16 - 19 September 2024
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
A community of technology experts working in the 1 GHz to 10 THz bands is brought together to present and discuss papers in those areas mentioned below, for novel system development. Device knowledge, system integration and target phenomenology are focused on market-driven problems in security, defence and many spin-out areas. Range profiling and imaging radars and radiometers are typical sensors in the band, operating on land, sea, air and satellite-based platforms.

Drivers in the lower frequency spectral regions are the low atmospheric absorption and high transmissivity of clothing and packaging materials, enabling remote sensing and security screening applications. Moving towards the higher frequency regions, the increasing interactions with media provide capabilities for material identifications via spectral information content.

The variability of atmospheric attenuation over the band means high-data rate directional communications can be offered for long-haul links through the atmospheric windows and short-range, secure, local area networks in the absorption bands. Furthermore, the variability of material reflection and transmission properties over the band highlights the wide scope for non-destructive testing. In addition, there are great opportunities for medical applications, as radiation penetration in the human body ranges from a few centimetres at the lower frequencies, to a fraction of a millimetre at the higher frequencies.

Papers are sought in the following areas:
Recent developments boosting capabilities in the band are:

Detectors in the band are mainly of the radio (or electromagnetic mode) type, very different from the photon detectors used in the infrared and visible bands. A constant evolution of these radio detectors, using new materials offers ever improved performances. The detectors are inherently polarimetrically sensitive, offering capabilities for target and material characterisation using well-established techniques from the field of passive and active polarimetry.

Mixers, which shift large bandwidths of energy from one spectral region to another, are also of interest, as they can enable higher signal-to-noise ratios for detection. As with detectors, their structures and semiconductor types are constantly evolving to offer better performance. A class of mixers which can shift large bandwidths into the optical band are of particular interest, as they enable imaging systems to be developed using well-established, lower-cost optical focussing technologies.

Sources, are based on positive feedback and negative resistance, and when combined with mixers generate radiation over a wide frequency range. Of heightened interest now are the photonic integrated circuit (PIC) devices. Fabricated on a monolithic substrate, these devices can be a quantum cascade laser, an Auston switch, or a two-frequency beat device. In the Auston switch and the two-frequency beat device, optical laser radiation incident on a semiconductor generates difference frequency radiation in the terahertz band through a nonlinear interaction. The two-frequency beat device generates particularly low phase noise coherent radiation, a great attribute for terahertz radars and communication systems. The PIC devices are enabling much smaller and lighter-weight systems for commercial exploitation.

Complementary technologies to the above are the plasmonic and metamaterial structures which confine electromagnetic modes to specific regions, to enable potentially compact and novel system architectures.

Recent innovations in structure simulator software have seen the appearance of open-source packages which compute full-wave Maxwell equation solutions. These enable efficient low-cost modelling of system components (antennas, lenses, transmission lines, couplers) and object responses for the investigation of novel applications and feasibility studies. Combined with phenomenology knowledge, a wide variety of materials, liquids, gases and plasma plumes can be modelled.

Microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC) radar chips have become available over the past few years, motivated by the automotive radar industry, but now enabling a diversity of other applications. European companies are now integrating the MMICs on to a circuit board containing integral antenna(s), in-phase and quadrature (I & Q) processing and data acquisition electronics and open-source computer interface software. Having usually two or more antennas, they are available for only several hundred Euros each. With centre frequencies around 24 GHz, 60 GHz, 77 GHz and 120 GHz and several GHz of bandwidth, novel applications are enabled where ranging, polarisation and multi-in/out (MIMO) capabilities are required.

The rapid evolution of free and open-source machine learning modules over the past 10 years coupled with knowledge of target phenomenology means novel algorithms can now be written to provide unprecedented capabilities in target classification and recognition.

Contributing to the recent interest in sensors exploiting quantum superposition and entanglement, millimetre and terahertz continuous-variable systems can operate at ambient temperature, whilst discrete-variable systems can operate at cryogenic temperatures (where photon energy hf>kT electromagnetic mode energy). ;
In progress – view active session
Conference 13203

Sensors and Communication Technologies in the 1 GHz to 10 THz Band

18 September 2024
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  • Posters-Tuesday
  • Welcome and Introduction
  • 1: Microwave and Terahertz Sensors and Applications
  • 2: THz Detectors, Focal Plane Arrays and Communication Technologies
  • 3: Metasurfaces, Imaging and Communication Technologies
  • 4: THz Detectors, Microwave Radar Systems, and NDT Systems
17 September 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 BST
Conference attendees are invited to attend the Sensors + Imaging poster session on Tuesday evening. Come view the posters, enjoy light refreshments, ask questions, and network with colleagues in your field.

Poster Setup: Tuesday 10:00 – 16:00 hrs
View poster presentation guidelines and set-up instructions at
Author(s): Paul D. Harrison, Univ. of Glasgow (United Kingdom)
17 September 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 BST
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In this paper, we propose a method to simultaneously improve spatial resolution in a low-cost configuration and achieve high-precision imaging for higher moving speed targets. Simulation results showed that the proposed method outperformed conventional methods in direction finding evaluations for a faster moving target.
Author(s): Amir Masoud Molaei, Queen's Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom); Thomas Fromenteze, Univ. de Limoges (France); Vasiliki Skouroliakou, Shaoqing Hu, Vincent Fusco, Okan Yurduseven, Queen's Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom)
17 September 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 BST
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This paper proposes a novel approach to 3-D microwave imaging using dynamic metasurface antennas in a multistatic configuration. By introducing a panel-to-panel model and a preprocessing technique, raw measurements are converted into the space-frequency domain for efficient data acquisition and reconstruction. The adaptation of the range migration algorithm enables fast Fourier-based image reconstructions. Simulation results showcase the effectiveness of the proposed method, highlighting its potential for real-world applications.
Author(s): Amir Masoud Molaei, Queen's Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom); Shaoqing Hu, Brunel Univ. London (United Kingdom); Rupesh Kumar, SRM Univ., AP - Amaravati (India); Okan Yurduseven, Queen's Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom)
17 September 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 BST
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This paper introduces an approach for 3-D near-field microwave imaging, combining a special 2-D multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) structure with orthogonal coding and Fourier domain processing. The proposed MIMO coded generalized reduced dimension Fourier algorithm effectively reduces data dimensionality while preserving valuable information, streamlining image reconstruction. Through mathematical derivations, we show how the proposed approach includes phase and amplitude compensators and reduces the computational complexity. The algorithm includes both phase and amplitude compensators, reduces the computational complexity, and mitigates propagation loss effects. Numerical simulations confirm the approach’s satisfactory performance in terms of information retrieval and processing speed.
Welcome and Introduction
18 September 2024 • 09:15 - 09:20 BST
Neil A. Salmon, MMW Sensors Ltd. (United Kingdom)
Wladislaw Michailow, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Session 1: Microwave and Terahertz Sensors and Applications
18 September 2024 • 09:20 - 12:00 BST
Session Chairs: Wladislaw Michailow, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Neil A. Salmon, MMW Sensors Ltd. (United Kingdom)
Author(s): Mona Jarrahi, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering (United States)
18 September 2024 • 09:20 - 09:50 BST
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In this talk, I will give an overview of the unique applications of terahertz waves for communication, chemical identification, material characterization, biomedical sensing and diagnostics and describe the state of the existing terahertz imaging and sensing technologies and their limitations. I will introduce a game changing technology that enables high performance, low cost, and compact terahertz spectroscopy and imaging systems for various applications. More specifically, I will introduce plasmonic terahertz imaging and spectroscopy systems, which offer several orders of magnitude higher signal-to-noise ratio levels compared to the state of the art.
Author(s): Samuel Forster, Anthony J. Peyton, Frank J. W. Podd, The Univ. of Manchester (United Kingdom)
18 September 2024 • 09:50 - 10:10 BST
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The detection of buried objects with GPR poses a significant challenge in many sectors, including utilities, military operations and humanitarian efforts. It is a difficult task partly due to the presence of clutter and the strong signal attenuation presented by many soil types. This paper seeks to improve the detection of buried objects using the combination of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Polarimetry (PolSAR). In this study a Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave (SFCW) air-coupled radar is used to acquire polarimetric measurements of buried metallic and dielectric objects between the frequency range of 1 - 6.5 GHz. A 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) algorithm is developed and following a polarimetric calibration procedure the SAR algorithm is used to create sub-surface images of each polarization channel. Using polarimetric decompositions, the dominant scattering mechanisms are identified and used to synthesize polarization signatures of the buried objects. Analysis is conducted to determine the optimal polarization state for sub-surface detection, enhancing target identification and discrimination capabilities.
Author(s): Jacob N. Bouchard, Douglas T. Petkie, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (United States)
18 September 2024 • 10:10 - 10:30 BST
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This work covers the development of a low-cost volumetric moisture content sensor based on commercial off the shelf hardware, a TI IWR1642 76 GHz automotive radar module, coupled with a sample specific effective medium model. The resulting sensor is orders of magnitude less expensive than competing sensors while providing measurements of volumetric moisture content accurate to within 5% dry-basis moisture content.
Coffee Break 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Author(s): Jiaming Zhang, Queen's Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom); Cien Zhang, Univ. of Pennsylvania (United States); Rahul Sharma, Okan Yurduseven, Queen's Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom)
18 September 2024 • 11:00 - 11:20 BST
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A novel cGAN is leveraged to achieve image restoration, where both the condition and the input are the CI-based microwave back-scattered measurements. The proposed cGAN consists of two parts. One is defined as the generator, which is leveraged to achieve image restoration. The other one is known as the discriminator, which serves the purpose of optimizing the generator by judging the similarity of the estimation and the ground truth. The training samples and testing samples are randomly selected from the open-source dataset MNIST. During the optimization process, the generator is adversarial with the discriminator. The optimized generator can retrieve high-fidelity image reconstructions directly from the CI backscattered measurements, eliminating the need for the computationally expensive image reconstruction step required by conventional imaging techniques. This contributes to the successful reconstruction of the scene images by deep learning methods. The performance of the proposed approach and its efficacy are confirmed by numerical simulations.
Author(s): Christopher Walsh, Mohamed Missous, The Univ. of Manchester (United Kingdom)
18 September 2024 • 11:20 - 11:40 BST
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Recent developments in the design of the epitaxial structure of the asymmetrical spacer layer tunnel (ASPAT) diode have seen the inclusion of a quantum well, leading to a substantially improved curvature coefficient due to a reduction in the leakage current, introducing yet further advantages over the standard ASPAT diode which has temperature independence and zero bias operations as well as a high dynamic range. In this work these diodes have been developed into a fully integrated miniature rectenna solution, integrating a meandered loop antenna, rectifier, and RC filter into a 2x0.8 mm² die. Targeting an operating frequency of 26 GHz, a solution such as this could see applications in wireless power transfer, energy harvesting, or signal detection.
Author(s): Jiaming Zhang, Queen's Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom); Cien Zhang, Univ. of Pennsylvania (United States); Rahul Sharma, Okan Yurduseven, Queen's Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom)
18 September 2024 • 11:40 - 12:00 BST
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A novel deep learning technique is leveraged to achieve a sensing matrix estimation, where inputs are two unique aperture distribution fields from the transmitter and the receiver of a CI-based system, respectively. The proposed network utilizes the residual skip connection to ensure the delivery of information. By learning the features of the aperture distribution fields, the sensing matrix is accurately predicted. This contributes to the successful reconstruction of the sensing matrix by using deep learning methods. The performance of the proposed approach and its efficacy are confirmed by numerical simulations.
Lunch/Exhibition Break 12:00 PM - 1:20 PM
Session 2: THz Detectors, Focal Plane Arrays and Communication Technologies
18 September 2024 • 13:20 - 15:10 BST
Session Chairs: Douglas T. Petkie, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (United States), Vishal S. Jagtap, Tyndall National Institute (Ireland)
Author(s): Wladislaw Michailow, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
18 September 2024 • 13:20 - 13:50 BST
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The recently unveiled in-plane photoelectric effect is a quantum mechanism that opens the doors to a new type of photonic terahertz detectors which utilize quantum transitions within a well-conducting, degenerate 2D electron system (2DES). In this effect, electrons gain energy quanta through the absorption of THz photons and jump on an artificially created, gate-voltage-tunable potential step within the plane of a 2DES. This leads to an electron flow from the high to the low density region of a much higher magnitude than expected from previously known, classical mechanisms. Detectors exploiting this effect were called photoelectric tunable step (PETS) THz detectors. We give an overview of the in-plane photoelectric effect, highlight current developments in the area of PETS THz detectors, and discuss the prerequisites necessary to make photonic terahertz detectors practically useful in terahertz technology to realise adaptive and scalable device architectures for next-generation THz detectors and focal plane arrays.
Author(s): Ran Chen, Ruqiao Xia, Jonathan P. Griffiths, Harvey E. Beere, David A. Ritchie, Wladislaw Michailow, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
18 September 2024 • 13:50 - 14:10 BST
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A GaAs/AlGaAs-based photoelectric tunable-step (PETS) terahertz (THz) detector with a symmetric dipole antenna is demonstrated in this work as a model system to carry out a systematic study of the in-plane photoelectric effect. We derive the optimal values for the antenna gap, depth of the 2DEG, and other geometrical parameters from numerical simulations, and fabricate a detector with optimized dimensions. It shows a high responsivity (~2.5 kV/W) to 1.9-THz radiation with a short response time. The temperature dependence of the photoresponse of the PETS detector shows a capability of operating up to 75 K. The results of our work deepen the understanding of the in-plane photoelectric effect and provide a universal reference for the design of future high responsivity, fast PETS THz detectors operating at high temperatures.
Author(s): Yehuda Azulay, Arun Ramachandra Kurup, Daniel Rozban, Ariel Univ. (Israel); Natan S. Kopeika, Yitzhak Yitzhaky, Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev (Israel); Amir Abramovich, Ariel Univ. (Israel)
18 September 2024 • 14:10 - 14:30 BST
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This study introduces new method for cost-effective millimetr wave (MMW) imaging utilizing glow discharge detectors (GDDs) and up-conversion processes. Up-conversion method converts directly MMW radiation to Visual light. The proposed MMW system integrates GDDs with charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras, offering an inexpensive alternative for focal plane arrays (FPAs) compared to existing options. Key to this approach is the up-conversion detection process, wherein incident MMW radiation increases the intensity of the visible light emitted by GDDs, enabling optical detection. FPAs constructed using GDDs exhibit responsiveness to MMW radiations, particularly in the near-infrared (NIR) zone of the electromagnetic spectrum. This new method promises significant advancements in cost-effective and rapid MMW imaging applications.
Author(s): Rejeena R. Sebastian, Redwan Ahmad, Jonathan Lafrenière-Greig, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure (Canada); Xavier Ropagnol, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure (Canada), Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (Canada); François Blanchard, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure (Canada)
18 September 2024 • 14:30 - 14:50 BST
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Traditional THz spectroscopic methods are expensive, time-consuming and expert-operated. In this work, we present a new method for ultrafast selective multispectral terahertz (THz) spectroscopy. The scheme uses a combination of broad THz pulses detected with a Schottky energy sensor coupled to eight frequency-selective surfaces (FSS) inserted on a mechanical chopper and positioned just before the detector. The discrete spectra of the samples can be obtained instantaneously. Samples are identified by measuring their transmittance by combining their unique spectral signatures normalized to each filter transmission. This technique has also proven efficient in identifying samples which lack distinctive spectral features in the THz region, such as paper. A method employing k-fold cross-validation on a neural network model for multi-class classification, incorporating a tailored evaluation metric, is used to improve our system performance. This simple scheme holds promise for advancing THz detection solutions in industrial applications.
Author(s): Eeswar K. Yalavarthi, Aswin V. Vishnuradhan, Wei Cui, Angela Gamouras, Jean-Michel Ménard, Univ. of Ottawa (Canada)
18 September 2024 • 14:50 - 15:10 BST
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Terahertz radiation, which lies between the microwave and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, is being explored as a possible solution to meet the ever-growing demand for high data transfer rates. However, at these frequencies, strong absorption peaks due to water vapour in the air impose strict limitations on wireless communication. Here, we use a detector relying on a nonlinear optical upconversion technique to characterize spectral transmission of specific bands between 0.5 THz and 3 THz under normal atmospheric conditions. We classify these bands into two categories aiming at different applications: short-range secured communication and long-range high data transfer rates.
Coffee Break 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM
Session 3: Metasurfaces, Imaging and Communication Technologies
18 September 2024 • 15:40 - 17:30 BST
Session Chairs: Douglas T. Petkie, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (United States), Vishal S. Jagtap, Tyndall National Institute (Ireland)
Author(s): Gintaras Valušis, Sergey Orlov, Rusnė Ivaškeviciute-Povilauskiene, Karolis Mundrys, Paulius Kizevicius, Ernestas Nacius, Domas Jokubauskis, Kestutis Ikamas, Alvydas Lisauskas, Linas Minkevicius, Ctr. for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
18 September 2024 • 15:40 - 16:10 BST
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In this communication, we consider principles of design and assembling of nonparaxial THz imaging systems based on silicon diffractive optics components. The investigation is dedicated to lensless photonic setups comprising high-resistivity silicon-based DOEs such as Fresnel zone plates, Fibonacci lenses, Bessel axicons, and Airy zone plates, all fabricated from a high-resistance 500 μm thick silicon substrate by femtosecond laser ablation. The exploration underlines the significance of structuring both the illumination and light-collection schemes as well as assembly principles of silicon diffractive optical elements in compact THz imaging.
Author(s): Christoph Schmidt, Michael Töfferl, Alexander Schossmann, Reinhard Klambauer, Technische Univ. Graz (Austria); Peter Banzer, Karl-Franzens-Univ. Graz (Austria); Alexander Bergmann, Technische Univ. Graz (Austria)
18 September 2024 • 16:10 - 16:30 BST
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The paper presents a metalens for a 60 GHz antenna-in-package-patch antenna using a compact dielectric, inverse-designed topology with incorporated metallic boundaries for directivity enhancement. The proposed methodology utilizes the gradient-based optimization algorithm to find the optimized topology. We employ the solid isotropic material penalization (SIMP) and the filter-and-threshold method to achieve a manufacturable design. For a robust design, we included fabrication constraints resulting from the additive manufacturing of the metalens.
Author(s): Ruqiao Xia, Nikita W. Almond, Harvey E. Beere, David A. Ritchie, Wladislaw Michailow, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
18 September 2024 • 16:30 - 16:50 BST
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Next-generation communication systems necessitate rapid and efficient control of terahertz (THz) signals to encode data streams. Graphene-based metamaterials have emerged as promising candidates for effective THz modulation owing to graphene’s large electrically controllable conductivity. However, a significant challenge arises from graphene’s inability to achieve full depletion at the Dirac point, limiting the transmission modulation depth in most LC-resonant metasurface modulators. To overcome this limitation, we exploit the interference of Fresnel reflection components from the metasurface and the substrate and propose tuneable capacitors as active elements. Our study presents single-layer, all-solid-state, graphene-metal metasurface modulators operating in the THz range, characterized using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Our approach enables us to achieve intensity modulation of more than four orders of magnitude. These findings underscore the potential of graphene-based metamaterials in advancing THz communication technologies.
Author(s): Michael Töfferl, Alexander Schossmann, Christoph Schmidt, Technische Univ. Graz (Austria); Peter Banzer, Karl-Franzens-Univ. Graz (Austria); Alexander Bergmann, Technische Univ. Graz (Austria)
18 September 2024 • 16:50 - 17:10 BST
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This work presents a resonant metamaterial for millimeter-waves that enables telemetric position sensing. The concept is based on a resonant unit cell that can be tuned to enable position encoding. The resonance frequency shift encodes the absolute position via the geometry parameter of the metamaterial. Two types of arrangements were tested: a linear position encoder and a rotational disk for angular position determination. This telemetric position sensing sensor concept offers a compact and contactless readout without mechanical interference with the moving object. The metamaterial is completely passive, resulting in low maintenance and failure issues.
Author(s): Ruqiao Xia, Harvey E. Beere, David A. Ritchie, Wladislaw Michailow, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
18 September 2024 • 17:10 - 17:30 BST
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Next-generation communication systems necessitate rapid and efficient readout of terahertz (THz) signals to decode data streams. The in-plane photoelectric (IPPE) effect is a quantum, photonic THz detection mechanism recognized for its remarkable sensitivity and fast detection capabilities. It was initially demonstrated in a dual-gated FET-type device based on a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), termed a photoelectric tunable-step (PETS) detector. In this study, we experimentally demonstrate the coupling of the IPPE detection mechanism with a metamaterial antenna array, which results in a substantial performance enhancement for THz detectors. Operating at 1.9 THz using a THz quantum cascade laser setup, our detector exhibits a photocurrent that significantly surpasses the previously recorded maximum for PETS detectors under identical experimental conditions, while concurrently achieving significantly lower output impedance compared to any previously reported detector utilizing the IPPE mechanism. This highly efficient metasurface-based detector with low output impedance holds the potential for developing high-throughput THz communication systems.
Session 4: THz Detectors, Microwave Radar Systems, and NDT Systems
19 September 2024 • 09:10 - 11:40 BST
Session Chairs: Wladislaw Michailow, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Neil A. Salmon, MMW Sensors Ltd. (United Kingdom)
Author(s): Weiwei Liu, Nankai Univ. (China)
19 September 2024 • 09:10 - 09:40 BST
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A novel THz wave detection scheme is proposed in which the THz radiation is detected by an audible microphone based on the photothermo-acoustic (PTA) effect in graphene foam. Thanks to the room-temperature broadband electromagnetic absorption characteristics of graphene foam and the fast heat transfer between graphene foam and ambient air, this detection method not only inherits the advantages of the photo-thermal THz detector such as room-temperature and full bandwidth, but also has a response time 3 orders of magnitude faster than the photo-thermal detector. Besides, no micro-antenna/electrode is required to fabricate in the graphene foam THz detector which greatly simplifies the detector design and decreases the fabrication cost. It concludes that the room-temperature, full-bandwidth, fastspeed (≥10 kHz), and easy-to-fabricate THz detector developed in this work has superior comprehensive performances among both the commercial THz detectors and the detectors recently developed in laboratory.
Author(s): Robin Sloan, Microwave Inspection Technologies Ltd. (United Kingdom); Robert Stakenborghs, Advanced Microwave Imaging (United States)
19 September 2024 • 09:40 - 10:00 BST
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Traditional non-destructive test methods utilise acoustic techniques such as ultrasound, while electromagnetic techniques include eddy current and microwave techniques. Radiography and ultrasound are used to perform most volumetric inspections on both metallic and non-metallic materials, even though they may not be best suited for them in some cases. Microwave inspection, by comparison, is a relatively new method although the concepts have been around since the 1950s, microwave, millimetre-wave and THz NDT has had little industrial use mainly being confined to academic labs to date. In this paper we will describe recent advances in mNDT and describe inspection applications which are hopefully gaining traction for commercial use. The presentation will include recent inspections of wind turbine blades and GFRP composites.
Coffee Break 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Author(s): Ahmad Sardarabadi, Vincent van der Knaap, Eva Fernandez Rodriguez, Detmer Bosma, Hanno Hildmann, TNO (Netherlands)
19 September 2024 • 10:30 - 10:50 BST
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This paper proposes an alternative measurement setup and satellite Doppler Profile (DP) estimation technique to address these issues. By replacing the parabolic antenna with a horn antenna, the increased field of view allows exposure to signals from more satellites. Next, using spectral data DPs are accurately estimated. The DP is then matched with the computer predictions based on the orbital motion of the satellites to identify the matching signals. This allows for both satellite identification as well as (self-)localization.
Author(s): Özgür Özdemir, Ercan Köseni, Istanbul Technical Univ. (Turkey)
19 September 2024 • 10:50 - 11:10 BST
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The ultra wideband (UWB) antenna is one of the essential part of vital sign detection radar systems. The antenna characteristics of high gain and reduced backlobe level have a contribution to improve the detection capability of the UWB radar. In this paper, Antipodal Vivaldi antenna backed with frequency-selective surface (FSS) is developed for UWB pulsed radar system in the frequency range of 3.1 to 4. 8GHz. The frequency-selective surface (FSS) reflector is used to improve the gain of the antenna and reduces the back lobe level of the antenna. Substrate used for Vivaldi antenna and FSS is low cost material, FR-4 with a relative permittivity (εr) of 4.3 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. The air gap between the antenna and the FSS and the unit cell number of the FSS were optimized for high gain and low backlobe level. The proposed antenna provides an almost uniform high gain of 9 dB over the entire bandwidth of the antenna. while maintaining the radiation efficiency of over 80%. The prototype the antipodal Vivaldi antenna is fabricated and the simulation results are verified using experimental measurements.
Author(s): Hakan Altan, Middle East Technical Univ. (Turkey); Berat Aytac, Roketsan Missiles Inc. (Turkey); Asaf Behzat Sahin, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit Univ. (Turkey)
19 September 2024 • 11:10 - 11:40 BST
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The field of THz imaging continues to rapidly develop with ever more variety and sensitivity in both methods of sensing as well as detectors in array imaging formats. Nevertheless, comparatively the techniques developed in the shorter wavelength regions, such as in the IR, are better developed and far exceed in performance compared to the state of the art in THz imaging components. To that end using passive or active devices that can upconvert the THz radiation into the IR band can be advantageous for development of remote sensing applications such as low-IR visibility target detection as well as naturally radiant THz sources. To achieve such a feat the fundamental approach is to design and THz absorber that can emit in the IR so that in turn can be detected. Using a novel metasurface absorber the THz to IR radiation conversion can be optimized to detect incoherent radiation. Here we show how effective such a method is towards detection of THz radiation.
Conference Chair
MMW Sensors Ltd. (United Kingdom)
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Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
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Ariel Univ. (Israel)
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Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States)
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Middle East Technical Univ. (Turkey)
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Darren Coe
QinetiQ Ltd. (United Kingdom)
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Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany)
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NASA Langley Research Ctr. (United States)
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Univ. of Birmingham (United Kingdom)
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Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
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Univ. of Suffolk (United Kingdom)
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Tyndall National Institute (Ireland)
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Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jaroslawa Dabrowskiego (Poland)
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Univ. of Glasgow (United Kingdom)
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Univ. of Birmingham (United Kingdom)
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Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany)
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Istanbul Technical Univ. (Turkey)
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Worcester Polytechnic Institute (United States)
Program Committee
South China Univ. of Technology (China)
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  • Presentation title
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  • Speaker biography (1000-character max including spaces)
  • Abstract for technical review (200-300 words; text only)
  • Summary of abstract for display in the program (50-150 words; text only)
  • Keywords used in search for your paper (optional)
  • Check the individual conference call for papers for additional requirements (i.e. extended abstract PDF upload for review or instructions for award competitions)
Note: Only original material should be submitted. Commercial papers, papers with no new research/development content, and papers with proprietary restrictions will not be accepted for presentation.
Sensors + Imaging is an in-person event.