in the marginal area directly connected with the width of the interference fringes. In this paper the method of interference fringe tracing in the marginal interferogram area is proposed, the influence of extrapolation of the equal-phase lines on the accuracy of the phase recovering is investigated, results of closed numerical experiments on the interferogram processing are presented.
The effect of the Gaussian inhomogeneity of a laser beam on the interferometric measurement error
V. G. Maximov, G. V. Simonova, V. A. Tartakovsky
The accuracy of an interference measurement experiment depends on the conditions of the fringe pattern formation. This work is a study into the influence of the Gaussian inhomogeneity of a laser beam on the error of the wavefront reconstruction. The illuminating laser beam is represented as a Gaussian model. It has been demonstrated that the efficient size of the laser beam influences the measurement error, and this effect is the most pronounced in evaluation of the interferograms with a small number of fringes, especially during high-precision measurements.
Optimal polarization characteristics of instruments recording the scattered radiation
V. G. Oshlakov, V. K. Oshlakov, T. A. Eryomina
The paper describes the operation of an instrument recording a signal from a radiation source scattered by the medium with the known scattering phase matrix. If the recording is made in the absence of background, the Stokes vector parameters are determined So of a radiation source, providing the maximum intensity of a scattered signal. If the recording is made with the availability of the background, characterized by the Stokes vector parameters Sf, the Stokes vector parameters S0 are determined of the radiation source and the receiver polarization characteristics, providing on its sensitive element the maximum ratio between the radiation source scattered signal intensity and the background intensity.
Telluric line dynamics and daytime seeing
Sergey A. Chupin, Nikolai I. Kobanov
Simultaneously measured shifts in solar and telluric lines of solar spectrum1 help in revealing the effect of atmospheric instabilities on observations of solar line-of-sight velocities and in decreasing the errors. This paper begins investigations into a possible relationship between seeing and the spectrum of quasi-periodic shifts in telluric water and oxygen lines.
Small angle model of radiative transfer in a binary Markovian mixture
M. S. Noskova
By use of the small angle approximation a set of differential equations describing the space and angular Fourier-specters of the ensemble average intensity in a binary Markovian mixture is considered. Within the framework of this approach analytical expressions for the following values where obtained: the total transferred energy and the effective radius of a narrow beam; the angular dispersion and the intensity of an infinite wide beam; the optical transfer function of the binary Markovian mixture. Results of the analysis show that radiation transfer through binary Markovian mixture differs considerably from transfer through a uniform mixture, and are strongly dependent on the size of the medium inhomogeneities, and the difference of the optical parameters of the mixture components.
Precision and application range of the quasi-single scattering approximation at the calculation of the backscattering signal
V. P. Budak, A. V. Lubenchenko
In this paper the problem of the light reflection from a turbid medium slab is considered. The method of the single scattering separation on a scattering leading to the radiative propagation direction veering concerning a surface normal, and on a scattering not leading to that is offered. The reflectance factor is represented as a series on the scattering multiplicities with a single change of the direction. For each multiplicity the precise linear integro-differential equation with homogeneous boundary conditions is arrived. The application of the discrete ordinates method brings to the linear matrix equations. The solution of these equations without using the small angle approximation in the form of the matrix exponential curves is obtained. The application range of the quasi-single scattering approximation is uniquely determined.
Green's function calculation of the radiative transfer equation in the media with anisotropic scattering
V. P. Budak, O. P. Melamed
The solution of the radiative transfer equation for a point unidirectional source is offered using the transformation of spherical geometry to flat. The allocation of the small angle part allows taking into account the solution singularities.
Calculation of polarization parameters of light fields in turbid media with an anisotropic scattering
V. P. Budak, S. V. Korkin
The analytical expression for solving the radiative transfer problem of the arbitrary polarized light in scattering and absorption media in small angle approximation for aerosol scattering matrix is offered. The comparison of the results obtained by using this analytical formula and by the direct matrix computation is realized.
Effective computational method of the light fields in three-dimensional medium with an anisotropic scattering
Practically all the real problems of the atmospheric and oceanic optics are based on the solution of the radiative transfer equation (RTE) for three-dimensional (3D) medium area with a strong anisotropic scattering. In case of the flat medium geometry the most effective method of the RTE solution is the approach, when the difference between the exact solution and the solution of RTE in the small angle approximation (SAA) is determined. As SAA contains all the singularities of the exact solution, the indicated difference is a smooth angle function that essentially simplifies its determination by any numerical method. The most general SAA form is the small angle modification of the spherical harmonics method (MSH), an analytic form of which is a series on surface harmonic. It determined the choice of the spherical harmonics (SH) method for the definition of the indicated difference. However at the transition to 3D medium geometry the SH method loses its efficiency because of the huge difficulties of the statement of the boundary conditions. At the same time an analytic form of SAA allows easily to calculate the scattering integral in RTE and to determinate the source function. In this case the rest can be determined by the discrete ordinates method (DOM). In DOM RTE is exchanged to a set of the ordinary differential equations for the directions fixed in space (rays) that essentially simplifies a statement of both arbitrary boundary conditions, and accommodation to the complex 3D medium geometry. Such approach is similar to SHDOM, but exceeds it at the convergence rate.
Radiation transfer in space limited optically active dispersion medium
The optical radiation absorbed by a dispersion medium of the finite size has been investigated. It has been showed that the value of energy absorbed depends not only on individual properties of molecules but mainly on the optical volume of medium that can be determinant in evaluating the amount of luminescence yielded. A new mechanism which accompanies a concentrated quenching of luminescence has been discussed.
Radiation intensity distribution at output of space limited dispersion medium
The influence of space limited dispersion medium on the radiation distribution and picture quality properties obtained from the scattering medium of finite sizes have been investigated. Analytical expressions were obtained for calculation of radiation distribution, border function and visibility of light fringe function. It has been shown that space limited dispersion medium and lighting conditions influence much the picture quality properties.
Propagation of cross beams through atmospheric turbulence
Propagation properties of cross beam in turbulent medium are studied. A cross beam is constructed by the sum of two highly asymmetric Gaussian beams placed along transverse axes. It is known that such beams, when propagating in free space, will exhibit contrasting diffraction behaviours; they expand widely in one axis, while they are almost non-diffracting in the other axis within useful link lengths. This behaviour allows detecting the two components and a sum component if desired separately with a practical multiaperture receiver. Bearing in mind that this property can be exploited for a diversity scheme, our present work focuses on the propagation of such beams in turbulent atmosphere. To this end, starting with a source field expression of the cross beam, the second order mutual coherence function is formulated at the receiver plane. Intensity plots describing the dependence on the source and propagation parameters on the receiver plane are provided. The results tend to confirm the applicability of the concept provided the design parameters are appropriately chosen. For a decisive assessment, however, turbulence-induced beam wander must also be examined.
Method of moments to solve a problem of wavefront reconstruction under images
Gennadii L. Degtyarev, Anatolii V. Makhan'ko, Sergei M. Chernyavskii, et al.
The new moment relations connecting function of wavefront aberrations of an optical system and numerical performances of distribution of intensity in the image are obtained. The method of wavefront reconstruction under images of a source in several parallel planes is offered.
Analysis of a multiple scattering lidar return from droplet clouds
A. I. Abramochkin, I. I. Razenkov
Results of application of incoherent spatial filtering for structure analysis of lidar returns from clouds are presented. The revolver disk with a set of the spatial filter windows provides multiple-field-of-view of the receiver system. There is an agreement between data recorded and model estimates considering the power contribution of double scattering component due to diffraction of the sounding radiation in a droplet cloud.
Gas-dynamic explosion of water microparticles under action high-power femtosecond laser pulses
Alexander A. Zemlyanov, Yuri E. Geints, Dmitrii V. Apeksimov
Among the broad audience of problems of atmospheric nonlinear optics the important place is occupied with a problem about interaction of intensive laser radiation with water microparticles. Drops, being in a field of powerful light radiation, owing to effects of evaporation or explosion change the optical characteristics and influence on the optical properties of an environment. It results to that process and the distribution of intensive laser radiation in a particle is characterized by self-influence and is capable to change the internal power of a drop due to occurrence of areas of optical breakdown. In the report the model of destruction of water microparticles under action of supershort laser radiation is submitted. The physical contents of model is the effect of shock boiling up of a liquid at it gas-dynamic expansion from areas subject to optical breakdown.
Peculiarities of femtosecond laser beam filamentation in aerosol medium
The filamentation behavior of femtosecond laser pulses in air in the presence of aerosol on the optical path is simulated numerically on the base of (3D+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The effect of a localized attenuating layer modeling an aerosol medium extinction on the spatial extension and evolution of a light filament is investigated. It is shown for the first time that the filamentation length depends not only on the optical depth of the aerosol layer and pulse peak power but also on aerosol location on the propagation path. The length of the filament is maximal if the nonlinear focus of the beam is located behind the aerosol layer rather than before it.
Integral parameters of high-power femtosecond laser radiation during filamentation in air
The main effective parameters of high-power femtosecond laser radiation (energy transfer coefficient, effective radius, effective duration, limiting angular divergence, and effective intensity) during its propagation along an atmospheric horizontal path under the conditions of filamentation have been investigated theoretically. It is shown that the process of self-action of this radiation is characterized by formation of a nonlinearity layer, after which the radiation propagates linearly with the limiting divergence lower that the initial diffraction-limited divergence of the beam. The effective pulse duration and the effective beam radius increase after the passage through the nonlinearity layer, and their values are mostly determined by the initial beam power and weakly depending on the initial spatial focusing of the beam. The coefficient of energy transmission for the femto-second pulse is lower than in the linear medium and has a tendency to decrease with the increase of the power.
Filamentation of powerful frequency-modulated femtosecond laser pulse on a vertical path in the atmosphere
The possibility of chirped laser pulses application for "high-altitude" light filament generation during propagation of the high-power femtosecond radiation on vertical atmospheric path taking into account the changing of a nonlinear interactions constants versus altitude. It is shown on the basis of the model of barometrical reduction of the air density and corresponding increase of the critical self-focusing power we can really operate the nonlinear beam focus location using chirping. The pulse without frequency modulation propagates on th path in linear regime without filament forming and chirping of such pulse leads to its temporal compression and as a result to light filament formation with high peak intensity.
Fluorescence of organic molecules in the microcavity at two-photon absorption
The problem about fluorescence of organic molecules located in micropartical-cavity at two-photon absorption in the condition of laser pulse radiation influence taking into account stimulated transitions was theoretically investigated. The approach based on the metod of open-resonator theory with light fields expanded in series of quasinormal vibrational eigenmodes of a dielectric full sphere was used. For active molecules in microcavity the model of generalized two-level system noted with processes of two-photon absorption and emission, spontaneous and stimulated emissions on stokes frequencies was considered. The kinetic equations solution were obtained.
Methods for correction of the aerosol optical thickness of the atmosphere in the wavelength range 0.4 to 12 micron
Three improved methods for correction ofthe aerosol optical thickness of the atmosphere are presented. The first method provides for obtaining the absolute values AOT or their relative spectral behavior in some wavelength ranges. The method enables to find and exclude systematic errors in AOT. The second method requires knowing the absolute value of AOT in the only wavelength range. The values AOT in other wavelength ranges are corrected. The third method is used at complete absence of the absolute values or the relative spectral behavior of AOT. It is called "the method of zero point". This method suggested equating with zero the minimum value of AOT in one of the wavelength ranges. In contrast to the methods suggested earlier, where the orthogonal rms regression was used for determining the relation between different ranges of the spectrum of AOT, new methods use the generalized formula of linear regression obtained taking into account the random errors in the attracted data.
Peculiarities of the diurnal dynamics of the aerosol optical thickness of the atmosphere in IR wavelength range and its physical interpretation
Yu. A. Pkhalagov, V. N. Uzhegov, S. M. Sakerin, et al.
Analysis is carried out of the diurnal dynamics of the aerosol optical thickness of the atmosphere τA(λ) and the aerosol extinction coefficients in the near-ground layer α(λ) in the wavelength range λ = 0.44 - 1.06 μm, as well as of the vertical turbulent heat flux, measured simultaneously in June 2004 in the region of Tomsk. It is revealed that aerosol extinction in the near-ground layer in the range λ = 1.06 μm under conditions of small cloud fraction continuously increases during a day, but the aerosol optical thickness increases before 12-2 p.m., and then rapidly decreases. Probably, this fact is one of the factors of weak correlation between variations of the aerosol extinction of optical radiation on a near-ground path and in the atmospheric column. It is shown that the diurnal dynamics of τA(1.06) well correlates with the dynamics of the vertical turbulent heat flux.
The self-organizing mechanisms of atmosphere: unified field of waves
Ju. I. Rusinov
The atmosphere is shown in the context of a mode of the unified wave field, that was published before. On the basis of the law of conservation of symmetry of increments the model unifies the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions in one construction, explains the mechanisms of rotary and forward movements, the mechanisms of generation, absorption and the reflection of waves. Gases, fumes and aerosols, making up the atmosphere are considered on this basis as trial, describing a condition of the field structure of medium. The knowledge of self-organizing of atmosphere at a level of mechanisms opens the prospect of long-term forecasting of climate changes and also assumes an opportunity of taking over control the overcast by means of physical influence on the field structure, that is primary concerning the observable cloudy layer.
Reflectance of small-size optics
V. V. Nosov
Expressions for reflection coefficient (reflectance) of commonly used small-size optics (TV cameras, video cameras, cameras, binoculars etc.), when a receiver acts as a reflector, have been obtained. A generalized Airy formula taking into account phase incursion owing to surfaces curvature has been determined. It is shown that primary contribution into small-size optics reflectance is made by an objectives front (entrance) surface. This surface is usually an air-crownglass boundary with a reflectance of about 4%. The reflection coefficient of such optics coincides in shape with a typical initial condition for Gaussian beam. It is shown that a plane wave falling on the small-size optics reflects in the form of spherical wave.
Ultra-fast dynamics of the refractive index in laser-excited water
P. Palyanov, F. Quere, Ph. Martin, et al.
We report the experimental study of the ultra-fast modification of the dielectric function of pure water by an intense femtosecond laser pulse. Using a time-resolved optical interferometric technique, we measured the variation of the phase shift, which is proportional to the modification of the real part of the refractive index, as well as the variation of the fringes contrast, proportional to the modification of the absorption coefficient. We first observe a positive phase shift due to Kerr effect and immediately followed a negative one. After 200 fs, the phase shift becomes positive and remains so for at least 3 ps. Using the simple Drude -Lorentz model, we interpret this evolution as the result of electron self-trapping.
Service-oriented calculator of atmospheric aerosol's physical and chemical properties
Nikita A. Prokopov
Atmospheric calculator is a toolset to help users work with atmospheric optics formulas. It was originally written in 2001, and now there is new implementation. New calculator based on modem principals of programming and uses a lot of modem technologies: web-services, java 2 enterprise edition (J2EE), service orchestration, web ontology and so on. For implementing calculator, special middleware was developed. It's universal service integration technology and can be used for different application, including atmospheric calculator.
Transformation of the optical properties and microstructure of aerosol during smog formation in Beijing
Mikhail A. Sviridenkov, Alexander S. Emilenko, Gengchen Wang
The results of study of smog formation in Beijing based on the data of nephelometric measurements are presented. In smog situations, the visual range may reach the values less than 1 km. It was found that the increase of the aerosol volume concentration during smog formation is caused mainly by the growth of particles. Matched variations of the particle's effective radius, refractive index and black carbon volume fraction in a smog episode were observed.
Investigation of latitudinal and seasonal characteristics of tropical cyclone generation processes using Pelevin criterion
V. N. Pelevin, V. V. Rostovtseva, I. V. Goncharenko
The three-stage thermodynamical model of tropical cyclone generation is suggested. According to this model the decisive role for tropical cyclone starting plays combination of the three following factors: high ocean surface temperature, high value of air humidity and low wind velocity in the atmospheric layer above water surface. All these parameters can be successfully measured by microwave radiometry methods, satellite microwave scanner data giving the possibility to examine the distribution of these physical parameters over different aquatoria of World Ocean and to follow their alteration within the day. A new complex criterion Ω was developed which we gave the name of Pelevin criterion. It is calculated using the values of ocean surface temperature, water vapor amount in the air layer above water surface and Carioles parameter that depends on the place latitude. The value of the criterion is shown to be proportional to the probability of cyclones generation estimated by frequency of cyclones generation in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans during the 1 6-year-period. Using the maps of monthly averaged ocean surface temperature and humidity of the adjacent atmospheric air layer in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans the distribution of average values of Pelevin criterion over these aquatoria is calculated. The obtained results give the possibility to explain seasonal and latitudinal peculiarities of tropical cyclones generation.
Application of the wavelet-transform to the analysis of spatiotemporal wind velocity field structure
With the use of the wavelet-transform, the analysis was performed of time series of wind velocity measured by the Doppler lidar at different altitudes. The possibility of identifying of regular structures with consistent behaviour was demonstrated. It was shown that at a local phase adjustment of equally-scaled fluctuations, for these structures there can be identified the time-frequency intervals of strong coherence. This approach can be effective in identifying and studying coherent formations in the atmosphere.
Laser IR spectroscopy of HeH+ and H+3: new approaches to standard theory and experiment
Gleb E. Kulikov, Vladimir M. Mikhailov
The protonited helium molecular ion HeH+ and the hydrogen molecular ion H+3 are investigated by the methods of laser JR spectroscopy in near JR region.The two types of lasers are used in experimental setup for planned experimental investigation of HeH+ and H+3. The two modern theoretical conceptions are applied for the first time for the construction of effective Hamiltonian and effective dipole moments for ions under consideration: the linked ordered schemas of vibrational - rotational interactions and pseudoangular momentum for double degenerated mode of H+3. Nonlinear sequence transformation methods are applicated for analysis of rotational and vibrational dependencies of effective Hamiltonian and effective dipole moments.
Monitoring of atmospheric ozone profile over Siberian Region using MODIS data
Anatoly A. Lagutin, Yury A. Nikulin, Vladimir V. Zuev, et al.
First results of operational retrieval of atmospheric ozone profile from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) infrared radiances over Siberian Region are presented. Nearly identical copies of MODIS are operating onboard the Earth Observing System (EOS) Tena and Aqua satellites. MODIS images have been collected using EOScan receiving station located in Barnaul. The modified Product Generation Executable (PGE) 03 code, including synthetic regression retrieval algorithm, PGE 02 and the International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package (IMAPP) have been used to retrieve the vertical ozone distributions under clear-sky conditions. Evaluation of retrieved ozone profiles is performed by a comparison with retrievals from lidar observations, the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE 111)/Meteor-3M and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)/Aqua sensors. We demonstrate, that the MODIS mixing ozone ratio (in ppmv) and additionally measured temperature information will be useful tools in regional stratospheric ozone studies. The main role of MODIS will be the monitoring of the ozone trends in the stratosphere at the scale with 5 km x 5 km resolutions.
Optical Investigation of Atmosphere and Ocean
Sound propagation in the atmosphere above the ground surface at long distances
The problem of near-ground sound propagation in the atmosphere is considered. The results of theoretical and field experimental investigations of the influence of the atmospheric channel and underlying surface parameters on the audible-frequency sound propagation are given. A hardware-software complex for real-time estimation of the field of the mean sound pressure level from a remote sound source in the ground atmospheric layer is described. The software package allows the sound source parameters, vertical profiles of the main meteorological parameters, characteristics of the underlying surface, and the parameters of the atmospheric turbulence to be taken into account. The efficiency of predicting the maximum range of sound broadcasting is demonstrated. The results of numerical estimation and field tests of this complex for distances from the acoustic source up to 6 km are also presented in the report.
Model estimation of the lidar ratio of submicron aerosol containing black carbon
Svetlana A. Terpugova, Mikhail V. Panchenko, Valerii S. Kozlov
The paper is devoted to numerical simulation of the lidar ratio for aerosol containing black carbon (BC) in visible wavelength range at different assumptions about the content of BC in aerosol particles. The results of the study can be useful when interpreting the data of lidar measurements.
Atmospheric particulate matter variability in an industrial center from multi-wavelength lidar and Sun-sky radiometer measurements
A. Chaikovsky, A. Ivanov, M. Korol, et al.
Ambient air pollution with particulate matter constitutes a significant public health danger. The potential health effect depends on parameters of suspended particles. The paper develops a procedure for studying aerosol microstructure variability in the lower atmospheric layer over the territory of an industrial center by a multi-wavelength scanning lidar and a Sun-sky radiometer. An algorithm for data processing of a comprehensive experiment uses integral optical parameters of the aerosol layer provided by the radiometer as a prior information to process lidar data while retrieving spatial distribution of aerosol microstructure. A long series of combined lidar and radiometer measurements have been carried out in Minsk. The observed temporal changes of total column amount of fine and coarse aerosol fractions are discussed in the paper. Statistical characteristics of particle size distributions have been evaluated. The spatial variability of fine and coarse aerosol fraction concentrations was observed over the city. Comparison of aerosol concentration distributions during two year observations reveals stable zones with increased concentration of fine particles, possible reason being technological peculiarities of industrial enterprises located in these regions.
Instrumentation for remote passive gas analysis of methane and ethane in the atmosphere
S. F. Balandin, S. A. Shishigin
A correlative spectral apparatus was cultivated, it allows to determine distantly the maintenance of the gases: methane and ethane on line, registration the infra-red radiation in region of 7,8 μm and 12,2 μm. The background concentration of methane on the level 1,6 ppm can be revealed on line, which length is more than 50 m., but for ethane, by the same concentration - 300 m. The given apparatus can be used for distance control of methane concentration in force mines and coal sections. It allows to reveal on-the-fly the local places of oil and gas escapes out of the oil and gas pipelines.
Light scattering properties of hexagonal plate-like crystals
Igor A. Grishin
Results of calculation of the Mueller matrices for the ice crystal particles of different hexagonal shapes are presented. The computational technique is based on the geometrical optics approximation and the ray-tracing method. The regularities of main optical phenomena (halo, parhelion and etc.) are discussed in case of crystals with random and preferred orientation in space. The comparison of phase functions computed for plate-like crystals with different shapes (solid plate, stellar dendrite, sector plate, hexagonal star-like plate) shows similarity of their scattering properties.
Influence of thermodynamic parameters on the spectral characteristics of heated carbon and nitrogen oxides
Olga K. Voitsekhovskaya, Alexander Yu. Zaprjagaev, Igor V. Golub
Passive methods of remote analysis of gases of industrial enterprises and aircraft engines and gases ejected in eruptions of volcanoes, in fires, and in other processes disturbing the atmosphere are now of limited utility because of the lack of well-developed mathematical techniques for solving the inverse problems of gas analysis. The current status of research does not offer reliable tools for finding spatial distributions of thermodynamic parameters of a gas medium from passive remote measurements. Possible significant concentrations and temperatures, typical, for example, of forest fire, lead to an optically dense medium for which exponential relations, such as the Bouguer law, are not informative. This calls for the the new ways for processing optical measurements, some of them are suggested in the paper. The current status of research does not offer reliable tools for finding spatial distribution of thermodynamic parameters of the gas medium from remote measurements. At the same time the direct task to determine the spectral gas characteristics requires additional development too. In the given paper the consideration for gaseous carbon and nitrogen oxides and analysis of an error arising at application of homogeneous layer approximation to gas volume with essential gradients of temperatures and concentration will be carried out. The account of transmissivity and emissivity of gases was made in the spectral region of the fundamental bands from 1400 up to 24OOcm-1 for temperatures 300-3000K. The most effective possibility to analyze the reliability of calculated spectral line parameter databases fully is the Planck-mean absorption coefficient and the comparison with the other authors calculation results was fulfilled.
Lidar observation of midlatitude stratospheric aerosols in long-term volcanically quiet period
Vladimir Burlakov, Vladimir Zuev, Sergey Dolgii, et al.
We analyze the data of measurements of the optical characteristics of stratospheric aerosol layer (SAL), obtained at the Siberian Lidar Station of lAO SB RAS in Tomsk (56°N, 85°E). The data are considered in comparison with results of previous years of observations in Tomsk and at other midlatitude stations of the Northern Hemisphere. The results characterize SAL state in extended volcanically quiet period. The last explosive volcanic eruption was observed in June 1991 (volcano Pinatubo). For the first time such a SAL state is studied using modem ground-based and satellite measurement facilities. The results of observations show that the background levels of the natural aerosols in the stratosphere may be lower than was considered earlier. The anthropogenic growth of background stratospheric aerosol content is not observed. The presence of seasonality and quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), with a characteristic increase of aerosol content at midlatitudes in periods of intensification of winter-spring meridional transport from tropical belt to midlatitudes and in westerly QBO phases, is an evidence in favor of hypothesis about the presence of tropical reservoir of not only volcanic but also background stratospheric aerosol.
Investigations of Baikal Lake water absorption with ASP-15 device: measurement method and experimental data
Grigorii P. Kokhanenko, Boris A. Tarashchansky, Nikolai M. Budnev, et al.
Operation of the device ASP-15 is analyzed in the paper. The device is arranged in the south part of Lake Baikal, and it is capable of all-the-year-round measurements of hydro-optical characteristics at the depths down to 1300 m. The method for determining the absorption coefficient is based on measurement of the rate of decrease of the irradiance from an isotropic source with the distance between the source and the receiver. Possible reasons of appearance of anomalous dependences of the irradiance with the distance are revealed on the basis of numerical simulation, and the errors of the applied method are estimated. The experimental data obtained by means of the device ASP-15 last years are presented.
Optical methods for research of uranium hexafluoride under conditions imitating the atmosphere
I. I. Gerin, S. T. Penin, L. K. Chistyakova
Capabilities of optical methods in real-time monitoring of uranium hexafluoride and products of its hydrolysis in the air over the production areas have been studied experimentally in the process of hydrolysis of uranium hexafluoride under controlled conditions imitating the atmosphere. The scattering and absorption coefficients were used to study the process of formation and kinetics of aerosols at interaction of UF6 with water vapor. It has been shown that time of aerosol formation is mostly determined by time of the hydrolysis, and the lifetime of aerosols is determined by diffusion and convective processes, as well as coagulation. At low concentrations of the parent material the effect of coagulation on the process of aerosol formation is insignificant because of low collision probability of particles. When initial concentration of UF6 (up to 20 g×m-3) increases hydrolysis occurs faster, and particles are generated during minutes and less. At tenfold excess over the H20, concentration the intense (active) volume hydrolysis of uranium hexafluoride occurs with formation of aerosols even at the low concentration of UF6, and this hydrolysis terminates within first 20 min. At lower concentrations of initial substances (~25 μg×m-3), the process of intense hydrolysis proceeds slower and generation of aerosol has no pronounced time interval. It should be emphasized that termination of the intense hydrolysis does not mean complete termination of the reaction that indicate presence of a "penetrative fraction" of UF6, which continues to react with H20 and hydrolysis products more than hour. The experiments showed that optical methods allow rather reliable detection of low concentrations of radioactive and toxic admixtures at UF6 hydrolysis at the level exceeding the MPC, and the equipment based on these methods is capable of providing the reliable monitoring of pre-emergency situations; in addition, this equipment is relatively cheap and convenient in use.
Degradation of fast electron energy and atomic hydrogen generation in an emission plume from atomic power stations
G. A. Kolotkov, S. T. Penin, L. K. Chistyakova
The problem of remote detecting of a radioactivity in emissions from atomic power stations (APS) is devoted. The basic radionuclides contained in emissions of nuclear energy stations with various types of reactors have been analyzed. The total power spectrum of electrons is determined taking into account their multiplication. Physical and chemical reactions reducing to generation of atomic hydrogen are considered. For definition of the radiating volume in the emission from APS, the spatial distribution of atomic hydrogen concentration has been calculated with the use Pasquill- Gifford model. Power radiating by the emission plume from the APS with the BWR (Boiling Water Reactor) is estimated. It has been shown, that for estimation of radiation effect on the atmosphere, it is necessary to take into account many generations of electrons, because they have average energies exceeding considerably the ionization potentials for atoms and molecules of the atmospheric components. The area of the maximum concentration of atomic hydrogen in an emission plume can be determined by modelling the transport processes of admixture. The power radiated at frequency 1420 MHz by the volume 1 km from the APS emissions can amount to ~10 -13 W that allows one to detect the total level of activity confidently. The possible configuration of an emission plume has been calculated for various atmospheric stratification and underlying surfaces.
Nonlinear crystals for optical parametric oscillators pumped by light pulses of near IR lasers
A method is developed to solve the system of shortened equations describing parametric generation in a one-frequency OPO cavity under nanosecond pulsed pumping. The frequency conversion coefficient for ZnGeP2, AgGaSe2, and HgGa2S4 crystals and the optimal reflection coefficient of the output mirror are estimated versus the pump energy density Wp at different values ofthe OPO nonstationarity parameter γ. It is found that for any Wp an optimal value of the pump pulse duration τp, exists stipulated by the parametric oscillation threshold. It is concluded that OPO with high (up to tens of watt) output power can be developed.
New nonlinear LiGa(SexS1-x)2crystal for frequency conversion of IR- lasers
Solid solutions with partial substitution of ligand ions are promising mediums for nonlinear optical applications. Biaxial LiGa(SexS1-x)2 (O less than or equal to xl) crystals are characterized by extremely wide transparency range, (0.32 - 13.2) μm, relatively high nonlinear coefficients (5. 1-1 8.2 pm/V) and are promising for effective nonlinear optical interactions in visible -mid IR range. The dispersion of the refractive indices ni (i = x,y,z) has been investigated, the Sellmeier equations have been defined also. Tuning curves of optical parametric oscillator pumped by Nd:YAG-laser cover longer wavelength part of crystal transparency spectrum without interruption. The acceptable composition ratio of two parent crystals in a mixed nonlinear crystal has been developed for second harmonic and optical parametric generations. Sometimes by changing mixing ratio x it is possible to realized near noncritical phase-matching. LiGa(SexS1-x)2 crystals are attractive for frequency conversion of femtosecond Ti: sapphire laser because group-velocity- matching holds in direction of phase-matching also.
On the efficiency of rotational-vibrational Raman spectroscopy methods in laser sensing of the cloudy atmosphere
G. M. Krekov, M. M. Krekova
The Monte Carlo numerical experiment has been used to study the efficiency of rotational-vibrational Raman spectroscopy during laser sensing of temperature and humidity in the atmosphere. In the real atmosphere, the main source of active noise, limiting the potential capabilities of a lidar, is multiple scattering of a laser signal by aerosol and cloud particles. Under the lower- and middle-level overcast conditions, the Raman lidar is inapplicable. It is an urgent problem to estimate the limits of the Raman sensing applicability in the presence of aerosol inversions and invisible upper-level cirrus clouds. In this paper, we estimate a possible shift of vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, and the ratio of H20 vapor mixture due to the multiple scattering noise in the recording channel for cases of ground-based and orbital sensing. The boundary conditions of the problem correspond to those of the most efficient active lidars of the European lidar network, using the signals of purely rotational and rotational-vibrational Raman scattering induced by the pulsed Nd:YAG laser radiation at a wavelength of 532.25 nm. The estimates confirm the promises of applying the methods of rotational-vibrational Raman spectroscopy to sensing the temperature in a height range 2-20 km, while the errors in estimation of water vapor profiles achieve 10- 15%.
On effectiveness of lidar differential absorption methods under conditions of cloudy atmosphere
G. M. Krekov, M. M. Krekova
Reducing of systematic errors in lidar measurements caused by differential extinction and backscattering by aerosol and cloud particles is a key problem in determination of the ozone concentration in the atmosphere. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of different algorithms of the method of differential absorption (MDA) has been carried out in the frameworks of the method of statistical tests for the cases of elastic and inelastic scattering. They include the canonical MDA technique, in which the ozone concentration profile is calculated using the ratio of two signals measured at the "on" and "off" wavelengths in the vicinity of the absorption band. The peculiarities of the classic Raman and new rotation rotation-vibration methods are considered. It is shown that the presence of multiple scattering depending on the wavelength and differential absorption by cloud droplets are the main sources of systematic errors in measuring the ozone concentration. It dictates the necessity of correction.
The lidar signal of double scattering from the removed droplet and crystalline clouds
V. V. Bryukhanova, A. A. Doroshkevich, N. S. Pirogov
The paper discusses the problem of numerical simulations of the lidar returns that account for contributions from single and double scattering from dense aerosol formations. We have calculated the power and the polarization degree of the double scattering lidar return from droplet and crystalline clouds at different distances and with different field of view of the lidar receiver.
Studies on distribution of sulfur dioxide and ozone in Southeastern Siberia
V. L. Potemkin, I. V. Latysheva, V. L. Makukhin, et al.
This work presents the analysis of data on sulfur dioxide concentrations in Irkutsk surroundings in winter-spring 2005 obtained with the gas-analyzer and the comparison of these data with meteorological conditions for the same period. The digital model of distribution and transformation of admixtures helps to reveal the areas with increased level of pollution by sulfur compounds in the region of Lake Baikal. Data on calculations and measurements of sulfur dioxide concentrations are in good correlation. Types of meteorological conditions contributing to the atmosphere pollution have been determined. Areas of maximal concentrations of ozone have been calculated. It has been revealed that velocity and direction of winds and concentration of water vapour influence the processes of distribution and transformation of admixtures.
Application of laser induced fluorescence lidar for remote sensing of vegetation
The possibilities of applying a fluorescent lidar based on the second harmonic of Nd:YAG laser to study vegetation under natural conditions are analyzed. The dynamics of development has been studied for several species of arboreous plants grown in Western Siberia in a five-year measurement cycle. The fluorescent lidar developed has been used for identification of plant species and for investigation of fading processes caused by adverse environment. It is shown that the fluorescent signal can be used for remote detection of plant stresses at earlier stages, when there are no visible symptoms. For the first time the quantitative relations are established between the intensity of red nanosecond fluorescence and the chlorophyll concentration in needles and leaves of the most typical representatives of West- Siberian arboreous plants. Fluorescent data were checked using the traditional spectrophoton-ietric method. The spectrophotometric data and lidar measurements were used to calibrate the lidar. and this calibration has allowed the chlorophyll concentration in arboreous plants to be determined from the ratio of signals of laser-induced fluorescence.
Sequential variational data assimilation
A. V. Penenko
The algorithm of variational data assimilation in real time [1] is considered. It is a modification of the general algorithm of inverse modeling [2,3] under condition that the time interval of data assimilation is equal to one step of discretization of the model of processes and target functional. The purpose of work is to carry out investigation of the quality of numerical schemes and algorithms of this technique taking one and two-dimensional non-stationary models of advective - diffusive transport of pollutants in the atmosphere as examples. The comparison of data assimilation schemes based on the time-local adjoint problems with Kalman type algorithms show the advantage of the former in efficiency and labor cost. Some numerical results are presented.
Variations of the dispersed composition of haze at the increase of turbidity of the atmosphere as assessed from data of aerosol optical thickness in Tomsk
R. F. Rakhimov, E. V. Makienko, D. M. Kabanov, et al.
The problem of mean statistic variability of the state of the aerosol component is considered in the paper on the basis of the data of spectral measurements of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) obtained in Tomsk in 2000-2002. The characteristic variations of the atmospheric haze particle size spectrum at the increase of the atmospheric turbidity is considered on the basis of inverting the spectral data. The estimates show that, in average, the increase of the atmospheric turbidity is caused by growth of the content of the accumulative fraction. Formation of the well-pronounced mode of intermediately dispersed particles is characteristic of the states of the atmosphere with enhanced turbidity. Analysis of histograms of the distribution density N(τε) of the spectral values τ(λi) on the interval of the annual variability in 2000-2002 has shown that, in spite of the noticeable inter-annual differences in the statistical distribution of the values of AOT, all histograms of the repetition index have well-pronounced maximum and stable range of the most probable values (MPV).
Recognition and evaluation of cedar forests from aerial photography data
M. S. Petrova, K. T. Protasov, S. N. Velisevich
The problem of evaluation of the bearing part of cedar crown from the data of remote observations is important for hard-to- reach forest areas. Since there are no data on automatic evaluation of the cedar productivity in the literature, we have developed an algorithm for evaluating the characteristics of the upper-level crown from aerial photography data. First, the continuous wavelet transform of the initial photograph is performed in the scales, optimal for separation of tree crowns. At the second stage, the maxima of the transformation coefficients are separated. They determine the centers and boundaries of tree crowns. At the third stage, the objects detected are checked for whether they are cedars. At this stage the Bayes decision rule is used. Finally, at the fourth stage, the cedar age classes are estimated using the Bayes decision rule.
The apparatus-program system for remote detection and analysis of pollution in the atmosphere
Anna I. Isakova, Sergei T. Penin, Liliya K. Chistyakova
The apparatus-program system DAN-2 developed for registration of emission and absorption of optical and microwave radiation initiated by gas-aerosol pollution in the atmosphere is presented. In the DAN-2, the problem of automation of recording processes, storage and processing of the information measured in experiment has been solved. Algorithms of the techniques incorporated in subsystems of the program complex for calculation and estimation of atmospheric anomalies include: - calculation of gas concentration in a plume of industrial emission taking into account gas-aerosol attenuation, an azimuth of the device sighting to a direction on the source and the allocated illumination of the day-time sky; - numerical modeling of formation and distribution of gas-aerosol emission fields in the atmosphere with use of various models (Gaussian, Berlyand, etc.); - the forecast of optical noise in the atmosphere taking into account different types of underground surfaces under various meteorological conditions; - the restoration algorithm of the plume structure using its image. Application of a modular principle has created an opportunity to realize all subsystems independently from each other and in the general complex of programs. As a tool for creation of the system software, the object-oriented instrument of programming Delphi 5.0 has been chosen. It has a number of advantages and distinctive features such as the convenient graphic interface with displaying of calculation results as uniform scrolling tables and graphics, access to the data files, high speed of mathematical calculations, an opportunity of the further expansion and change of the calculation algorithms.
Some aspects of studying an opportunity of influence of external fields and radiations on a condition atmospheric salt aerosol
T. V. Gubareva
The atmospheric aerosols constantly are under action of natural physical fields and radiations (electromagnetic, radioactive, ultrasonic, gravitational). The performances of radiations vary in time and space. The influence of exterior forces is necessary to expect in the field of their boosted variability, labile state of an atmosphere and aerosol systems. The results of laboratory experiments on examination of influence of high-energy electromagnetic fields of a different type on a state of a salt aerosol are given. The influence ultraviolet, X-ray, scale of radiation and cold air plasma on heterogeneous responses in model system <> is explored. Is shown, that the action of hard radiations gives in appreciable change of reactivity of system <>. The interaction is accompanied by change of chemical composition and optical properties of alkali-haloids particles. There is a change of a composition of a gas phase besides.
Optical properties of a salt aerosol in natural and laboratory experiments
T. V. Gubareva
The research technique radioactive, photo and plasma of chemical transmutations of salt particles with the check of structure, composition and optical properties in ultraviolet, visual and infrared range of a spectrum designed. For separate micro crystals are checked structure, composition and optical properties in ultraviolet, visual and infrared range of a spectrum. The experiments show, that the action of short-wave radiations initiates interaction of alkali-haloids crystals with an environmental gas phase. It gives in change of structure and chemical composition of particles of alkalihalides. During experiments it is revealed, that the optical properties alkali-haloids crystals change in ultraviolet, visual and infrared range of a spectrum. Action of small radiation doses it is enough for formation of changes of particles, which are filed by optical methods. Dynamics of change of optical properties of particles of a salt aerosol is analyzed as a result of action of small doses of short-wave radiations.
Influence of mineral suspension on the phytoplankton growth
L. A. Schure, A. D. Aponasenko, P. V. Postnikova, et al.
Effect of organomineral suspension on development of plankton community which are included in microbial food web has been studied in the laboratory and in the field. In the course of the model experiment it was found that in samples with adding suspension the chlorophyll concentration (Cchl) increase runs more intensively and the longer time period. Increase Cchl in the control ran up to 67 days with the following going out to the stationary level at maximum value 220 mkg/l. In samples with adding 100 mg/l suspension the stationary level was not reached to the 80 days of the experiment and the maximum chlorophyll concentration made 520 mkg/l. In field studies it was ascertained that all the parameters related to production characteristics of bacterioplankton as well as to organic matter adsorbed on mineral suspension greatly influence the production characteristics of phytoplankton. The multiplicative model of dependence of a primary production from primary factors of environment: the content of chlorophyll, specific absorption coefficient of light by the dissolved organic matter, content of adsorbed organic matter, bacterial production and destruction, mean size of phytoplankton cells is offered. It would follow from this model that if bacterioplankton production increases twice (at remaining other parameters constant) then primary production will be 2.5 times larger in the Khanka Lake, 1.9 times in the Yenisei River and 1.4 times in Krasnoyarsk water storage.
The problem of retrieval of depth profiles of scattering coefficient from polarization of pulsed lidar return
L. I. Chaikovskaya
In this paper, the technique to retrieve stratification of scattering properties of multiply scattering media with highly elongated phase functions, such as ocean waters, from the time-dependent polarization degree of lidar waveforms measured by mono static lidars with large field-of-views is analyzed. Retrieval errors connected with use in the technique of the equation defined within the theory with initial infinitely wide beam are estimated. An approach to improve retrieval through introducing the correction function into the equation used to invert measured values of the polarization degree of lidar waveforms is suggested and retrieval by this approach is tested.
Investigation of the aerosol optical thickness of the atmosphere in South Atlantic during the 19th cruise of RV Akademik Sergei Vavilov
The results obtained in a new cycle of investigations of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) are presented.The investigations have been carried out in the 19th cruise of RV Akademik Sergei Vavilov in the Atlantic Ocean since October through December 2004. The atmospheric transmittance was measured with sun photometer in the extended spectral region of 0.3 1 to 4 μm. The most part of the results have been obtained in the southern hemisphere, in particular, in Antarctic Ocean (southward of 34°S). The main attention is paid to the analysis of statistical characteristics of AOT and peculiarities of its spectral dependence in three regions: tropical zone; coastal region (near Cape Town); and Southern Atlantics. It has been found that the atmosphere over ocean in the southern hemisphere has lower AOT values as compared to even more remote regions of the Pacific Ocean. The atmospheric AOTs in the regions southward of 34°S approach the data obtained earlier in Antarctic. Possible causes for the low aerosol content in the atmosphere of the Antarctic Ocean are discussed.
Study of vertical NO2 and 03 distributions in the stratosphere at Siberian Lidar Station (56.5°N, 85.1°E) in the period from 1996 to 2004
Mikhail V. Grishaev, Vladimir V. Zuev, Oleg E. Bazhenov
The paper presents the results of analysis of regular spectrophotometric and lidar measurements of vertical distribution ozone and nitrogen dioxide content obtained at Siberian Lidar Station of Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS (56.48N/85.05E) from January 1996 to December 2004. The profiles obtained from the results of lidar atmospheric sensing in the altitude range from 25 to 35 km were the initial data for analysis of the vertical ozone distribution. The data on vertical distribution content of nitrogen dioxide in the altitude range from 30 to 35 km were calculated using twilight measurements of the spectral sky brightness along the zenith in the wavelength range from 430 to 450nm.
IR Lidar based on OPO
V. S. Ayrapetyan, A. V. Hakobyan, G. M. Apresyan, et al.
Automated differential lidar set for measurement of atmospheric gases small concentration is developed, created and tested on the bases of Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO), tunable in middle infrared (IR) range. Measurable sensitivity accuracy obtained for atmospheric methane is not less than I ppm. Being smoothly tunable in the wavelength range of 1.4 ÷ 4.2um with the spectral bandwidth of 3cm-1 (for 1.4÷1 .8um and 2.9÷4.2um) and pulse energy up to 40mJ, the OPO irradiation allows measurement of gas concentrations in an open atmosphere up to 5km. If required computer controlled Fabry-Perot etalon (FPE) insertion into the resonator is provided to narrow the bandwidth up to O.6cm-1 . Construction of the OPO allows also radiation wavelength stepwise change (pulse to pulse) with a smooth regulation from 0 to 12cm-1 that is necessary to carry out gas concentration measurement by the method of differential absorption with one laser. Lidar set is equipped with a self-regulated system, tuned at the absorption line of the gas under investigation that is initially installed into the system.
The bottom oxygen border of bioluminescence distribution in ocean
From materials of forwarding researches follows, that the depth of deposition of the bottom border of bioluminescence plankton has not correlation with any of measurable hydrological parameters. As the reaction of bioluminescence is oxygen depended, it was logical to assume, that the situation of the bottom maximum of luminescence plankton is determined by concentration of oxygen. The data of vertical distribution of bioluminescence intensity of plankton and concentration of oxygen received in the Black Sea and near to east coast of America were investigated. Is established, that the deep maximum of bioluminescence of plankton is found out between isooxygen 0.35 and 0.20 ml/l. At concentration of oxygen in water is lower 0.10-0.20 ml/l the bioluminescence of plankton it is not found out.
Fluorescent monitoring of the photosynthetic apparatus of small-leaved trees
Elena Zavorueva, Valerii Zavoruev
In the given work the results of research of concentration dependence of fluorescence for leaves of a birch are resulted. The change of parameter F682/F734 in process of vegetation is described by two parabolas. One parabola describes the period when the increase of chlorophylls concentration to the maximal meaning is observed, and second-period of aging of a leaf. The minimum of the first parabola is observed at chlorophyll concentration in leaves during flowering of a birch, and second - before the beginning of leaves colouring. The indexes, which reflect potential photosynthetic activity in two lengths of waves - 682 and 734 nm, are most informative parameters of red and far-red fluorescence of leaves of a birch and an early harbinger of morphological changes leaves of trees.
Minimization of systematic errors at lidar profile restitution of atmospheric gas concentrations by the differential absorption method
O. A. Romanovskii
This work aims at studying the sources of the errors in restitution of atmospheric gas concentration profiles and the methods to minimize them. It is seen that the water vapor absorption line contour is significantly distorted by the apparatus function of the laser source positioned at the altitudes above 5 km. the results of performed numerical calculations with the model absorption lines show that it is more efficient to use the less intensive absorption lines. The studies of temperature sensitivity show that it is more reasonable to use the less intensive absorption lines. It is seen that the use in sensing of intensive lines of water vapor absorption at S0= 0.5 cm-1/g cm-2 leads to significant errors in a priori calculations of the absorption coefficient profile due to the influence of humidity variations at ΔVe> 0.03 cm-1 in winter and especially in summer. At S0= 0.1 cm-1 /g cm-2 and Δυe < 0.03 cm-1, errors practically do not exceed 1 percent for almost the entire altitudinal interval of 0-10 km. We have established that disregard to the measured line shift of water vapor absorption, which equals 694.38 nm, and calculated CO absorption line shift, 2086.322 cm-1, at the system tuned into the centre of the Lorentz contour of H20 and CO absorption lines, results in the errors that reach 20% at the altitude of 15 km. At the tuning into the Doppler contour, errors are largest in the ground layer (2-3%) and become smaller with the altitude.
Optical heterodyning in differential tunable CO2 laser systems
Anatoly S. Boreysho, Sergei Ya. Chakchir, Maxim A. Konyaev, et al.
Long-wave infrared (LWIR) differential laser systems based on single-frequency pulsed CO2 lasers are used in heterodyne lidars for detection of atmospheric pollutions at extremely far distances. Issues related to control of the two-channel tunable single-frequency CO2 laser system, which includes two pulsed TEA laser and four CW wave-guide CO2 lasers (two injectors and two local oscillators) are discussed. The special hardware and software -Automatic Frequency Control system (AFC) - have been developed for the effective operation in wide spectral range (>60 lines of CO2 laser). The main task of this system is to keep optimal ratio between a frequency of the injection laser generation and modes of the TEA laser's resonator. The optimal ratio provides maximal probability of the single-frequency pulse generation taking the TEA chirp into account. Experimental data presented on the temporal and spectral structure of the TEA laser pulse generated with injection of the single-frequency CW radiation.
Lidar system for atmospheric turbulence measurement with Mersen telescope
A. V. Savin, S. Yu. Strakhov, M. A. Konyaev, et al.
In this work the lidar system for measurements of atmospheric turbulence structural function Cn2 are presented. Method of such measurements is based on increasing of focal spot on the receiver after beam pass through turbulent atmosphere. In this work the receiving-transmission system on the base of Mersen telescope with main mirror diameter 0.5m is used. Features connected with optical system aberrations are considered. The results of experimental investigation are presented.
Singularities of polarization LIDAR operation
V. V. Lobachev, A. V. Savin, T. E. Tarasova
The results of optical scheme building and optical parts' characteristics influence on polarizing lidar operation in structure of multi-functional multi-wave mobile lidar complex are listed.
Atmospheric Physics
Energy centers of the climate system and their connection with ecological risk domains
Vladimir V. Penenko, Elena A. Tsvetova
Problems of ecological risks and vulnerability of territories with respect to human induced effects stand on the intersection of the fields and interests of climatic and ecological studies. The purpose of this paper is to lay the concept on interconnections between energetically active regions in the climatic system and zones of increased ecological risks as well as to describe the mathematical background that we develop for realization of the concept. The studies are fulfilled on the base of a joint use of the models and measured data. To calculate the influence domains of thermodynamic factors and the regions of ecological risk the numerical models of atmospheric hydrodynamics and pollutants transport are used in forward and inverse modes. The system organization of the approach are based on the combination of numerical tools, namely, orthogonal decomposition of function spaces, factor analysis and selection of the main components and factors, sensitivity methods with respect to the parameter perturbations for the models and functionals, and forward and inverse techniques with data assimilation procedures. The results of the modeling scenarios with global atmospheric models with the use of NCEP reanalysis data for 53 years are presented.
State of the atmospheric ozone layer over Yakutia
A. A. Mikhailov, P. P. Ammosov, G. A. Gavrilyeva, et al.
The state of the ozone layer in the stratosphere over Yakutia in last years is considered. We found some local decreases in the ozone layer thickness (holes). In main these holes come to Yakutsk outside Yakutia. A problem of change of ozone layer state is discussed.
Forecasting the stratospheric ozone dynamics above the selected parts of Earth's surface and reconstructing TOC indices according to the restored five-century-long database
Irina Yu. Sakash, Juliy P. Lankin, Galina S. Sakash
The study presented shows a possibility of forecasting the values of TOC (total ozone concentration) indices, reconstructed by V.V. Zuev and S.L. Bondarenko upon the three-century-long dendrochronological data. Based on a number of previous findings related to the point TOC prognosis, a possibility of establishing spatial models of stratospheric ozone dynamics' forecasting for the fifteen-degree (South-North) by twelve-degree (East-West) area (with the city of Krasnoyarsk as its center) is revealed. Neuronic network models have been exploited in the study.
VLF radio wave propagation in the high latitudes
Igor N. Poddelsky, Aleksey I. Poddelsky, Mihail L. Basalaev
The main result of the given work are the found authentic variations of phase and amplitude of VLF radio signals navigational system "Omega" in the Northeast of Russia which can be used for practical application in radio navigation and a radio communication, and also for operative detection of indignations in the lower ionosphere.
Effect of geomagnetic disturbances on the spectral and spatial characteristics of VHF scintillation in the northeast of Russia
Igor N. Poddelsky, Aleksey I. Poddelsky
Results of measurement of spectra, heights of distribution and the effective sizes of auroral small-scale heterogeneities, received by a method of ionosphere radio scintillations by the signals of orbital artificial satellite at the frequency I50 MHz in the north-east of Russia are given. It was determined, that change of the K-index of magnetic activity is accompanied by the increase of effective height of heterogeneity location and to its appreciable variations. In magnetically disturbed periods we observed the tendency of increase of the effective sizes of heterogeneities at 57°- 63° N in the afternoon and the general reduction of observation interval (more than 66 °N) at the northern latitudes. The law of decrease of spectral density of small-scale heterogeneity formations is exponential with the exponent varying from 1,5 up to 6 depending on the disturbance of ionosphere and time of a day.
Dynamic processes at the heights of mesosphere-thermosphere at subauroral latitudes of the far-eastern region at low geomagnetic activity
Aleksey V. Vinitsky, Valentina V. Kazantseva
According to the observation data of "Magadan" observatory and the measurements of variations of geomagnetic field elements on meridian chain of digital magnetometers, operating under the international program << 21 0 magnetic meridian >>, daily changes of ionospheric parameters and characteristics of geomagnetic field in winter are considered. It was shown, that at low geomagnetic activity the change of state of ionosphere at night reflect variations of electronic concentration at the southern border of the main ionospheric trough. The increase of equivalent height of the lower part of F region, reduction of horizontal component of geomagnetic fields and declination correspond to the evening minimum of electron concentration in the maximum of F2 layer. On auroral latitudes the amplification of the eastern electrojet is usually observed at this time. During formation of near-midnight foF2 maximum an opposite picture of changes of the indicated parameters and amplification of the western electrojet in auroral zone is observed. Destruction of western electrojet corresponds to the morning foF2 minimum. Different influence of the western and eastern electrojets on formation of the main ionospheric trough points to the reorganization of neutral atmosphere due to the Joule heating is not the only reason of its changes.
Relationship of ground-level tropospheric pressure day-to-day variations with geomagnetic characteristics in the northeast of Russia
Aleksey V. Vinitsky, Valentina V. Kazantseva
We showed that in conditions of the northeast of Russia there are steady connections of changes of monthly average values of ground pressure from with the level of geomagnetic activity. It is connected to a geographical position of the indicated region and arising thereof conditions providing high sensitivity of the state of the lower atmosphere to external influences. In the present work on a basis cosmophysical observation of "Magadan" observatory and the data of aerologic sounding of an atmosphere of Kolyma UGMS interdaily changes of ground pressure and their connection with the variations of elements of a geomagnetic field are investigated. It was shown, that daily average values of pressure change in connection with the variations of horizontal component of geomagnetic fields. In all seasons reduction of H - component during geomagnetic storms is accompanied by reduction of P with ~3 day delay. It is possible to assume, that the changes of atmospheric circulation at heights ionospheric current system during geomagnetic indignations result in deepening and displacement of cyclones from the water area of the sea of Okhotsk to the researched region.
Vertical transport of absorbing aerosol in radiation field at the middle atmosphere altitudes
S. A. Beresnev, L. B. Kochneva, V. I. Gryazine, et al.
The observed existence of soot particles at 20-25 km altitudes from aviation transport engines requires the analysis of vertical transport mechanisms against gravity in thermally stable stratosphere. One of possible regular mechanisms can be the radiometric photophoresis. The presented theory forecasts that for some types of soot aerosols the negative "solar" photophoresis can result in levitation and in vertical lifting of particles against gravity in the upper troposphere - lower stratosphere. Similar are the capabilities of "thermal" photophoresis (motion of particles in the field of outgoing thermal radiation). The further development of theory requires the analysis of photophoretic motion for fractal aggregates. The results of laboratory experiments demonstrating intensive photophoretic motion of soot aggregates in the field of laser radiation are discussed. For the check of alternative hypothesis of gravito-photophoresis the gas-kinetic theory in the free-molecular regime was developed. The analysis of results has shown that the given mechanism hardly is significant for vertical particles transport on high altitudes, but its investigation is possible in model laboratory experiment. Among regular and effective mechanisms it is necessary to note the vertical stratospheric wind. The direction and magnitude of vertical wind from the UKMO model demonstrate the distinct latitude and seasonal dependences.
Contemporary techniques for Kamchatka's vertical sounding ionograms processing: results of ionosphere observations during the storm of November 7-11, 2004
Anton G. Kim, Galina V. Kotovich, Viktor P. Grozov, et al.
Ionospheric observations are necessary as for research scientific problems as for practical purposes. Different ionospheric stations (AIS, Chirp-ionosounders, digisondes) are used widely for obtaining of information about ionosphere condition at the concrete time moments. The methods of ionogram registration of ionospheric stations can be distinguished, but ionogram processing and interpretation methods can be generally described by common regulations and manuals. Creation of unified universal program apparatus for interpretation of ionograms and application it independently from ionospheric stations type is logical in such situation. "SAO-Explorer" included in digisonde DPS-4 set is suggested as such apparatus. It allows carrying out complete processing of ionosphere vertical sounding ionograms, to obtain prediction meanings and to calculate electron density profile using International Reference Ionosphere IRI model also. By the example of Kamchatka's automatic ionosphere station it was shown that the data reformatting into the digisonde format and their following processing with a help of the program complex <> sufficiently facilitate and accelerate the interpretation process of vertical sounding ionograms. By such a way were prepared and processed the ionograms obtained during the period of 7-11 of November 2004. During this period the powerful magnetic storm generated the powerful negative ionosphere disturbance, which made worse the ionosphere structure. Here are shown the results of observations at the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski and at the other VS-stations (Irkutsk, Yakutsk, Norilsk).
Variations of a gradient of potential electrical field in the south of East Siberia
A. A. Krechetov, U. V. Shamansky
In work the daily variations of a gradient of potential of an atmosphere electrical field close pulp and paper mill (Baikalsk region) and in the Lake Baikal are analyzed. For the analysis the results of measurements of a gradient of potential in seven items located on various distance from a source of pollution, on the same technique are used. Three are revealed such as a daily course of a gradient of potential, which are substantially caused by transformation of emissions by local winds in area of the lake Baikal. Spectral and components the analysis of results of measurements has allowed to reveal 2-nd and 7 hour periods of fluctuations.
Discrete uninterrupted averaging in Taylor ergodic theorem
V. V. Nosov, V. P. Lukin, E. V. Nosov, et al.
Aspects of construction of random functions statistical performances for discrete-uninterrupted averaging have been investigated. At the averaging, which is usually realized in practice, every discrete sequence of random function empiric values is partially averaged by a certain interval of argument variation. The evaluations of dispersion convergence rate for deviation of time average from assembly average providing convergence in probability have been obtained. It is shown that evaluations of dispersion convergence rate depend on the integral scales of random function correlation. These scales are determined by a type of averaging. They differ for uninterrupted, discrete and discrete-uninterrupted averaging. Connections between them are established. Results of reconstruction of arbitrary correlation function parameters from the equation, which binds correlation functions of direct and partial averaged random processes, are listed. It is determined that a non-averaged process correlation function may be restored satisfactorily from partially averaged data, even at large intervals of partial averaging.
Special Session of ISTC
Lidar network CIS-LiNet for monitoring aerosol and ozone in CIS regions
A. Chaikovsky, A. Ivanov, Yu. Balin, et al.
Lidar network CIS-LiNet has been established by lidar teams from Belarus, Russia and Kyrgyz Republic. Its objective is carrying out lidar observation coordinated at the territory from Minsk to Vladivostok in cooperation with EARLINET and AD-Net. During network developing lidar stations will be provided with sun radiometers and will be included in the global radiometric network AERONET. The following stations constitute CIS-LiNetL at the first stage of the network formation: - Stationary lidar stations in Minsk, Moscow, Surgut, Tomsk, Vladivostok, - Alpine stationary lidar station in Teplokiuchenka in Central Asia, Kyrgyz Republic - Seasonal lidar station on the base of a mobile lidar at the Lake Baikal - Shipboard lidar in Vladivostok All stations will carry out aerosol observations in the troposphere and stratosphere. Two stations in Minsk and Tomsk will implement ozone sounding in the stratosphere layer. Discrepancies of the lidar equipment, methods of data processing and software, methodology of implementation of scientific tasks are presented.
Estimation of aerosol mass loading on glaciers of central Tien-Shan
B. Chen, L. Sverdlik, E. Zyskova
On base of the joint analysis of the aerosol characteristics, got by means lidar method, and the analysis trajectories of air mass typification aerosol exportable air mass of the different origin on Central Tien-Shan depending on the sources of the pollution is organized. Estimations of aerosol mass loading on glaciers of central Tien-Shan are brought.