16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
This conference provides a forum for the engineering aspects of designing, building, implementing and commissioning software and cyberinfrastructure for ground- and space-based observatories. The conference will discuss the directions of software for telescope and facility control systems, observation planning and execution, and data and workflow management, as well as topics related to novel software engineering approaches.

The observing facilities under design and construction in the era of extremely large telescopes must address the increasing complexity of control systems, data processing and analysis, and the exponential growth in data collection, storage and access. At the same time, a number of small to medium size projects have introduced innovative concepts for remote, robotic and autonomous operation, which are relevant and beneficial to larger projects. In all these cases, there is an increased adoption of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions for control systems, and cloud technologies for data management, as well as data science/engineering techniques for analysis of large volumes of operational/housekeeping data and web-based or mobile technologies for users’ interaction. In addition to the above, several astronomical projects are taking advantage of the maturity of open source software. Moreover, emerging machine learning and AI technologies are entering the field of observatory operations and data analysis. These solutions promise to address projects’ challenges with significant cost and time savings and allow more efficient obsolescence management with respect to previous approaches.

This conference especially welcomes contributions analyzing new challenges as well as lessons learned in the areas of development, maintenance, obsolescence management, and the convergence of ground- and space-based technologies.

We invite submissions for the following sessions:

Observatory, Telescope and Instrumentation Control
Data Engineering Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications Software Engineering: Processes and Technologies Cyberinfrastructure, High-Performance and Cloud Computing Software Project Management Challenges The final program will be based on the most informative and relevant submissions and will include lightning talks, roundtable discussion and collaboration events.

Given the limited number of available slots for oral presentations, authors are encouraged to provide complete and detailed information in the submission form, both concerning the contents of the paper and the author’s biography. Indication of the prospective session and of the length of the presentation are welcome. ;
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Conference 13101

Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII

16 - 20 June 2024 | Room G314/315, North - 3F
View Session ∨
  • 1: Project Overviews and Progress
  • 2: Observatory/Telescope Control I
  • 3: Software Testing/Quality
  • Monday Plenary
  • 4: Instrumentation Control
  • 5: AI and ML Applied to Control
  • Lightning Talks
  • 6: Data Management, Processing and Pipelines I
  • Tuesday Plenary
  • 7: AI and ML
  • 8: Cloud Technologies/Adoption
  • Panel Discussion: Cyber-Security Round Table
  • 9: Observatory/Telescope Control II
  • Wednesday Plenary
  • 10: Data Management, Processing and Pipelines II
  • 11: Cyberinfrastructure
  • Panel Discussion: Gender Balance in the Conference
  • 12: Data Engineering
  • Thursday Plenary
  • 13: Data Management, Processing and Pipelines III
  • 14: Project Management/Software Engineering
  • Posters I - Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy
  • Posters II: Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy
Session 1: Project Overviews and Progress
16 June 2024 • 10:30 - 12:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Petr Kubánek, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (Chile), Jeff Mader, W. M. Keck Observatory (United States)
Author(s): Sidik Isani, Tom A. Vermeulen, Conrad Holmberg, Christopher Usher, Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp. (United States)
16 June 2024 • 10:30 - 10:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, operational since 1979, currently has five scientific instruments ranging from a few years old to decades old, making it highly productive today. At this world-class facility, computing systems were built and software was developed to support some of the first and largest mosaic CCD cameras, control the telescope, transition from classical observing to queue scheduled observing, and to allow it to be remotely controlled. This involved many choices of computing platforms, programming languages, and significant open source software development. Software tools and computing infrastructure have been continually adapted, purchased, made in house, and maintained. These "life cycles" are not easy to predict at their start. A retrospective analysis of how these have played out for over 40 years can inform future projects at CFHT and in astronomy in general. We detail the major decision points, and speculate how outcomes would have been different had we taken alternative paths. We discuss a rationale for making software choices in future projects.
Author(s): Sonja Vrcic, Thomas Juerges, SKA Observatory (United Kingdom)
16 June 2024 • 10:50 - 11:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The SKA Observatory is an international organization whose mandate is to build and operate two multi-purpose radio telescope arrays. The SKA Low Frequency Telescope array, located in the Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, the CSIRO Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory in Western Australia, with the observing range 50-350 MHz, will consist of more than 131,072 log-periodic antennas organised as 512 stations. The SKA Mid Frequency Telescope array, located in the Karoo region, South Africa, with the observing range 350 MHz - 15 GHz, will comprise 197 offset-Gregorian dishes. The Telescopes will be delivered in stages, however, much of the Control System functionality is required early in the construction to support integration and verification. This paper provides a technical overview of the SKA Telescope Control System, discusses the design patterns and technology choices, and provides some reflections on lessons learned during the early stages of development.
Author(s): Jorge Quintero-Nehrkorn, Fernando Merlos-Garcia, Angela Hernandez-Delgado, Nicolás Adrián Rodríguez-Linares, Javier León-Gil, Miguel Núñez-Cagigal, Mary Barreto-Cabrera, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain)
16 June 2024 • 11:10 - 11:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The European Solar Telescope (EST) aims to become the most ambitious ground-based solar telescope in Europe. This paper summaries the planned architecture, software practices adopted at the moment for the development environment and future lines. EST has adopted a mix of proven software from existing telescopes that are suited to the telescope requirements with new development systems, CI/CD practices and agile methodologies among others.
Author(s): Gianluca Chiozzi, Luigi Andolfato, Javier Argomedo Zazzali, Carlos Diaz Cano, Robert Frahm, Josef Hofer, Bogdan Jeram, Nick Kornweibel, Federico Pellegrin, Marcus Schilling, Heiko Sommer, Arturo Hoffstadt Urrutia, European Southern Observatory (Germany)
16 June 2024 • 11:30 - 11:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is a 39 meters optical telescope under construction in the Chilean Atacama desert. The control software is under advanced development and the system is slowly taking shape for first light in 2028. ESO is directly responsible for coordination functions and control strategies requiring astronomical domain knowledge. Industrial contractors are instead developing the low-level control of individual subsystems. We are now implementing the coordination recipes and integrating the local control systems being delivered by contractors. System tests are performed in the ELT Control Model in Garching, while waiting for the availability of individual subsystems at the telescope. This paper describes the status of development for individual subsystems, of the high-level coordination software and of the system integration on the control model, focusing on testing and integration challenges.
Author(s): Jueqi Lin, Zheng Wang, Southeast Univ. (China)
16 June 2024 • 11:50 - 12:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) telescope in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA, will be moved to Chajnantor Plateau, Chile, by the end of 2023, and renamed as Leighton Chajnantor Telescope (LCT). Its scientific objectives include multiwavelength imaging and spectroscopic survey of the galactic plane, magnetic fields in star formation via dust polarimetry, etc. To achieve these objectives, the instrumentation and control systems of LCT need to be upgraded such that its technological criteria can be improved significantly. This necessitates a comprehensive reconstruction of the computer, software, and data systems of LCT. In this work, we propose a reconstruction scheme with four phases, i.e., (1) synthetic system design, (2) infrastructure reconstruction, (3) application systems reconstruction, and (4) experiment and implementation. This work will provide a fundamental framework for upgrading LCT’s instrumentation and control systems, thereby enhancing its scientific capabilities.
Lunch Break 12:10 - 13:20
Session 2: Observatory/Telescope Control I
16 June 2024 • 13:20 - 15:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Gianluca Chiozzi, European Southern Observatory (Germany), Petr Kubánek, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (Chile)
Author(s): Imad Pasha, Yale Univ. (United States); Seery Chen, Univ. of Toronto (Canada); Deborah Lokhorst, National Research Council Canada (Canada); William P. Bowman, Zili Shen, Yale Univ. (United States); Qing Liu, Univ. of Toronto (Canada); Evgeni I. Malakhov, New Mexico Skies Inc. (United States); Roberto Abraham, Univ. of Toronto (Canada); Pieter van Dokkum, Yale Univ. (United States)
16 June 2024 • 13:20 - 13:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Dragonfly Spectral Line Mapper (DSLM) is a semi-autonomous, distributed-aperture based telescope design, featuring a modular setup of 120 Canon telephoto lenses, and equal numbers of ultra-narrowband filters, detectors, and other peripherals. Here we introduce the observatory software stack for this highly-distributed system. Its core is the Dragonfly Communication Protocol (DCP), a pure-Python hardware communication framework for standardized hardware interaction. On top of this are 120 REST-ful FastAPI web servers, hosted on Raspberry Pis attached to each unit, orchestrating command translation to the hardware and providing diagnostic feedback to a central control system running the global instrument control software. We discuss key features of this software suite, including docker containerization for environment management, class composition as a flexible framework for array commands, and a state machine algorithm which controls the telescope during autonomous observations.
Author(s): Andrew T. Cenko, Marc A. Murison, Jeffrey A. Munn, Stephen J. Williams, Tim Buschmann, Daniel R. Veillette, Trudy M. Tilleman, Tyler K. Robertson, Barry S. Rothberg, U.S. Naval Observatory (United States)
16 June 2024 • 13:40 - 14:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The US Naval Observatory (USNO) operates a wide range of telescopes, from historic meter-class telescopes through modern portable commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) systems. As the number and variety of systems increases, maintaining separate control software for each telescope becomes impractical. We have implemented telescope control software in Python that allows us to quickly and safely unify interactions with and outputs from a large variety of telescopes. We will discuss the design and operations of the TCS, including examples of how the flexible nature enables similar control for vastly different system architectures and observational goals.
Author(s): Cristian Herrera, Juan Pablo Perez, Rodrigo Olguin, Juan Pablo Araneda, European Southern Observatory (Chile)
16 June 2024 • 14:00 - 14:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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In this contribution, we examine the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX), a 12m telescope in Chile's Andes, developed for effective remote operations at 5107m altitude. We will discuss the key features enabling APEX's successful seven-year remote operation, including its robust network system and advanced monitoring system, featuring a redundant database with master/slave topology at both control and high sites, and a control room infrastructure for continuous monitoring and failure alerts through trend analysis. The focus will be on how APEX's experience and lessons learned can guide remote operations for the Very Large Telescope (VLT) and Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) within the Integrated Operation Program (IOP), aiming to unify VLT and ELT into a single observatory. We will compare the remote operation systems of VLT and APEX, assessing their strengths and weaknesses, to inform and enhance the future remote operations strategy for ELT and VLT, emphasizing efficiency, safety, and operational synergy.
Author(s): Viivi Pursiainen, Stewart Williams, Thaddeus Kenny, Elizabeth Bartlett, Andrew Biggs, Brendan McCollam, UK Astronomy Technology Ctr. (United Kingdom); Danilo Acosta, Sean Ellis, Rupert Lung, CGI Inc. (United Kingdom)
16 June 2024 • 14:20 - 14:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Observation Execution Tool (OET) is part of the Observatory Science Operations (OSO) tools developed for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). This paper concentrates on the design decisions and challenges in the development of the OET and how it solves specific problems such as running concurrent observations on multiple subarrays while remaining responsive to the user.
Author(s): José Antonio Rodríguez Losada, Alfonso Guillermo Cardell Bilbao, Gran Telescopio de Canarias, S.A. (Spain)
16 June 2024 • 14:40 - 15:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The "Gran Telescopio de Canarias" (GTC) is an optical-infrared 10-meter segmented mirror telescope at the ORM observatory in Canary Islands (Spain). The GTC Control System (GCS) is a distributed object and component-oriented system. In the first developments, the different motion control and sensor systems were quite coupled to the technologies that were used for their implementation. This work has been the result of the evolution of these developments carried out in the field rotation, acquisition and guiding systems of the focal stations updated in recent years. All the knowledge acquired in this context has been reflected in a new design, generalizing concepts such as mechanism, axis, drive, fieldbus protocol and access library, in such a way that the components of the coordination package are completely decoupled from the technology that is used for the control and monitoring of movement. On the one hand, this design provides simplicity, since the creation of new devices is reduced to specifying a configuration. And on the other hand, it provides stability, focusing the points of variability on the simple extension of new technologies that will be included into the system.
Author(s): Wim Pessemier, Gert Raskin, Wim De Meester, Wannes Verstraeten, Kwinten Missiaen, Muhammad Salman, Maddalena Reggiani, Hans Van Winckel, Bart Vandenbussche, KU Leuven (Belgium); Mario Kiekebusch, Dan Popovic, Benoit Serra, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Antonio Amorim, CENTRA (Portugal); Jean-Christophe Barriere, CEA (France); Thomas Bertram, Peter Bizenberger, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Olivier Corpace, CEA (France); Yigit Dallilar, Univ. zu Köln (Germany); Martin Kulas, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Dirk Lesman, Ivan Lloro, Jeff Lynn, ASTRON (Netherlands); Lars Mohr, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Philip Parr-Burman, UK Astronomy Technology Ctr. (United Kingdom); Chad Salo, Leiden Univ. (Netherlands); Roy Van Boekel, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Shiang-Yu Wang, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
16 June 2024 • 15:00 - 15:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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METIS, the Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph, will be one of the first-generation ELT instruments. METIS has an instrument control system (ICS) that allows the instrument to operate in various observing modes, using a multitude of mostly cryogenic mechanisms. The ICS is built using the ESO ELT instrument framework, which provides the building blocks to control the various mechanisms, along with the interface to the telescope and its services. In this paper we provide an overview of the electronics, the low-level PLC-based software, and the high-level PC-based software. We show how the combination of off-the-shelf industrial hardware and the ELT instrument framework, can meet the requirements of ELT instruments, and how we alleviate some of the organizational challenges that are inherent to the development of a complex instrument by institutes in different locations.
Coffee Break 15:20 - 15:50
Session 3: Software Testing/Quality
16 June 2024 • 15:50 - 17:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Alastair J. Borrowman, Observatory Sciences Ltd. (United Kingdom), Valentina Alberti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy)
Author(s): Juan Pablo Gil, Natalie Behara, Vicente Lizana, Eduardo Peña, European Southern Observatory (Chile)
16 June 2024 • 15:50 - 16:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The VLT at Paranal Observatory has been in operation for over two decades, and soon, the ELT will be managed by the same operational team. Maintaining operational efficiency and minimizing downtime with limited resources will be crucial. Previous research has shown that software logs effectively capture the telescopes' behavior, providing valuable operational insights. We've integrated various log analysis techniques from academic literature and industry best practices. These techniques allow engineers to monitor system health, analyze error sequences, detect anomalies, and reconstruct processes which improve maintenance and extract new insights. Additionally, we've utilized generative artificial intelligence and NLP transformer-based models, to infer observation behavior and predict execution failures. We have taken advantage of both the Paranal Datalab on-premise facility and Azure Cloud. In this work, we provide technical details and outline the key challenges and opportunities in adopting this technique within an astronomy facility.
Author(s): Gianluca Marotta, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Emanuele Lena, Interaction Design Solutions Srl (Italy); Giorgio Brajnik, Univ. degli Studi di Udine (Italy), Interaction Design Solutions Srl (Italy); Ivana Novak, Martino Colciago, Cosylab Switzerland GmbH (Switzerland); Elisabetta Giani, Carlo Baffa, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy)
16 June 2024 • 16:10 - 16:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Data Mining can be applied to the set of results obtained by testing a specific SKA software component. Considering the SKA complexity, the reliability of all the software components is of critical importance. This study goes in the direction of setting up a testing process that employs data mining on test data and that allows to discover bugs and to understand the cause of unwanted software behaviour, even when these are not revealed by a simple regression testing strategy.
Author(s): Christina Hedges, Rae J. Holcomb, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County (United States); Ben Hord, Thomas Barclay, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States); Jessie Dotson, NASA Ames Research Ctr. (United States); Elisa Quintana, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States)
16 June 2024 • 16:30 - 16:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The upcoming NASA Pandora Mission, scheduled for launch in 2025, will provide revolutionary new exoplanet transmission spectra in the crucial context of their host stars. Pandora will provide at least 10 wavelength-resolved transits of 20 unique exoplanets, each with 24 hours of stellar baseline per transit. This will provide the vital context needed to disentangle stellar contamination from exoplanet transmission spectroscopy around cool stars, and understand the impact of star spots on retrieved atmospheric properties. Pandora will be equipped with i) a visible detector, providing time-series photometry at 550nm, and ii) near-infrared detector, providing R=30 spectra from 0.9 to 1.6 microns with at least 150ppm precision at j=9. Over the course of this talk, I will discuss simulations built by the Pandora team to determine the expected data quality and science performance of the observatory. The mission's open source software can be used to generate expectations of Pandora’s performance on a wide range of scientific objects, and is used by the team to make decisions across the project life time.
Author(s): Adam Garner, Joao Bento, David Copley, David Heffernan, Chloe Moissec, Liverpool John Moores Univ. (United Kingdom)
16 June 2024 • 16:50 - 17:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The New Robotic Telescope (NRT) is a fully autonomous robotic four metre class telescope located at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) on La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. The autonomous nature requires a robust, fault tolerant, real time control system. This is achieved by using proven industrial Beckhoff programmable logic controllers (PLCs) with a Ethercat data bus for real time operation creating a distributed system. The PLC code is developed using a unit testing framework which lowers the risk of breaking expensive hardware during code changes and allows extra functionality to be added easily. The PLCs are controlled using the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) protocol. The telescope functional safety will be tightly integrated with Beckhoff Twinsafe technology allowing complete telemetry all the way up the software stack.
Author(s): Bernhard Lopez, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany); Pierre Aubert, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); Leonardo Baroncelli, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Jan-Philipp Bolle, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Pietro Bruno, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Andrea Bulgarelli, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Sami Caroff, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); Luca Castaldini, Vito Conforti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Alessandro Costa, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Ludovic David, Univ. Paris-Saclay, CNRS (France), Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (France); Giovanni De Cesare, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Emma de Ona Wilhelmi, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Ambra Di Piano, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Kathrin Egberts, Institut für Physik & Astronomie, Univ. Potsdam (Germany); Rodrigo Fernandez, Cosylab d.d. (Slovenia); Valentina Fioretti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Satoshi Fukami, Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics, ETH Zurich (Switzerland); Enrique Garcia, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (France); Hasmik Gasparyan, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Stefano Germani, Univ. degli Studi di Perugia (Italy); Federico Incardona, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Dmitriy Kostunin, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Etienne Lyard, Univ. de Genève (Switzerland); Gilles Maurin, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); David Melkumyan, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Kevin Munari, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Thomas Murach, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Adam Muraczewski, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland); Nariman Nakhjiri, Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (Spain), Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (Spain); Dominik Neise, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany), Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics, ETH Zürich (Switzerland); Igor Oya, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany); Gabriele Panebianco, Nicolo Parmiggiani, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Vincent Pollet, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); Iftach Sadeh, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Sunil Sah, Cosylab d.d. (Slovenia); Arkadipta Sarkar, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Marc Schefer, Univ. de Genève (Switzerland); Torsten Schmidt, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); David Soldevila, Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (Spain), Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (Spain); Constantin Steppa, Institut für Physik & Astronomie, Univ. Potsdam (Germany); Andrea Tramacere, Univ. de Genève (Switzerland); Ramon Valles-Puig, Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (Spain), Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (Spain); Thomas Vuillaume, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); Felix Werner, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (Germany)
16 June 2024 • 17:10 - 17:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) is the next-generation atmospheric Cherenkov gamma-ray Observatory. The Array Control and Data Acquisition (ACADA) system is the central element for the Observatory on-site operations: it controls, supervises, and handles the data generated by the telescopes and auxiliary instruments (array elements). Considering the criticality of the ACADA system for future Observatory operations, corresponding quality assurance provisions have been made at the different steps of the software development lifecycle. To enable higher-level tests an ACADA test cluster and a separate software integration and test cluster have been established that allow for the off-site testing of ACADA standalone, or of the integrated software packages of ACADA and of the corresponding array elements. This methodology has been applied for the first time in the context of the integration of ACADA with the first CTAO Large-sized Telescope (LST-1) in October 2023.
Monday Plenary
17 June 2024 • 08:20 - 10:00 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F

View Full Details: spie.org/AS/monday-plenary

Author(s): Tomonori Usuda, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (United States); Yuko Kakazu, Thirty Meter Telescope (United States)
17 June 2024 • 08:30 - 09:15 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F
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The Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory (TIO) is an ambitious international scientific endeavor. In Part 1, we highlight Japan’s contributions toward technical advancements. Building upon the scientific and engineering success of the Subaru Telescope and ALMA, Japan leads in developing the telescope structure, primary mirror production, and cutting-edge science instruments. Part 2 delves into TIO’s transformative shift toward community engagement. At TIO, we believe in community model of astronomy that upholds the values of inclusion, respect, and community stewardship. We are committed to listening to, learning from, and working together with Hawaiʻi commuities to build a brighter future for all.
Author(s): Charles Mpho Takalana, The African Astronomical Society (South Africa)
17 June 2024 • 09:15 - 10:00 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F
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Africa's unique dark skies offer vast potential for astronomy, which has significantly advanced over the last two decades through substantial investment in infrastructure and human capital. The African Astronomical Society (AfAS), relaunched in 2019, plays a crucial role in this ascent, enhancing the network of astronomers across the continent, fostering research collaborations, and advising on policy. Noteworthy achievements for Astronomy in Africa include securing a bid to host the mid-frequency component of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope, hosting the first International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly in Africa in August 2024, and being home to the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) since 2011. This talk highlights these milestones, illustrating the community's commitment to developing astronomy on the continent and utilising astronomy as a tool to address developmental challenges.
Coffee Break 10:00 - 10:30
Session 4: Instrumentation Control
17 June 2024 • 10:30 - 12:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Jorge Ibsen, Joint ALMA Observatory (Chile), Petr Kubánek, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (Chile)
Author(s): Mario J. Kiekebusch, Luigi Andolfato, Diego Del Valle, Sylvie Feyrin, Arturo Hoffstadt, Jens Knudstrup, Christophe Moins, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Iván Muñoz, European Southern Observatory (Chile); Dan Popovic, Claudio Reinero, Calle Rosenquist, Paola Sivera, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Ricardo Schmutzer, European Southern Observatory (Chile); Piotr Szubiakowski, European Southern Observatory (Germany)
17 June 2024 • 10:30 - 10:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has made a significant progress in the implementation of a new software framework, the Instrument Control System Framework (IFW) tailored to facilitate the development of upcoming astronomical instruments at the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). This framework offers a complete, scalable and adaptable infrastructure to support the diverse needs of instrument control. This framework is the solution provided by ESO for all new instruments in the ELT, as well as for the forthcoming instruments in the VLT. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the architecture, design principles, key features of this software project.
Author(s): Ezra Fielding, Victor H. Schulz, Keenan A. A. Chatar, Kei Sano, Akitoshi Hanazawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan)
17 June 2024 • 10:50 - 11:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Modern astronomical satellites generate large volumes of data, necessitating efficient onboard data processing and high-speed data downlink. Reflecting this trend is the Visible Extragalactic background RadiaTion Exploration by CubeSat (VERTECS) 6U Astronomical Nanosatellite. The observation of Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) is expected to generate a substantial amount of image data, particularly within the confines of CubeSat capabilities. This paper introduces the VERTECS Camera Control Board (CCB), an open-source payload interface board leveraging Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components, with a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 at its core. The VERTECS CCB serves as the sole interface between the VERTECS bus system and astronomical imaging payload. Responsible for mission data processing, it will facilitate high-speed communication with the imaging payload and X-band transmitter. This paper delves into the development of the VERTECS CCB, offering insights into the design and validation of this next-generation payload interface.
Author(s): Zhe Geng, Zhi-yue Wang, Zhen-hao Zheng, Kun Ge, Yu Zhang, Hong-fei Zhang, Jian Wang, Univ. of Science and Technology of China (China)
17 June 2024 • 11:10 - 11:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST) is a survey telescope that achieves world-class levels of efficiency and field of view in terms of surveying capabilities. The WFST Prime Focus Camera Control System (CCS) is a complex distributed system composed of multiple subsystems. It is responsible for controlling diverse devices within each subsystem, monitoring their operational status, scheduling these devices to complete operational processes, receiving, managing, and storing image data, and providing an interface to the observation control system to facilitate time-domain survey observations. To ensure the survey efficiency of WFST and achieve a series of scientific observation objectives, we designs an Event-Driven Architecture(EDA) named RACS-CCS based on the Remote Autonomous Control System 2nd(RACS2) and the Mosaic Scientific Camera Software Development Kit (SDK). multiple components are designed to complete the prime focus camera control processes and a set of generic state transition modes for the exposure-readout process are defined. Based on the static analysis tools and modular testing methods, multiple key performance indicators of the system were tested.
Author(s): Roland Winkler, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (Germany); Ingo Stilz, Alexander Pramskiy, Landessternwarte Heidelber (Germany); Weijia Sun, Pasko Roje, Thomas Liebner, Daniel Sablowski, Steffen Frey, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (Germany); Gerard Zins, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Scott Smedley, Australian Astronomical Optics (Australia)
17 June 2024 • 11:30 - 11:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The 4-meter Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST) instrument uses 2436 individually positioned optical fibres to couple the light of targets into its spectrographs. The Fibre Target Alignment (FTA) software controls all aspects of the 4MOST instrument that are involved to position the 2448 spines of the AESOP positioner to their target locations closer than 10um RMS, within 90 seconds. We present the FTA control software architecture, the interaction of sub-components and the different operation modes of the system. Due to the complexity of the system, comprehensive debugging and visualization tools have been developed which allow a detailed understanding and interaction of the entire system. To develop the control software, a full end-to-end simulator has been created, which closes the loop between metrology image simulation, simulated fibre positioning and all control aspects in between.
Author(s): Marco Landoni, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Manuel Monteiro, Univ. do Porto (Portugal); Paolo Di Marcantonio, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Alessio Zanutta, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Livia Origlia, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Elena Mason, Roberto Cirami, Veronica Baldini, Andrea Balestra, Giorgio Calderone, Igor Coretti, Guido Cupani, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Vincent Geers, UK Astronomy Technology Ctr. (United Kingdom); Arto Jarvinen, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (Germany); Adrian Kaminski, Landessternwarte Heidelberg (Germany); J Knoche, Jochen Liske, Univ. Hamburg (Germany); Mike MacIntosh, Science and Technology Facilities Council (United Kingdom); Thomas Marquart, Uppsala Univ. (Sweden); Alessandro Marconi, UniFI - Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy); Sylvain Rousseu, Univ. Côte d'Azur (France); Nicoletta Sanna, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Andrea Scaudo, Univ. degli Studi dell'Insubria (Italy); Danuta Sosnowska, Univ. de Genève (Switzerland)
17 June 2024 • 11:50 - 12:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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We present an overview of the software architecture designed for the ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph (ANDES) spectrograph for the ELT. We detail about both control software, based on the current ESO Instrument Control Framework, and science tools focusing on the key architectural decisions we have made.
Lunch Break 12:10 - 13:20
Session 5: AI and ML Applied to Control
17 June 2024 • 13:20 - 15:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Gianluca Chiozzi, European Southern Observatory (Germany), Petr Kubánek, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (Chile)
Author(s): Stefan Thoms, Matthias Reichert, OHB Digital Connect GmbH (Germany)
17 June 2024 • 13:20 - 13:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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This study aims to compare the effectiveness of deep learning methods, specifically Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN), with traditional Pointing Models (PMs) for compensating Blind Pointing Errors in astronomical instruments. Ambitious projects like the ongoing study for the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST†) inspired to investigate possible improvements of traditional Pointing Error (PE) modeling. The study assesses the practicality of FNNs by applying them to data from an instrument in operation: a precursor MeerKAT+ telescope from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) to extend the current MeerKAT Radio Telescope Array at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) site in the Meerkat National Park in South Africa.
Author(s): Jonathan Carney, Hank Corbett, William Marshall, Nicholas M. Law, Shannon Fitton, Ramses Gonzalez, Lawrence Machia, Thomas Proctor, Alan Vasquez Soto, The Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States)
17 June 2024 • 13:40 - 14:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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We present a machine learning model based on deep encoder-decoder architecture that transforms an astronomical image into a latent space representation of the spatially varying Point Spread Functions (PSFs) within the image. This learned compressed representation can then be queried with a pixel position in order to create a realistic synthetic PSF for a transient source at that pixel. Our method is demonstrated using data from the Argus Pathfinder array’s transient detection pipeline. This methodology allows for more cost effective generation of 100M+ image datasets for training transient detection pipelines and could be generalized to other next generation transient surveys.
Author(s): Bartomeu Pou Mulet, Barcelona Supercomputing Ctr. - Ctr. Nacional de Supercomputación (Spain), Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain), Observatoire de Paris (France); Florian Ferreira, Observatoire de Paris (France); Vincent Deo, Kyohoon Ahn, Sebastien Vievard, Julien Lozi, Olivier Guyon, Subaru Telescope, NAOJ (United States); Eduardo Quinones, Barcelona Supercomputing Ctr. - Ctr. Nacional de Supercomputación (Spain); Mario Martin, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain); Damien Gratadour, Observatoire de Paris (France)
17 June 2024 • 14:00 - 14:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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We present results on integrating machine learning (ML) methods with two real-time control libraries: common scalable and modular infrastructure for real-time control (COSMIC) and compute and control for adaptive optics (CACAO). We test the integration with COSMIC on simulation and with CACAO on the Subaru coronagraphic extreme adaptive optics (SCExAO) instrument. Our proposed solution’s pipeline is formed by a dual-stage ML system. The first stage consists of a very deep neural network (DNN) that maps wavefront sensor (WFS) images to phase and is trained offline. The second stage consists of predictive control with a more compact DNN. The predictive control stage is trained online, providing an adaptive solution to changing atmospheric conditions but adding extra complexity to the pipeline. We implement the inference stage with NVIDIA’s TensorRT to accelerate the DNNs inference, and we integrate it with COSMIC and CACAO. The results show an improvement in accuracy over a classical integrator, as well as fulfilling the real-time requirements to operate at a high cadence.
Author(s): Jackson Zariski, Kaitlin Kratter, Steward Observatory, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Sarah Logsdon, NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Lab. (United States); Chad Bender, Steward Observatory, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Dan Li, Heidi Schweiker, Jayadev Rajagopal, Bill McBride, Emily Hunting, NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Lab. (United States)
17 June 2024 • 14:20 - 14:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The WIYN 3.5m Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory hosts a suite of optical and near-infrared instruments, including an extreme precision, fiber-fed optical spectrograph, NEID, built for exoplanet radial velocity studies. In order to minimize external radial velocity errors, NEID has strict requirements on stellar image positioning and guiding performance, which have exceeded the native capability of the telescope’s original pointing and tracking system. In order to improve the operational efficiency of the telescope we have developed a novel telescope pointing system, built on a recurrent neural network, that does not rely on the usual pointing models (TPoint or other quasi-physical bases). In this talk, I will discuss the development of this system and how the intrinsic properties of the pointing problem informed our network design. I will also discuss plans for the generalization of this system, so that it can be fit to any acquisition/tracking system.
Author(s): Nimesh A. Patel, Ramprasad Rao, Robert Christensen, Garrett Keating, Kristen Laguana, Adam Mills, Angelu Ramos, Shelbi H. Schimpf, Rachel Smith, Ctr. for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (United States); Sheng-Feng Yen, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Patrick S. Leiker, Timothy Norton, Ctr. for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (United States)
17 June 2024 • 14:40 - 15:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Submillimeter Array (SMA) requires precise full-sky blind pointing for its eight 6m antennas, aiming for an error within 3", a fraction of the 34" FWHM beam at 345 GHz. SMA's typical 2-3" rms pointing accuracy is crucial for efficient array operation, especially with 4 to 6 antenna relocations across 24 pads in various configurations each semester. Traditional calibration using optical guidescopes for mount model errors has shifted to interferometric pointing measurements on quasars, for full model acquisition and baseline calibration. Following every array reconfiguration, mechanical imperfections in antenna mounting lead to significant deviations in azimuth encoder offset and axis tilt parameters, complicating pointing accuracy. To overcome this, a three-layer feed-forward neural network, trained on over 10 years of data for each antenna-pad configuration, predicts post-reconfiguration changes. This approach, currently under evaluation and refinement, aims to expedite recalibration, indicating potential substantial reductions in calibration time and enhanced operational efficiency.
Lightning Talks
17 June 2024 • 15:00 - 15:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Gianluca Chiozzi, European Southern Observatory (Germany), Petr Kubánek, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (Chile)
Poster Presenters: Lightning Talks are concise 3-minute oral presentations that tell the big picture story of your work or of a topic you are particularly interested in. You can use them to introduce your poster and attract people for a separate discussion.
Coffee Break 15:20 - 15:50
Session 6: Data Management, Processing and Pipelines I
17 June 2024 • 15:50 - 17:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Jeff Mader, W. M. Keck Observatory (United States), George Kosugi, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan)
Author(s): Timothy E. Pickering, MMT Observatory (United States); Erik Tollerud, Kyle Conroy, Richard O'Steen, Camilla Pacifici, Clare Shanahan, Brett Morris, Space Telescope Science Institute (United States)
17 June 2024 • 15:50 - 16:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Specreduce is an Astropy-affiliated python package whose goal is to be a toolbox of functions and utilities that are relevant to the reduction of spectroscopic data. It is largely focused on optical/IR spectroscopy where the raw data consists of an image projected from a spectrograph onto a 2D imaging detector. The way the spectral and spatial information is encoded into these 2D images can be quite complex and varied (e.g. multi-object vs multi-fiber vs integral field spectroscopy). Methods and algorithms for handling this variety of data have been implemented across many previous and existing data pipelines. Specreduce aims to collect these best practices into a common, shared space that facilitates more collaboration and easier development of future spectroscopic pipelines.
Author(s): Chien-Hsiu Lee, Jeff Mader, Tyler Coda, Jo Hayashi, Max Brodheim, Lucas Fuhrman, W. M. Keck Observatory (United States)
17 June 2024 • 16:10 - 16:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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With active time-domain surveys like the Zwicky Transient Facility, the anticipated Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time, and multi-messenger experiments such as LIGO/VIRGO/KANGRA for gravitational wave detection and IceCube for high-energy neutrino events, there is a new era in both time-domain and multi-messenger astronomy. The Astro2020 decadal survey highlights effectively responding to these astronomical alerts in a timely manner as a priority, and thus, there is an urgent need for the development of a seamless follow-up infrastructure at existing facilities that are capable of following up on detections at the surveys’ depths. At the W. M. Keck Observatory, we are actively constructing critical infrastructure, aimed at facilitating the Target-of-Opportunity trigger, optimizing observational planning, streamlining data acquisition, and enhancing data product accessibility. We provide an overview of these developing services and place them in context of existing observatory infrastructure like the Keck Observatory Archive and Data Services Initiative.
Author(s): Curtis McCully, Joseph Chatelain, Matthew Daily, Las Cumbres Observatory (United States)
17 June 2024 • 16:30 - 16:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Moving into the age of Time Domain Astronomy, robust, automated data reductions systems become essential. Here we present BANZAI-FLOYDS, a fully automated long-slit data reduction pipeline for the FLOYDS spectrograph at Las Cumbres Observatory. BANZAI-FLOYDS is fully written in Python, implementing wavelength calibration, fringe correction, object detection and tracing, telluric correction and flux calibration. The pipeline builds on the BANZAI library which handles the data flow and engineering allowing BANZAI-FLOYDS to only focus on spectroscopic processing. This design enables modularity of the processing stages allowing rapid development and encourages reuse for other spectrographs.
Author(s): Yilun Guan, Univ. of Toronto (Canada); Kathleen Harrington, High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory (United States), Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago (United States); Jack Lashner, Sanah Bhimani, Wright Laboratory, Department of Physics, Yale University (United States); Kevin T. Crowley, Department of Physics, UC San Diego (United States); Nicholas Galitzki, Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin (United States), Weinberg Institute for Theoretical Physics, Texas Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (United States); Ken Ganga, Universite Paris Cite, CNRS, Astroparticule et Cosmologie (France); Matthew Hasselfield, Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute (United States); Adam D. Hincks, David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto (Canada); Brian Keating, Department of Physics, UC San Diego (United States); Brian J. Koopman, Wright Laboratory, Department of Physics, Yale University (United States); Laura Newburgh, Department of Physics, Yale University (United States); David V. Nguyen, Max Silva-Feaver, Wright Laboratory, Department of Physics, Yale University (United States)
17 June 2024 • 16:50 - 17:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Simons Observatory (SO) is a next-generation ground-based telescope located in the Atacama Desert in Chile, designed to map the cosmic microwave background (CMB) with unprecedented precision. The observatory consists of three small aperture telescopes (SATs) and one large aperture telescope (LAT), each optimized for distinct but complementary scientific goals. To achieve these goals, optimized scan strategies have been defined for both the SATs and LAT. This paper describes a software system deployed in SO that effectively translates high-level scan strategies into realistic observing scripts executable by the telescope, taking into account realistic observational constraints. The data volume of SO also necessitates a scalable software infrastructure to support its daily data processing needs. This paper also outlines an automated workflow system for managing data packaging and daily data reduction at the site.
Author(s): Kieran Leschinski, Hugo Buddelmeijer, Oliver Czoske, Univ. Wien (Austria); Gilles Otten, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Martin Baláž, Fabian Haberhauer, Univ. Wien (Austria); Jennifer Karr, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Wolfgang Kausch, Univ. Innsbruck (Austria); Thomas Marquart, Uppsala Univ. (Sweden); Nadeen Sabha, Univ. Innsbruck (Austria); Chi-Hung Yan, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Norbert Przybilla, Univ. Innsbruck (Austria); Shiang-Yu Wang, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Werner W. Zeilinger, Univ. Wien (Austria)
17 June 2024 • 17:10 - 17:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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METIS, the Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph, will be one the first instruments at the ESO Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). The myriad of available observing capabilities requires an equally complex data reduction pipeline to turn raw data into scientific useful data product. The new "ESO Data Processing System" (EDPS) framework (Freudling+ 2023) is being used as the basic engine of the METIS pipeline. As such multiple programming languages (Python, C) are being employed for the development. Development activities and milestones have been planned in such a way as to concurrently support verification and testing activities of the other METIS subsystems during the MAIT phase. In this proceedings paper we present the final design of the METIS pipeline and the detailed development plan for the implementation phase ending 2027.
Tuesday Plenary
18 June 2024 • 08:30 - 10:00 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F

View Full Details: spie.org/AS/tuesday-plenary

Author(s): Saku Tsuneta, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan)
18 June 2024 • 08:30 - 09:15 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F
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The Basic Plan on Space Policy sets forth the basic principles of Japan's space policy with an aim to promote policies for space development. The latest version, approved by the Cabinet in June 2023, marks a significant shift by defining space science as a crucial integral part of Japan's space development efforts, transitioning from treating it solely as an isolated academic activity. For instance, the Artemis program is promoted as a policy initiative where scientific exploration is positioned to serve a precursor role. It also encourages Japan’s involvement in NASA's post-JWST efforts. Here, I will present Japan's recent accomplishments and future plans in space science.
Author(s): Mark Clampin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States); John M. O'Meara, W. M. Keck Observatory (United States)
18 June 2024 • 09:15 - 10:00 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F
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The goals of the Astrophysics Division are to understand how the universe works, understand how we got here and to address the question, are we alone? In this talk, Dr. Clampin will discuss the current goals of the Astrophysics Division, and its suite of current and future missions. He will also preview progress towards the 2020 National Academies (NAS) Decadal Survey including the key recommendation, the Habitable Worlds Observatory and NASA’s approach to its implementation. Dr. O’Meara will discuss the first steps towards implementation, the formation of a Science, Technology, Architecture Review Team (START) and Technical Analysis Group (TAG) for HWO. He will describe how these teams, along with a large cohort of volunteers are working to define the trade space that must be explored for HWO to meet its top science goals of surveying exoplanets for the signatures of life and performing transformational astrophysics.
Coffee Break 10:00 - 10:30
Session 7: AI and ML
18 June 2024 • 10:30 - 11:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Gianluca Chiozzi, European Southern Observatory (Germany), Valentina Alberti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy)
Author(s): Giuliano Taffoni, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Andrea Mignone, UniTo (Italy); Luca Tornatore, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Eva Sciacca, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Massimiliano Guarrasi, CINECA (Italy); Giovanni Lapenta, Katholieke Universitedit Leuven (Belgium); Lubomir Riha, IT4Innovations, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic); Radim Vavrik, Ondrej Vysocky, Kristian Kadlubiak, Petr Strakos, Milan Jaros, IT4Innovations (Czech Republic); Klaus Dolag, Ludwig Maximilian University (Germany); Benoit Commercon, French National Centre for Scientific Research (France); Luciano Rezzolla, Khalil Pierre, Georgios Doulis, Goethe University of Frankfurt (Germany); Sijing Shen, University of Oslo (Norway); Manolis Marazakis, Foundation for Research and Technology (Greece); Daniele Gregori, Elisabetta Boella, E4 Computer Engineering SpA (Italy); Gino Perna, Marisa Zanotti, EnginSoft SpA (Italy); Erwan Raffin, Bull (France); Kai Polsterer, Sebastian Trujillo Gomez, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (Germany); Guillermo Marin, BSC (Spain)
18 June 2024 • 10:30 - 10:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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High-performance computing (HPC)-based numerical simulations are indispensable in astrophysics and cosmology (A&C), aiding scientific understanding of celestial phenomena. These simulations model complex physical processes underlying observations, crucial for interpretation. Advancements in computational power promise transformative scientific discoveries through larger-scale simulations, especially critical in astrophysics, a field devoid of traditional lab experiments. Exascale computing systems pose a challenge as existing numerical codes aren't tailored for these complex architectures, limiting their potential. Recognising this gap, SPACE's primary aim is to adapt current A&C codes for pre-exascale HPC architectures funded by EuroHPC JU and future systems. This initiative, involving scientists, code developers, HPC experts, and hardware & software manufacturers, aims to redesign eight prominent European A&C HPC codes. The goal is to re-design these codes for efficient utilization of upcoming computing architectures. SPACE's efforts also focus on advancing workflows using machine learning and visualisation building an exascale ready numerical Laboratory for A&C.
Author(s): Ricardo Sarmiento-Rubiano, Roberto Baena Gallé, Marina Cruz, Alfonso Ortega, Univ. Internacional de La Rioja (Spain); Terrence Girard, Dana Casetti-Dinescu, Southern Connecticut State Univ. (United States); Alejandro Cervantes, Univ. Internacional de La Rioja (Spain)
18 June 2024 • 10:50 - 11:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Grammar Evolution is one of the most popular approaches to automatic evolutionary computation, proposed to use genetic algorithms to generate programs in any programming language. Here, we explore using grammar evolution on a problem of symbolic regression to generate mathematical expressions that can describe astronomical PSFs. If machine learning regression is a type of problem in which the system must learn to produce a best value for each possible input, symbolic regression solves this problem by proposing a symbolic expression that generates the outputs. We have applied this approach to point-like source images from the Hubble Space Telescope’s WFPC2 camera. Comparisons are made to analytical PSF models previously used in astrometric studies, such as elliptical 2D Moffat and Gaussian functions. We have used star positions, measured with precisions of milli pixels, as a validation function. We have explored dependence on under-sampling factor, given the camera’s two spatial resolutions, as well as on PSF variance across detectors. Scientifically, improved WFPC2 star positions would lead to stellar proper-motion studies of unprecedented precision.
Author(s): Alessio Turchi, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Elena Pancino, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy), Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italy); Fabio Rossi, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Alexsandra Avdeeva, cInstitute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, (Russian Federation); Paola Marrese, Silvia Marinoni, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italy); Nicoletta Sanna, Maria Tsantaki, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Giorgio Fanari, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italy)
18 June 2024 • 11:10 - 11:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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We present a machine learning method to assign stellar parameters (temperature, surface gravity, metallicity) to the photometric data of large photometric surveys such as SDSS and SKYMAPPER. The method makes use of our previous effort in homogenizing and recalibrating spectroscopic data from surveys like APOGEE, GALAH, or LAMOST into a single catalog, which is used to inform a neural network. We obtain spectroscopic-quality parameters for millions of stars that have only been observed photometrically. The typical uncertainties are of the order of 100K in temperature, 0.1 dex in surface gravity, and 0.1 dex in metallicity and the method performs well down to low metallicity, were obtaining reliable results is known to be difficult
Author(s): Ruiqiang Liu, Lingzhe Xu, Zhuangzhaung Deng, Yun Li, Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology (China); Cong Pan, Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology (China), Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China); Shihai Yang, Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology (China)
18 June 2024 • 11:30 - 11:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Aiming at various unpredictable problems faced by large telescopes in extreme environments, an unanticipated fault diagnosis method based on Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer-Isolation Forest (IGWO-iForest) is proposed. Firstly, the feature selection algorithm of random forest is used to optimize the features of the original dataset; secondly, differential evolution and Lévy flight strategy are introduced to improve the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), and the parameters of the iForest fault diagnosis model are optimized by using IGWO. Finally, the performance of the model is verified by the data collected from the fault diagnosis and self-healing semi-physical simulation platform. The experimental results show that the proposed IGWO algorithm improves the search accuracy and the ability to avoid local optimal solutions compared with the basic GWO algorithm; the proposed unintended fault diagnosis algorithm for large telescopes has high accuracy and good performance.
Lunch/Exhibition Break 11:50 - 13:20
Session 8: Cloud Technologies/Adoption
18 June 2024 • 13:20 - 15:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Jorge Ibsen, Joint ALMA Observatory (Chile), Tom Donaldson, Space Telescope Science Institute (United States)
Author(s): Frossie Economou, Michael Reuter, Russ Allbery, Christine Banek, Angelo Fausti, Jonathan Sick, Adam Thornton, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States)
18 June 2024 • 13:20 - 13:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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In order to address the challenges of the Rubin Science Platform, Rubin developed a kubernetes-based approach to service deployment with an in-house service configuration and support infrastructure called phalanx, based on ArgoCD. It became apparent that the challenges of running a service-oriented architecture in a modern observatory summit lent themselves equally well to this approach. In this talk we will describe how phalanx was adapted for use for telescope, instrument and sensor control services and the advantages of providing a unified service infrastructure for both control systems and data services.
Author(s): George Kosugi, Eisuke Morita, Takeshi Nakazato, Renaud Miel, Hiroaki Tagawa, Kanako Sugimoto, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan); Kento Aida, Hiroshi Yoshida, National Institute of Informatics (Japan)
18 June 2024 • 13:40 - 14:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The amount of astronomical data that needs to be archived, calibrated, and processed continues to increase as telescopes and instruments advance. To solve these issues, we conducted a demonstration experiment using ALMA archived data to efficiently utilize a commercial cloud for data archive and data analysis. In archiving, a hybrid configuration combining on-premise storage and cloud based short-term and long-term storages is cost-effective, considering the trends on the number of data downloads over time since the data was obtained. In data analysis, information on processing time and resource usage, such as memory and CPU core, measured during the pipeline process of approximately 400 data sets was analyzed, and a model was created to estimate processing time and the required amount of resources from the observation parameters. Based on the model created, the amount of required resources is predicted based on observation parameters, and an instance with the necessary and sufficient resources for pipeline processing is launched on demand on the cloud. These pipeline processes could be completed in comparable processing times compared to on-premise ones.
Author(s): Ingeborg Muñoz, Jorge Dupeyron, Alejandro Givovich, European Southern Observatory (Chile); David Bargna, Kevin Bergamo, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Eduardo Peña, Natalie Behara, Vicente Lizana, Andrés Vinet, Jorge Quiroz, Francisco Durán, David Torres, European Southern Observatory (Chile)
18 June 2024 • 14:00 - 14:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Datalab, the La Silla Paranal Observatory Platform for data analysis, is being migrated from Docker Swarm to Kubernetes to align with the integrated operations program's goals: Remote, Lean, Sustainable, and High performance. The migration implied to move from an on-premises to a cloud-native infrastructure replicated locally into a Cloud-Edge, providing hybrid cloud containerized applications support, implementing DevOps practices and automation. Using infrastructure as code and configuration management tools like Terraform and Ansible. Building CI/CD pipelines in Gitlab to automatically deploy the proper infrastructure into to the hybrid cloud to hold Kubernetes clusters (Azure Kubernetes Cluster and Vanilla Kubernetes). This approach allows the Observatory to enhance efficiency, reducing power consumption and improving scalability. Using Datalab as proof of concept but setting up the foundation to standardize these technologies in the organization. This paper outlines the provisioning and deployment of the new hybrid cloud infrastructure, providing a concise overview of its architecture, operational impact, and benefits for the observatory.
Author(s): Ugur Yilmaz, Piers Harding, SKA Observatory (United Kingdom)
18 June 2024 • 14:20 - 14:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development the adoption of containerisation has transformed the software supply chain. Containers encapsulate software components, ensuring consistency across multiple development, testing, and production environments. They foster agility and scalability by enabling microservices architecture and DevOps practices. The recent increase in cyberattacks targeting research institutes makes it critical to have a secure supply chain for containers and their orchestration. This paper delves into the integration of containers within the software supply chain, examining best practices and challenges in orchestration, security, and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) and distribution. We focus on how containers are secured from build stage, verified and distributed securely and validated in production, while also exploring the implications for dependency management and obsolescence in modern cloud-native infrastructures. Our analysis provides insights into maximizing the benefits of containerization to streamline development pipelines and enhance software supply chain resilience.
Author(s): Luis Alberto Rodriguez Garcia, Raul Dominguez Dominguez, Henry Brito Martín, Ismael Alvarez Candelario, Zaida Brito Triana, Pedro González Lorenzo, Alejandro J. Leal Gonzalez, Josue Toledo Castro, Cesar Cabrera Rodriguez, Manuel Huertas Lopez, Daniel Gonzalez Gonzalez, Gran Telescopio de Canarias, S.A. (Spain); Javier Lopez, Gran Telescopio de Canarias (Spain); Dario Marante Barreto, Gran Telescopio de Canarias, S.A. (Spain)
18 June 2024 • 14:40 - 15:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Grantecan (GTC) currently stands as the world's largest infrared optical telescope, notable for its considerable scale and intricate operational complexities. The telescope aligns with prevailing trends in industry, emphasizing smart factory strategies rooted in Industry 4.0, with a recent pivot towards human-centric human-machine interaction (Industry 5.0). The initial focus was identified in refining connectivity and defining the typology of sensors for optimizing operations. This led to the implementation of an industrial IoT middleware, grounded in FIWARE.The incorporation of smart sensors, leveraging links and protocols like LoRaWAN, Bluetooth, and Wifi, has been streamlined through MQTT connectivity while the integration of AI, edge computing, confined space control, flow management, electric vehicle charging, and photovoltaics represents a multifaceted technological augmentation. Looking ahead, the primary challenges lie in bolstering cybersecurity (OT), achieving seamless integration with Business Process Management (BPM), advancing data analytics capabilities, standardizing prescriptive maintenance protocols, and refining logistics processes.
Panel Discussion: Cyber-Security Round Table
18 June 2024 • 15:00 - 15:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Jorge Ibsen, Joint ALMA Observatory (Chile), Tom Donaldson, Space Telescope Science Institute (United States)
All publicly exposed research organizations receive cyber-attacks periodically and, given the collaborative nature of our mission, there are some commonalities on specific vulnerabilities. This session aims to enable an informal round table to discuss lessons learned and good practices towards cyber-security.
Coffee Break 15:20 - 15:50
Session 9: Observatory/Telescope Control II
18 June 2024 • 15:50 - 17:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Alastair J. Borrowman, Observatory Sciences Ltd. (United Kingdom), Petr Kubánek, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (Chile)
Author(s): Javier Argomedo Zazzali, Luigi Andolfato, Alessandro Caproni, Gianluca Chiozzi, Nick Kornweibel, European Southern Observatory (Germany);
18 June 2024 • 15:50 - 16:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The ELT Control System architecture first breakdown is between the Central Control System (CCS) and telescope subsystems Local Control Systems (LCS). The ELT CCS contain the Local Supervisors (LSV) that are responsible for interfacing to the different LCSs and implement the functionalities in the astronomical and user domains, which are translated into actions in the device’s domain of the respective LCS. The LSVs follow a controller-estimator design pattern and implement a common interface and basic state machine which is extended depending on the subsystem characteristics. The status feedback is done as estimated state variables. Tracking celestial objects is done on the Main Structure, the Dome and the Pre-Focal Station LSVs. Trajectory timestamped setpoints are computed and distributed ahead in time to the corresponding LCSs using deterministic channels. This paper presents the basic design and current development status and prototyping results.
CANCELED: Euclid Mission Survey Planning System
Author(s): Pedro Gómez-Álvarez, FRACTAL S.L.N.E. (Spain); Juan Manuel Martin Fleitas, Aurora Technology B.V. (Spain); Guillermo Buenadicha, Xavier Dupac, Rene Laureijs, Ralf Kohley, European Space Agency (Spain); Pablo Marcos, HE Space Operations BV (Spain); John Hoar, Pierre Ferruit, European Space Agency (Spain)
18 June 2024 • 16:10 - 16:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Launched from Cape Canaveral on July 1st, the Euclid mission represents a significant endeavour in cosmological astrophysics, aiming to survey 15,000 square degrees of the extragalactic sky over six years. This paper presents an overview of the operational planning and commanding software and infrastructure that supports this mission. We detail the essential requirements and the design process, discussing the challenges faced and the solutions implemented. Additionally, the paper shares insights from the first few months of operation, reflecting on the practical experiences and learnings.
Author(s): Tiago Ribeiro de Souza, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States); Russell Owen, Univ. of Washington (United States); Dave Mills, Michael Reuter, Andy Clements, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States); William O'Mullane, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (Chile)
18 June 2024 • 16:30 - 16:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Vera C. Rubin Observatory Control System is in an advanced stage of integration and commissioning, in tandem with the observatory construction status. We recently conducted a study to replace the Data Distribution Service (DDS) message passing system with Kafka as a middleware technology with promising results. We are currently conducting the final implementation and verification stages of the process and anticipate switching to Kafka in a short timeframe.
Author(s): Thomas Juerges, Sonja Vrcic, SKA Observatory (United Kingdom); Aditya Dange, Tata Consultancy Services, Ltd. (India)
18 June 2024 • 16:50 - 17:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) is an international organisation that currently builds two multi-purpose radio telescope arrays. The SKA Low Frequency Telescope array (SKA Low), located in the Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, the CSIRO Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory in Western Australia, with the observing range 50 - 350 MHz, will consist of more than 131,072 log-periodic antennas organised as 512 stations; the maximum distance between two stations is 65 kilometres. The SKA Mid Frequency Telescope array (SKA Mid), located in the Karoo region, North Western Cape province, South Africa, with the observing range 350 MHz - 15 GHz, will comprise 197 offset-Gregorian dishes; the dishes are 15 metres in diameter, the maximum baseline is 150 kilometres. This paper provides an overview of the automated attribute alarm handling in Tango Controls devices of the SKA Control System, the current software design for the early stages of the observatory, its horizontally scalable deployment, its integration and the lessons learned when real users and engineers deploy and use software.
Author(s): John A. Kypriotakis, Univ. of Crete (Greece), Institute of Astrophysics, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (Greece); Bhushan Joshi, Inter-Univ. Ctr. for Astronomy and Astrophysics (India); Dmitriy Blinov, Sebastian Kiehlmann, Institute of Astrophysics, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (Greece); Siddharth Maharana, South African Astronomical Observatory (South Africa); Chaitanya V. Rajarshi, Ramaprakash N. Anamparambu, Inter-Univ. Ctr. for Astronomy and Astrophysics (India); Artem Basyrov, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo (Norway); Myrto Falalaki, Institute of Astrophysics (Greece), Univ. of Crete (Greece); Tuhin Ghosh, School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research (India); Eirik Gjerløw, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo (Norway); Ioannis Liodakis, Institute of Astrophysics (Greece), Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA (United States); Nikolaos Mandarakas, Univ. of Crete (Greece), Institute of Astrophysics (Greece); Georgia V. Panopoulou, California Institute of Technology (United States); Vasiliki Pavlidou, Institute of Astrophysics (Greece), Univ. of Crete (Greece); Timothy J. Pearson, California Institute of Technology (United States); Vincent Pelgrims, Universit ́e Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium); Stephen B. Potter, South African Astronomical Observatory (South Africa), University of Johannesburg (South Africa); Anthony C S Readhead, Raphael Skalidis, California Institute of Technology (United States); Konstantinos Tassis, Univ. of Crete (Greece), Institute of Astrophysics (Greece); Namita Uppal, Institute of Astrophysics (Greece)
18 June 2024 • 17:10 - 17:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Wide Area Linear Optical Polarimeters (WALOP) instruments were manufactured by IUCAA, India to be used by the PASIPHAE collaboration. The homonymous survey will cover a large sky area near the galactic poles, therefore these instruments were designed and manufactured to accommodate for a fast surveillance of the requested fields. They do that by 4-channel, 1 shot polarimetry, sponsoring no moving parts and dedicated calibration hardware. As the instruments are nearing commissioning, a software collection is necessary to facilitate the survey and the extensive hardware control needed. In this presentation, we aim to explain the different pieces of software we developed for the needs of PASIPHAE, with emphasis on the software that will control the instrument and its host telescope. This was developed in-house and consists of a full stack web application that can accept commands either from its own front-end or from custom made applications. Together with our survey planner and data analysis pipeline, they make for a fully automated scheduling, calibration, observing, and data processing system.
Wednesday Plenary
19 June 2024 • 08:30 - 10:00 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F

View Full Details: spie.org/AS/wednesday-plenary

Author(s): René J. Laureijs, European Space Research and Technology Ctr. (Netherlands)
19 June 2024 • 08:30 - 09:15 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F
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After launch on 1 July 2023, the Euclid space telescope of the European Space Agency (ESA) has begun its 6-year mission designed to understand the origin of the Universe's accelerating expansion, which is commonly associated with Dark Energy. By observing billions of galaxies, Euclid will create a 3-dimensional map of the Universe covering 10 billion years of cosmic history. It contains the hierarchical assembly of (dark) matter in galaxies, clusters and superclusters telling us about the nature of gravity and giving us a detailed measurement of the accelerated expansion of the Universe in time. The stringent image quality and sky survey requirements impose extreme performances of the telescope, instruments, and spacecraft. After a mission summary, I will describe the in-orbit spacecraft and instrument performances. A notable challenge is the processing of the large volume of data. The scientific prospects of Euclid are illustrated with the first images and early science results.
Author(s): Fiona A. Harrison, Caltech (United States)
19 June 2024 • 09:15 - 10:00 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F
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The Ultraviolet Explorer (UVEX) mission, scheduled for launch in 2030, advances three scientific pillars: exploring the low-mass, low-metallicity galaxy frontier; providing new views of the dynamic universe, and leaving a broad legacy of modern, deep synoptic surveys adding to the panchromatic richness of 21st century astrophysics. The UVEX instrument consists of a single module with simultaneous FUV and NUV imaging over a wide (10 sq. deg) FOV and sensitive R>1000 spectroscopy over a broad band from 1150 - 2650 Angstroms. In this talk I will describe the UVEX scientific program and provide an overview of the instrument and mission.
Coffee Break 10:00 - 10:30
Session 10: Data Management, Processing and Pipelines II
19 June 2024 • 10:30 - 12:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Nuria P. F. Lorente, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia), Tom Donaldson, Space Telescope Science Institute (United States)
Author(s): Nathan P. Lourie, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States); John W. Baker, Caltech Optical Observatories (United States); Kevin Burdge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States); Richard S. Burruss, Caltech Optical Observatories (United States); Kishalay De, Gabor D. Furesz, Danielle Frostig, Erik Hinrichsen, Jill Juneau, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States); Viraj R. Karambelkar, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Caltech (United States); Andrew Malonis, Robert A. Simcoe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States); Robert D. Stein, Caltech (United States); Jeffry Zolkower, Caltech Optical Observatories (United States)
19 June 2024 • 10:30 - 10:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Wide-Field Infrared Transient Explorer (WINTER) is a new fully robotic infrared time-domain survey instrument at the Palomar Observatory, commissioned in June 2023. WINTER is performing a seeing-limited time domain survey of the infrared (IR) sky to detect, discover, and characterize astrophysical time-domain phenomena. As a dedicated observatory for real-time detection and rapid follow-up of infrared transient and variable targets, WINTER represents a new capability for multi-messenger astrophysics. We will describe the robotic software architecture of the WINTER Supervisor Program (WSP) which handles autonomous scheduling of both surveys and target-of-opportunity interrupts, as well as control and remote monitoring of the observatory, telescope, and cameras.
Author(s): Karthik Reddy, Judd D. Bowman, Arizona State Univ. (United States); Jayce Dowell, Greg B. Taylor, The Univ. of New Mexico (United States); Adam P. Beardsley, Winona State Univ. (United States); Craig Taylor, The Univ. of New Mexico (United States)
19 June 2024 • 10:50 - 11:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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A real-time all-sky radio imaging system is under deployment on the Long Wavelength Array in Sevilleta, New Mexico. This system is designed to continuously monitor the sky to detect radio transient events below 100 MHz. The imager is powered by a highly optimized GPU implementation of a generic algorithm called the E-Field Parallel Imaging Correlator that can image the entire sky 25000 times per second at each frequency. The data is processed on-site, light curves are extracted into a distributed Postgres database, a 25 FPS video is live-streamed to multiple platforms, and images are integrated and archived to disk for further analysis. System operations and data management are fully automated using modern DevOps tools that allow remote control and monitoring of all aspects of the system. The imaging system is modularized and distributed and can be deployed on any radio array with minimal changes to the configuration.
Author(s): Igor Oya, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany); Pierre Aubert, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); Leonardo Baroncelli, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Jan-Philipp Bolle, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Pietro Bruno, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Andrea Bulgarelli, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Sami Caroff, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); Luca Castaldini, Vito Conforti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Alessandro Costa, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Ludovic David, Univ. Paris-Saclay, CNRS (France), Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (France); Giovanni De Cesare, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Emma de Ona Wilhelmi, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Ambra Di Piano, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Kathrin Egberts, Univ. Potsdam (Germany); Rodrigo Fernandez, Cosylab d.d. (Slovenia); Valentina Fioretti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Satoshi Fukami, ETH Zurich (Switzerland); Enrique Garcia, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); Emilio Garcia, Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (Spain), Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (Spain); Hasmik Gasparyan, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Stefano Germani, Univ. degli Studi di Perugia (Italy); Clemens Hoischen, Univ. Potsdam (Germany); Federico Incardona, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Dmitriy Kostunin, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Bernhard Lopez, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany); Etienne Lyard, Univ. de Genève (Switzerland); Gilles Maurin, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); David Melkumyan, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Kevin Munari, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Thomas Murach, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Adam Muraczewski, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland); Nariman Nakhjiri, Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (Spain), Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (Spain); Dominik Neise, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany); Gabriele Panebianco, Nicolo Parmiggiani, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Emmanuel Pietriga, Univ. Paris-Saclay, CNRS (France), Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (France); Vincent Pollet, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); Iftach Sadeh, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Sunil Sah, Cosylab d.d. (Slovenia); Arkadipta Sarkar, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Marc Schefer, Univ. de Genève (Switzerland); Torsten Schmidt, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); David Soldevila, Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (Spain), Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (Spain); Constantin Steppa, Univ. Potsdam (Germany); Diego Torres, Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (Spain); Andrea Tramacere, Univ. de Genève (France); Ramón Valles-Puig, Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (Spain), Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (Spain); Thomas Vuillaume, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS (France), Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, IN2P3 (France); Felix Werner, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (Germany)
19 June 2024 • 11:10 - 11:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Array Control and Data Acquisition (ACADA) system is the central element for on-site Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) operations. ACADA controls, supervises, and handles the data generated by the telescopes and the auxiliary instruments. It will drive the efficient planning and execution of observations while handling the several Gb/s camera data generated by each CTAO telescope. The ACADA software is based on the Alma Common Software (ACS) framework, and written in C++, Java, Python, and Javascript. The first release of the ACADA software, ACADA Release 1, was finalized in July 2023, and integrated after a testing campaign with the first CTAO Large-sized Telescope finalized in October 2023. This contribution describes the design and status of the ACADA software system.
Author(s): Jennifer A. Burt, Jet Propulsion Lab., Caltech (United States); Chad Bender, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Benjamin Fulton, Caltech (United States); Megan Bedell, Flatiron Institute (United States); Chas Beichman, The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, Caltech (United States); Lars Buchhave, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark); Jonathan Crass, The Ohio State Univ. (United States); Rose Gibson, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States); Samuel Halverson, Jet Propulsion Lab., Caltech (United States); Andrew Howard, Caltech (United States); Marshall Johnson, The Ohio State Univ. (United States); Daniel M. Krolikowski, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Sarah Logsdon, Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (United States); Andreas Quirrenbach, Ruprecht-Karls-Univ. Heidelberg (Germany); Andreas Seifahrt, The Univ. Of Chicago (United States); Andy Szentgyorgyi, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (United States); Lily Zhao, Flatiron Institute (United States)
19 June 2024 • 11:30 - 11:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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We have recently initiated a multi-institutional research program that will examine existing pipelines and catalog potential sources of variation in their resulting RV measurements. Through a series of EPRV community meetings we aim to establish community recommended, standardized formats for EPRV data products and to develop/distribute the tools necessary for direct comparisons of EPRV data between modern instruments. This program will lay the groundwork for a modular, open source, EPRV analysis toolbox that will be compatible with a wide variety of current and future instruments. Here we will provide a progress report on the program’s steps towards this community-endorsed data standard, and highlight lessons learned from the early years of operation across the NEID, KPF, EXPRES, CARMENES, HPF, and MAROON-X RV spectrographs.
Author(s): Jon Nation, Joseph Chatelain, William Lindstrom, Curtis McCully, Andy Howell, Rachel A. Street, Las Cumbres Observatory (United States)
19 June 2024 • 11:50 - 12:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Introducing HERMES (HOP Enabled Rapid Message Exchange Service), an application which supports sharing and querying structured data containing targets, photometry, spectroscopy, astrometry, and more. As part of the SCIMMA (Scalable Cyberinfrastructure to support Multi-Messenger Astrophysics) project, Hermes aims to enforce some structure in the format of messages that can be sent over the SCIMMA kafka streams while providing a queryable database of those messages. The goal of HERMES is to encourage more astronomers to share data in a common, machine readable format. While the platform is robust and general enough to handle many kinds of astrophysical data, HERMES is especially useful for non-localized event follow-up such as gravitational wave or neutrino events, and maintains relationships between non-localized events and related messages and targets of interest. We discuss the domain specific language (DSL) designed for sharing structured astronomical data through HERMES, which also supports formatting and submitting data to external services such as NASA’s GCN circulars or the TNS (Transient Name Server). Finally, we present the integration between HERMES and the TOM Toolkit.
Lunch/Exhibition Break 12:10 - 13:20
Session 11: Cyberinfrastructure
19 June 2024 • 13:20 - 14:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Jorge Ibsen, Joint ALMA Observatory (Chile), Tom Donaldson, Space Telescope Science Institute (United States)
Author(s): Joao Bento, David Heffernan-Clarke, Liverpool John Moores Univ. (United Kingdom); Cesar Quintana Rivero, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain); Alberto Prieto Antunez, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain); Adam Garner, Astrophysics Research Institute (United Kingdom); David Copley, Liverpool John Moores Univ. (United Kingdom); Juan Jose Fernandez-Valdivia, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain); Javier Leon Gil, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain); Josue Barrera Martin, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain); Miguel Torres, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain)
19 June 2024 • 13:20 - 13:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The forthcoming New Robotic Telescope (NRT), a collaboration between the UK and Spain, is poised to become the world’s largest and fastest autonomous observatory, and will be located on La Palma. It is tailored to be a premier 4m class follow-up facility for the imminent wave of time-domain and transient astrophysics. It exemplifies innovation with its use of serverless architectures and a unified DevOps methodology; integrating Docker and Kubernetes on both on-premisses and cloud infrastructure. This model not only aligns with modern web-based principles and distributed deployments but also ensures that astronomers and operations staff have unfettered access to manage their observations, data products and monitoring of the facility in a unified modern interface. Building on the Liverpool Telescope’s autonomous robotic legacy, the NRT merges the GranTeCan control system's framework with a novel robotic control system; facilitating the transition from human-operated to fully automated observatory functions. We describe the current status of the infrastructure for the NRT software stack, focussing on the current DevOps infrastructure and ongoing development ahead of construction.
Author(s): Claudio Gheller, INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (Italy); Giovanni Lacopo, University of Trieste (Italy); Emanuele De Rubeis, University of Bologna (Italy); Giuliano Taffoni, Luca Tornatore, INAF (Italy)
19 June 2024 • 13:40 - 14:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Radio astronomy is currently facing a significant challenge due to the massive data volumes generated by modern radio-interferometers, which will be further exacerbated by the upcoming Square Kilometre Array. Efficient data processing at this scale necessitates advanced High Performance Computing (HPC) resources. Our work focuses on developing a novel approach to implement the $w$-stacking algorithm on state-of-the-art HPC systems, specifically targeting heterogeneous architectures comprising both CPUs and GPUs. We introduce the RICK (Radio Imaging Code Kernels) code, designed to efficiently process radio-interferometric data by leveraging the parallelism and computational power of modern HPC nodes. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of RICK on a single computing node, showcasing significant performance improvements over traditional methods. The paper outlines the methodology, the algorithmic innovations, and the parallelization strategy, along with performance benchmarks on various CPU/GPU configurations, highlighting the potential of RICK for future large-scale radio astronomy projects.
Author(s): Sebastien Fabbro, Brian Major, Dustin N. Jenkins, Patrick Dowler, Kevin Casteels, JJ Kavelaars, Sharon Goliath, Séverin Gaudet, Alinga Yeung, Helen Kirk, National Research Council Canada (Canada)
19 June 2024 • 14:00 - 14:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Initiated in 2008, the Canadian Advanced Network for Astronomical Research (CANFAR) has transformed into the advanced CANFAR Science Platform, a cloud-native framework for remote analysis of astronomical data. This innovative platform is designed for a diverse range of users, from large-scale groups like CHIME-FRB, to individual researchers in remote institutions. It offers intuitive interfaces such as notebooks, desktops, visualizers and IDEs, all accessible through a browser. These are supported by multi-tiered storage and Kubernetes orchestration. A comprehensive REST API facilitates seamless integration and automated batch processing. CANFAR stands out by combining conventional desktop analysis with cutting-edge, browser-based interfaces and GPU-accelerated machine learning capabilities. This unique blend has made it a hub for a varied user community, establishing it as a unified platform for comprehensive astronomical data analysis. The upcoming presentation will explore CANFAR's strategic design decisions, its implementation, diverse user experiences, and the valuable lessons learned throughout its development.
Author(s): Julien Bernard, The Australian National Univ. (Australia); Florian Ferreira, Observatoire de Paris (France); Nicolas Doucet, The Australian National Univ. (Australia); Arnaud Sevin, Observatoire de Paris (France); Jesse Cranney, François Rigaut, The Australian National Univ. (Australia); Damien Gratadour, Observatoire de Paris (France); David Brodrick, The Australian National Univ. (Australia)
19 June 2024 • 14:20 - 14:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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MCAO Assisted Visible Imager and Spectrograph (MAVIS) is a new instrument for ESO’s VLT AOF. MAVIS embarks an Adaptive Optics (AO) system to cancel the image blurring induced by atmospheric turbulence. The latency and computational load induced by the system dimensioning led us to design a new software and hardware architecture for the Real Time Controller (RTC). Notably, the COSMIC framework harnesses GPUs for accelerated computation and is adept at scaling across multiple processes without overhead using shared memory. Employing a graph-based architecture where operations are intuitively represented as nodes. It aims at simplifying design, implementation, testing and integration by relying on robust concepts and useful tools. Recent updates have further enhanced its versatility, cementing its potential as a future-proof, extensible framework for AO advancements and their development process.
Panel Discussion: Gender Balance in the Conference
19 June 2024 • 14:40 - 15:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chair: Nuria P. F. Lorente, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia)
Despite notable advancements in diversity, inclusion, and equity across the broader astronomy community, gender diversity in astronomy instrumentation remains a challenge. This is reflected in a lower representation of female colleagues in abstract submissions for this conference, compared to other astronomy meetings focusing on astroinformatics, software, and data engineering. We would like to explore why this is and to identify opportunities for improvement. The session will start with an overview, with examples of successes and challenges from our community. The floor will then be open to discussion and ideas on how to improve the participation and engagement of highly qualified women in SPIE events, along with promoting inclusivity across all dimensions.

The session is open to anyone interested in the topic, so please join us! We are looking forward to hearing about your experiences and suggestions.
Coffee Break 15:20 - 15:50
Session 12: Data Engineering
19 June 2024 • 15:50 - 17:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: George Kosugi, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan), Juan Carlos Guzman, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia)
Author(s): Brent Miszalski, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia); Edward N. Taylor, Michelle Cluver, Swinburne Univ. of Technology (Australia); Thomas Jarrett, Dept. of Astronomy (South Africa)
19 June 2024 • 15:50 - 16:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Large sky surveys from dedicated survey telescopes allow astronomers to access large swathes of the optical and near-infrared sky at high spatial resolution. The increasingly large volume of multi-wavelength imaging and catalogue photometry data products they generate are a cumbersome data management burden for survey teams. Here we introduce a web application that effortlessly performs these tasks for the reprocessed imaging (>20TB) and catalogues (>100GB) of the VISTA Hemisphere Survey. The application is powered by the asynchronous architecture developed for Data Central's Data Aggregation Service that can query and receive several data streams simultaneously. Users can interactively display survey images and multiple catalogues together using Aladin Lite. With further science-oriented refinement we plan to release the application as part of the Data Central science platform.
Author(s): VIcente Coopman, Johnny Reveco, Camila Martinez, Enzo Barbaguelatta, ALMA (Chile)
19 June 2024 • 16:10 - 16:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Operating a cutting-edge radio telescope like ALMA demands optimal utilization of every minute available in the sky. With an increasing allocation of observation hours to researchers each year, the imperative for continuous, seamless operations grows. ALMA relies on an array of computer systems functioning 24/7, catering to numerous concurrent users, generating approximately 50,000 logs per minute and a staggering 70 million logs per day. Addressing the challenge of managing this voluminous data flow, Log Detector emerges as an in-house solution designed to automate the detection and reporting of known issues. By scrutinizing logs, this tool empowers users to define Finite State Machine (FSM) states and transitions. Subsequently, users can feed logs into this machine, inducing state transitions that signal potential problems or facilitate system monitoring tasks. This article aims to spotlight the capabilities of Log Detector and its impact on operational efficiency. Additionally, it offers insights into the lessons learned during the development of in-house operational tools and outlines future development plans.
Author(s): Angelo Fausti Neto, Frossie Economou, Michael Reuter, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States); Jonathan Sick, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States), J. Sick Codes Inc. (Canada); Russ Allbery, Adam Thornton, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States)
19 June 2024 • 16:30 - 16:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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At Rubin Observatory, we recently consolidated our high-frequency telemetry harness, which captures observatory engineering data, with our metrics analysis system into a single unified service named Sasquatch. Rubin will generate a high volume of metrics and telemetry data during its 10-year survey. A crucial aspect of Sasquatch architecture is to ensure minimal data loss. This is achieved using Kafka and InlfuxDB, deployed on Kubernetes. Sasquatch enables real-time data access at the US Data Facility through Kafka-based replication. Users interact with the data through Chronograf for visualization, create alerts with Kapacitor, and conduct ad hoc Python analysis in the Rubin Science Platform. Rubin has extensively employed these tools during the ongoing System Integration Testing and Commissioning phase.
Author(s): Mauricio Zambrano, SKA Observatory (United Kingdom); Victor Gonzalez, Maxs Simmonds, Joint ALMA Observatory (Chile)
19 June 2024 • 16:50 - 17:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) is a next-generation radio telescope that is being built in two locations in the Karoo region of South Africa and the Murchison region of Western Australia forming one Observatory run from a global headquarters based in the United Kingdom at Jodrell Bank. At the heart of the SKA software, there will be a database that persists and replicates its metadata between these three sites that have different functions. This paper will describe the main requirements for the SKA database, how this has been done in the past at the Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub millimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, the lessons learned there from the 10 years of operations and what new options have appeared to handle the SKA, three site telescope needs. The solution needs to be highly available, performant, cost effective and easy to implement and maintain in the long term.
Author(s): Valentina Cesare, Ugo Becciani, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Alberto Vecchiato, Mario Gilberto Lattanzi, Beatrice Bucciarelli, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino (Italy); Marco Aldinucci, Univ. degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
19 June 2024 • 17:10 - 17:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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We GPU ported with CUDA the solver module of the Astrometric Verification Unit-Global Sphere Reconstruction (AVU-GSR) pipeline for the ESA Gaia mission. The code finds the astrometric parameters of ~10^8 sources, by solving a linear system with the LSQR. The coefficient matrix is large (10-50 TB) and sparse. The CUDA code accelerates over the original MPI + OpenMP solver of ~14x on CINECA cluster Marconi100. We migrated the code production to Leonardo, which has 4x GPU memory per node. This speedup was obtained without computing the system covariances, whose total number is N_unk x (N_unk - 1)/2 and occupy ~1 EB with N_unk ~ 5 x10^8. This "Big Data" problem cannot be solved with standard methods: we defined a two jobs, I/O-based pipeline, where one job writes the files and the second concurrent job reads them, iteratively computes the covariances, and deletes them. The covariances calculation does not significantly slowdown the code until a number of covariances elements equal to ~8 x 10^6.
Thursday Plenary
20 June 2024 • 08:30 - 10:00 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F

View Full Details: spie.org/AS/thursday-plenary

Author(s): Jessica T. Dempsey, ASTRON (Netherlands)
20 June 2024 • 08:30 - 09:15 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F
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The next decade heralds a renaissance in radio astronomy, with a formidable complement of global Observatories, from LOFAR2.0, to the SKA becoming powerful discovery engines at these lowest frequencies. While they commit to lowering data access barriers, managing the deluge of data poses challenges, as the new constraint on viable astronomy must move from hours on sky to data product cost in energy, compute and carbon and data footprint. I will explore with you the challenges and opportunities in creating a new frontier of sustainable, ethical, affordable astronomy.
Author(s): Makoto S. Tashiro, Saitama Univ. (Japan)
20 June 2024 • 09:15 - 10:00 Japan Standard Time | National Convention Hall, 1F
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The X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) project was initiated in 2018 as the recovery mission resuming the high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy with imaging once realized but unexpectedly terminated by a mishap of ASTRO-H/Hitomi. XRISM carries a pixelized X-ray micro-calorimeter array and an X-ray CCD on the focal planes of two sets of X-ray mirror assemblies. The spacecraft was successfully launched from JAXA Tanegashima Space Center on September 7, 2023, and is now conducting performance verification observation followed by guest observations starting in August 2024. In this paper, we present the history of development and recent results.
Coffee Break 10:00 - 10:30
Session 13: Data Management, Processing and Pipelines III
20 June 2024 • 10:30 - 12:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Nuria P. F. Lorente, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia), Jeff Mader, W. M. Keck Observatory (United States)
Author(s): Francois Pradeau, Marie Lemoine-Busserolle, Lucas Macri, Eric Peng, André-Nicolas Chené, Michael Fitzpatrick, Andrew Serio, Dara Norman, NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Lab. (United States); Kim Gillies, Thirty Meter Telescope (United States); Bob Goodrich, GMTO Corp. (United States); Gelys Trancho, NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Lab. (United States)
20 June 2024 • 10:30 - 10:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The United States Extremely Large Telescope Program (US-ELTP) is a joint effort of three organizations: the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) International Observatory (TIO), the Giant Magellan Telescope Corporation (GMTO), and the U.S. National Science Foundation National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NSF NOIRLab). The US-ELTP will provide US astronomers with access to observing and archival science with the GMT and TMT. A user services suite and integrated data management and science platform, the US-ELT NOIRLab Program Platform (NPP), is being developed by NOIRLab; its scope, conceptual architecture, and development progress are described here. The NPP leverages community best practices and lessons from existing and upcoming facilities such as the International Gemini Observatory, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, and the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST), and is guided by inclusive and collaborative design principles to broaden access to GMT and TMT. The NPP will support the creation of proposal and observing programs, scheduling and execution of observations, data archival and automated data reduction, and exploratory data analysis.
Author(s): Miriam Keppler, Haeun Chung, Aafaque Khan, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Carl Hergenrother, Ascending Node Technologies LLC (United States); Carlos Vargas, Jacob Chambers, Jacob Vider, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Sanford Selznick, Giulia Ghidoli, Ascending Node Technologies LLC (United States); Hannah Tanquary, Erika Hamden, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Christopher Howk, Univ. of Notre Dame (United States); Simran Agarwal, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Ramona Augustin, Space Telescope Science Institute (United States); Peter Behroozi, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Joe Burchett, New Mexico State University (United States); Heejoo Choi, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Lauren Corlies, Adler Planetarium (United States); Jason Corliss, Fernando Coronado, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Greyson Davis, University of Iowa (United States); Ralf-Juergen Dettmar, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum (Germany); Ewan Douglas, Elijah Garcia, Alfred Goodwin, Dave Hamara, Walt Harris, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Keri Hoadley, University of Iowa (United States); John Kidd, Ascending Node Technologies LLC (United States); Daewook Kim, Jessica Li, Tom McMahon, Nicole Melso, Jamison Noenickx, Gabe Noriega, Ryan Pecha, Cork Sauve, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); David Schiminovich, Columbia University (United States); Siegmund Oswald, Sensor Sciences LLC (United States); Daniel Truong, Sumedha Uppnor, Bill Verts, Ellie Wollcott, Naomi Yescas, Dennis Zaritsky, Harrison Bradley, Trenton Brendel, The Univ. of Arizona (United States)
20 June 2024 • 10:50 - 11:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Aspera is a NASA-funded UV SmallSat Mission in development with a projected launch in 2025. The goal of the mission is to detect and map warm-hot gas in the circumgalactic medium of nearby galaxies traced by the OVI emission line at 103.2 nm. To that goal, Aspera will conduct long-exposure observations at one or more spatial fields around each target galaxy, employing two long-slit spectrographs. Spectra from both channels are focused on a single micro-channel plate detector. In preparation of the mission's launch, we are developing a data reduction pipeline, the goal of which is to reconstruct a calibrated 3D IFU-like data cube by combining the photon event lists obtained during each observation for a given target galaxy. In this proceedings paper, we present an outline for the data reduction pipeline and describe the data flow through the processing of science observations. We will further discuss individual steps to be applied to the data during the processing and show how our final data cubes shall be reconstructed. Finally, we will present our planned data products and discuss how simulations of the Aspera data cubes are being used to develop the pipeline.
Author(s): Ryou Ohsawa, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan); Daisuke Kawata, Univ. College London (United Kingdom); Takafumi Kamizuka, The Univ. of Tokyo (Japan); Yoshiyuki Yamada, Kyoto Univ. (Japan); Wolfgang Löffler, Michael Biermann, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (Germany), Ruprecht-Karls-Univ. Heidelberg (Germany)
20 June 2024 • 11:10 - 11:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Stellar motions are critical for understanding our Galaxy's shape, but Gaia, ESA's astrometric satellite, cannot explore the heavily obscured central region. In contrast, JASMINE, an ISAS/JAXA astrometry and photometry satellite mission, aims to precisely measure star motions in the Galactic center using infrared astrometry. However, a comprehensive assessment of the mission viability is required. To investigate the JASMINE mission concept, we conducted a practice of plate analysis, where simulated measurements based on a mock observation schedule were mapped to the ICRS frame. Then, we compared the estimated stellar positions with ground truth. This plate analysis is a complex optimization problem involving approximately 300,000 measurements and 20,000 parameters. To enhance data analysis efficiency, we employed Stochastic Variational Inference powered by jax and numpyro. We completed the plate analysis, providing partial validation of the mission concept, although some adverse effects are yet to be incorporated.
Author(s): Constantin Steppa, Tiffany Collins, Kathrin Egberts, Clemens Hoischen, Univ. Potsdam (Germany); Dominik Neise, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany); Emma de Ona Wilhelmi, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Igor Oya, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany); Arkadipta Sarkar, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany)
20 June 2024 • 11:30 - 11:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) is a major next-generation instrument in ground-based gamma-ray astronomy that will play a pivotal role in the study of transient phenomena in the GeV-TeV range. The Transients Handler is the component within the Array Control and Data Acquisition (ACADA) system that enables CTAO to respond swiftly to alerts about transient events with automatically scheduled observations. The Transients Handler filters thousands of events per night for potential targets of scientific interest and determines and schedules optimal observation strategies within five seconds of receiving an alert. Recently, in October 2023, the first implementation of the Transients Handler was successfully tested during the integration of ACADA with the first CTAO Large-sized Telescope (LST-1). In this contribution, we will present the design of the Transients Handler in detail and preview updates that will be introduced in the next implementation.
Author(s): Damien Gratadour, Julien Plante, Observatoire de Paris à Meudon (France); Cedric Viou, Observatoire de Paris (France)
20 June 2024 • 11:50 - 12:10 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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We present a real-time pipeline for detecting Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), which performs a continuous, blind search for these elusive radio signals. Our pipeline achieves a rough detection, with the aim of selectively storing the raw time-series data for recording signal segments that potentially include FRBs. This approach significantly reduces the storage capacity required for conducting FRB surveys at low frequency. A prototype was tested on the NenuFAR pathfinder for SKA. This pipeline utilises a novel method of data acquisition through Direct Memory Access from the network to the GPU, thereby eliminating the involvement of the CPU in critical operations. Additionally, it utilizes an innovative approach termed the Streaming Dispersion Measure Transform for incoherent dedispersion, which eliminates overlap and reduces memory footprint. Our study provides an in-depth analysis of the performance of every component involved in the pipeline, and we demonstrate how our implementations could be upscaled to handle heavy workloads, such as for the SKA.
Lunch/Exhibition Break 12:10 - 13:20
Session 14: Project Management/Software Engineering
20 June 2024 • 13:20 - 15:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
Session Chairs: Juan Carlos Guzman, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia), Valentina Alberti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy)
Author(s): Maurizio Miccolis, Nick Rees, Euphrasia Mampuru, SKA Observatory (United Kingdom)
20 June 2024 • 13:20 - 13:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The SKA Organisation adopted an agile development approach for its software construction, addressing complexity and uncertainties. They chose the Scaled Agile Framework® and NEC4® framework for contracts, complemented by the Vested® methodology for collaborative relationships. After two years of construction, the approach has proven successful, surpassing resource estimates and maintaining positive developer satisfaction. Key outcomes include competitive rates, high trust levels, supplier engagement in governance, and on-time, on-budget development without impacting the critical path. The organization plans to share lessons learned, emphasizing the applicability of these practices to future large-scale scientific software programs.
Author(s): Marianne Cox, José M. Filgueira, José Soto, Chien Peng, Jordi Molgo, William Schoenell, Hector Swett, Chris Contaxis, Jorge Barrios, Gibreel El-Halabi, Paulo H. Silva, GMTO Corp. (United States)
20 June 2024 • 13:40 - 14:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The GMTO Software and Controls team is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining the GMT Observatory Control System (OCS) and Global Interlock and Safety System (GISS). There are many challenges that need to be overcome in the process, some universal and some unique to the GMT project. From effective collaboration in a distributed team, hiring top talent, integrating Agile software methodologies with stage-gate project development, and handling resource limitations – we discuss how we tackle the technical, managerial, resource and communications challenges in a quest to deliver high-quality software for the project.
Author(s): Marco Molinaro, Robert Butora, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Giuseppe Tudisco, Fabio R. Vitello, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Milena Benedettini, Sergio Molinari, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy)
20 June 2024 • 14:00 - 14:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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We report challenges in maintaining and improving the VLKB, its current status and future perspectives. As a dedicated infrastructure to enable research in Milky-Way astrophysics, its custom interfaces were designed keeping in mind the evolving Virtual Observatory (VO) ecosystem standards. Interoperability was slowly brought in, depending on available project funding used for maintenance and updates. Current adopted standards see: ObsCore table for datasets metadata, TAP service for catalogues, SODA implementation, OAuth/OIDC. Other standards are still missing and needed to help the VLKB and its dedicated client (ViaLactea Visual Analytics) to be more general and easier to maintain.
Author(s): Thaddeus Kenny, Stewart Williams, Viivi Pursiainen, Elizabeth Bartlett, Brendan McCollam, Andrew Biggs, UK Astronomy Technology Ctr. (United Kingdom); Sean Ellis, Rupert Lung, Danilo Acosta, CGI Inc. (United Kingdom)
20 June 2024 • 14:20 - 14:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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The Observatory Science Operations (OSO) subsystem of the SKAO consists of a range of complex tools which will be used to propose, design, schedule and execute observations. Bridging the gap between the science and telescope domains is the key responsibility of OSO, requiring considerations of usability, performance, availability and accessibility, amongst others. This paper describes the state of the observatory software as we approach construction milestones, how the applications meet these requirements using a modern technology architecture, and challenges so far.
Author(s): Jordi Molgó, William Schoenell, José M. Filgueira, Fernando Quiros-Pacheco, GMTO Corp. (United States); Alfio T. Puglisi, Fabio Rossi, Tommaso Lapucci, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Antonin Bouchez, Bo Xin, Patricio Schurter, Richard Demers, GMTO Corp. (United States); Laird Close, Sebastiaan Haffert, Maggie Kautz, Jared Males, The Univ. of Arizona (United States); Marianne Cox, Jose Soto, Chien Peng, Hector Swett, Chris Contaxis, Jorge Barrios, Gibreel El-Halabi, Paulo H. Silva, GMTO Corp. (United States)
20 June 2024 • 14:40 - 15:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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This presentation shows the software process and challenges for developing and integrating the Pyramidal Wavefront Sensor, the Holographic Dispersed Fringe Sensor, and the High Contrast Adaptive Optics Testbed prototypes using the GMT software development kit. This prototype was done as a collaboration between the GMT observatory, Arcetri-INAF, and the University of Arizona. We show how the responsibilities were handed over between the partners, how introducing the GMT frameworks and development process helped streamline the development process, and the lessons learned that come with it.
Author(s): Robbie Luijben, ASTRON (Netherlands)
20 June 2024 • 15:00 - 15:20 Japan Standard Time | Room G314/315, North - 3F
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Professional software engineering techniques have yet to consistently find their way into research software engineering. To address this problem, we develop the new LOFAR2.0 proposal tool in short iterations where software engineers strive for technical excellence to build maintainable software. Simultaneously, we embed stakeholders with an interest in academic concerns in this process to manage these concerns appropriately. Intensified collaboration between software engineers and relevant stakeholders creates more maintainable, durable, and reusable research software. This paper discusses the challenges we encounter and practical ways of working that help bridge the gap between academia and software engineering.
Session PS1: Posters I - Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F

View Tuesday Poster Session schedule and event details

Each day includes a unique set of posters. Poster groupings are listed below by topic.

Author(s): Brent Miszalski, Amir E. Bazkiaei, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia); Jesse van de Sande, School of Physics, University of New South Wales (Australia); Simon O'Toole, Anthony Horton, James Tocknell, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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Despite Python being the preferred programming language of choice for most astronomers, building or extending data reduction pipelines in the language can be problematic. We have created an extensible pipeline development framework that leverages the Python bindings for the ESO Common Pipeline Library (PyCPL) toolkit. Pipeline recipes can be defined using existing ESO pipeline recipes or new Python recipes. Users can easily build their own pipeline workflows for execution by the PyCPL companion package PyEsorex. The ability to define Python recipes offers a powerful means to extend existing ESO pipelines or develop entirely new pipelines. An overview of the framework is presented along with an illustrative MUSE pipeline workflow.
Author(s): J. Duane Gibson, Will Goble, Dallan Porter, Maya Williams, MMT Observatory (United States); Charlie E. Goldberg, Thomas O. Singlestad, The Univ. of Arizona (United States)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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Thermal control of the MMT Observatory (MMTO) primary mirror (M1) has been optimized with the overall objective of reducing M1 thermal anomalies and mirror seeing while enhancing overall imaging quality. These refinements include 1) increased use of temperatures from outside, chamber, M1 glass, and U.S. National Weather Service sources for thermal control, 2) expanded monitoring and analysis of the M1 glass temperatures, 3) integration of multiple feedback-based PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controllers in M1 thermal control, and 4) extensive data analysis of thermal anomalies within the M1 mirror and surrounding telescope enclosure. The newly deployed control strategy uses the minimum temperature from different sources (i.e., outside, chamber, and forecast) to regulate the temperature of the conditioned air used to cool the M1 mirror. A combination of open-loop and closed-loop, feedback-based PID servo controllers regulate the chillers and coolant valves along the M1 ventilation air path. Comparison on M1 glass-air temperature contrasts to wavefront-sensor (WFS) seeing values defines optimal performance conditions. The work has resulted in improved M1 thermal conditions.
Author(s): Federico Incardona, Alessandro Costa, Giuseppe Leto, Kevin Munari, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Giovanni Pareschi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Salvatore Scuderi, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica cosmica Milano (Italy); Gino Tosti, Univ. degli Studi di Perugia (Italy); Emilio Mastriani, Sebastiano Spinello, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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This research analyzes historical data from the ASTRI-Horn, a Cherenkov telescope at the Astrophysical Observatory of Catania (Serra La Nave, Mt. Etna). Data from a multitude of sensors, distributed across the telescope, were studied. These sensors record various parameters, including currents, voltages, phases, positions, and temperatures, from different telescope components such as motors and encoders, as well as environmental conditions like temperature and humidity. Seven years of operational data have been analyzed to identify precursors indicative of component degradation. The aim was to discern unique data patterns or "signatures" corresponding with periods of component damage or replacement. These identified signatures will be instrumental in the development of a Predictive Maintenance (PdM) model, which will aim to foresee the standard operational patterns, issuing alerts for any detected anomalies or deviations, thereby facilitating early anomaly detection and resolution. PdM is an advanced maintenance strategy that uses data to help predict when parts might fail aiming to reduce unexpected costs, improving the overall efficiency and reliability of the telescope.
Author(s): Martin Wendt, Univ. Potsdam (Germany); Norberto Castro Rodriguez, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (Germany); Sven Martens, Institut für Astrophysik, Georg-August-Univ. Göttingen (Germany); John Pharo, Peter M. Weilbacher, Davor Krajnovic, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (Germany); Johan Richard, Ctr. de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (France), Univ. de Lyon (France)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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BlueMUSE is a blue-optimised, medium spectral resolution, panoramic integral field spectrograph under development for the Very Large Telescope (VLT). We demonstrate and discuss an early End-To-End simulation software for final BlueMUSE datacube products. Early access to such simulations is key to a number of aspects already in the development stage of a new major instrument. We outline the software design choices, including lessons learned from the MUSE instrument in operation at the VLT since 2014. The current simulation software package is utilized to evaluate some of the technical specifications of BlueMUSE as well as giving assistance in the assessment of certain trade offs regarding instrument capabilities, e.g., spatial and spectral resolution and sampling. By providing simulations of the end-user product including realistic environmental conditions such as sky contamination and seeing, 'BlueSi' can be used to devise and prepare the science of the instrument by individual research teams.
Author(s): Yu Zhang, Zhi-yue Wang, Zhe Geng, Jian Wang, Univ. of Science and Technology of China (China)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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Modern astronomical telescopes often rely on control systems for observations. Many factors may affect the development of control systems, such as the differences in the development phases of devices, the robustness of devices. A simulation framework which mocks the component of each device is needed to speed up the development of control system, facilitating behavior-level simulation to support the upper layer development. Presently, many industry-standard simulation systems are predominantly based on actual hardware systems, which necessitate the development of independent hardware logic, such as the simulator of LSST. We have designed the Rsimu framework. This framework is built upon the RACS2 and is highly proficient in behavior simulation of devices. Rsimu's behavior is entirely configurable, and the properties of different components can be dynamically defined by pluggable configuration files. A shared data-plane is provided for components to synchronize their status, therefore helps developers to separate the behavior model of components apart. A series of designs, including pull-update, state-machine etc are provided to help users to establish the simulation system.
Author(s): Martin Baláž, Oliver Czoske, Kieran Leschinski, Hugo Buddelmeijer, Univ. Wien (Austria); Gilles P. P. L. Otten, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Jennifer Karr, Chi-Hung Yan, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Taiwan); Wolfgang Kausch, Univ. Innsbruck (Austria)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The first generation of instruments installed at the Extremely Large Telescope will include METIS, Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph. We present the algorithms and data structures that comprise the integral field unit (IFU) part of the data reduction pipeline. The described software package covers the entire process of correcting the instrumental effects, wavelength and flux calibration, correction of telluric contamination, spectral cube reconstruction and finally the algorithms for stacking and dithering of multiple exposures taken at different times, field orientations or shifts.
Author(s): Elliot Scott, Observatory Sciences Ltd. (United Kingdom)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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In the low-frequency Square Kilometre Array, faults in dipole antenna bandpasses must be detected to exclude faulty antennas from observations. Using a random forest on data from the Aperture Array Verification System 2, bandpasses can be classified as faulty or not with an accuracy of ~98%. Applying this to data from Aperture Array Verification System 3, all faulty antenna bandpasses were detected using the model. This model is encapsulated in its own TANGO device for ease of reconfiguration and scalability.
Author(s): Vito Conforti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Hasmik Gasparyan, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Bernhard Lopez, Dominik Neise, Igor Oya, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) is the next-generation gamma-ray astronomy instrument, with sites in La Palma, Spain, and Paranal, Chile. It features telescopes of three sizes to cover different energy ranges. The first Large-Sized Telescope (LST-1) is being finalized at the CTAO-North site. The Array Control and Data Acquisition (ACADA) software is vital for operations, including central control, scheduling, monitoring, and handling data at GB/s rates. Due to its complexity, ACADA is divided into subsystems managed by expert teams worldwide via in-kind contributions. All software is version-controlled using GitLab, with repositories for each subsystem and final integration. We have defined procedures for the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), focusing on managing operational software versions, ensuring bug fixes without new features, and distributing fixes for future releases. This presentation details our strategy for handling multiple software versions per the CTAO development plan.
Author(s): Elia Costa, Andrea Balestra, Bernardo Salasnich, Fulvio Laudisio, Rosanna Sordo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Paolo Ciliegi, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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MORFEO (Multi-conjugate adaptive Optics Relay For ELT Observations) is a new instrument being built for the ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). The project is in the Final Design Phase and it is expected to be commissioned in 2030. The Instrument Control Software of MORFEO will be based on the new ESO ELT software framework, which is still under development, and a key activity during the control software implementation is the Continuous Integration (CI) of the code. Continuous integration is the practice of automating the integration of code changes from multiple contributors into a single software project. We present the current CI workflow that ensures that both the software control team and the software quality assurance team can work synchronously, effectively and independently. We also present the options we considered and the reasons that led us to choose this workflow.
Author(s): Andrea Bulgarelli, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Sami Caroff, Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (France); Luca Castaldini, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Pierre Aubert, Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (France); Giovanni De Cesare, Ambra Di Piano, Valentina Fioretti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Gilles Maurin, Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (France); Gabriele Panebianco, Nicolò Parmiggiani, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Vincent Pollet, Thomas Vuillaume, Lab. d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (France); Igor Oya, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany); Costantin Steppa, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY (Germany); Katrin Egberts, Institut für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Potsdam, (Germany)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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With dozens of telescopes in both hemispheres, the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) will be the largest ground-based gamma-ray observatory, covering energy ranges from 20 GeV to 300 TeV. Its large effective area, wide field-of-view, rapid slewing capability, and exceptional sensitivity make CTAO an essential instrument for the future of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. Additionally, its two arrays will send alerts on transient and variable phenomena to maximize scientific return. The Science Alert Generation (SAG) pipeline is an automated system, part of the Array Control and Data Acquisition (ACADA) system, with pipelines for data reconstruction, data quality monitoring, science monitoring, and real-time alert issuance to the Transients Handler system of ACADA. The SAG performs the first real-time scientific analysis during data acquisition. The system analyzes data on multiple time scales (from seconds to hours) and must issue candidate science alerts within 20 seconds of latency and at least half the CTAO nominal sensitivity. This work presents the general architecture and current development status of the ACADA/SAG system.
Author(s): Josefina Rosich, Horacio Rodríguez-Delgado, Enol Matilla-Blanco, Enrique Joven, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain); Francisco Garzón, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain), Univ. de La Laguna (Spain); Marcos Reyes García-Talavera, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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This paper describes the upgrade of EMIR (to EMIR+) which incorporates a new Teledyne H2RG infrared detector, using the SIDECAR integrated controller and a Markury Scientific MACIE interface card over IP communication. A detailed description of the Data Acquisition System (DAS), integrated into the GTC Control System (GCS) software, is given. It configures the URG or FS acquisition modes, starts the acquisition process, capture the data coming from the H2RG unit, stores the FITS data and propagate the images to produce astronomical files. We also developed a Python-based MACIE Controller Simulator to test and debug the DAS, which works as a real MACIE interface, responding to all petitions and generating test images to feed the DAS or other control programs.
Author(s): William O'Mullane, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (Chile); Yusra AlSayyad, Princeton Univ. (United States); James Chiang, Richard Dubois, SLAC National Accelerator Lab. (United States); Frossie Economou, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States); Fabio Hernandez, CNRS, CC-IN2P3 (France); Flora Huang, Google (United States); Tim Jenness, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States); Kian-Tat Lim, Yee-Ting Li, Fritz Mueller, SLAC National Accelerator Lab. (United States); Dan Speck, Burwood Group, Inc. (United States); Stephen Pietrowicz, NCSA (United States); Wei Yang, SLAC National Accelerator Lab. (United States)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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Cloud computing offers unparalleled flexibility, a constantly increasing set of “Infrastructure As A Service’’ capabilities, resource elasticity and security isolation. One of the most significant barriers in astronomy to wholesale adoption of cloud infrastructures is the cost for hot storage of large datasets - particularly for Rubin, a Big Data project sized at 0.5 Exabytes (500 Petabytes) over the duration of its 10-year mission. We are planning to reconcile this with a “hybrid” model where user-facing services are deployed on Google Cloud with the majority of data holdings residing in our on-premises Data Facility at SLAC. We discuss the opportunities, risks, and technical challenges of this approach.
Author(s): Vicente Lizana, Benjamin Courtney-Barrer, Nicolas Schuhler, Natalie Behara, Juan P. Gil, Eduardo Peña, European Southern Observatory (Chile)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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With the latest advances at controlling Optical Path Differences at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), vibrations at the 8 meter Unit Telescopes (UT) are deemed as detrimental for observation as light pollution. In the frame of the GRAVITY+ project, the vibration control system Manhattan II (MNII) is being expanded and upgraded to better deal with the effects of vibrations but this is not enough: better troubleshooting tools and automatic Anomaly Detection (AD) systems are needed to monitor and timely respond to changes in the vibration signature of the UTs among other phenomena. This work focuses on the development of a machine learning AD system on MNII’s vibration data, the different methods and models used, the infrastructure and data pipeline and the future envisioned production system.
Author(s): Zhiyuan Ma, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst (United States); Marc W. Pound, Peter J. Teuben, Lee G. Mundy, Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States); Mark Hemeon-Heyer, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore (United States); Xia Huang, Michael McCrackan, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst (United States); Alfredo Montaña, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (Mexico); Peter Schloerb, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst (United States); David Sanchez, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (Mexico); Kamal Souccar, Grant Wilson, Min S. Yun, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst (United States)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT) is a 50m-diameter single dish millimeter-wave radio telescope located in Mexico, built by the country of Mexico and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The National Science Foundation Mid-Scale Innovations Program (MSIP) is now supporting access to the LMT for any astronomer located at a US institution with a 15% share of the scientific observation time. The LMT cyber-infrastructure is being upgraded to accommodate the new science operation workflow. We developed and deployed the LMT data archive, fully integrating the data pipeline, data model, and data management workflow of most LMT instruments. For the LMT data archive, we use our own installation of the Dataverse software as the backend, with a custom-built frontend to provide a user friendly search interface for discovering data products. The data model and data management workflow are developed along with the commissioning (hardware and/or software) of the instrument specific pipelines. The software package dvpipe is developed to package the data products from the instrument specific pipelines as science-ready data products and put them into the LMT data archive.
Author(s): Matteo Porru, Veronica Baldini, Sara Bertocco, INAF (Italy); Henri M. J. Boffin, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Giorgio Calderone, Roberto Cirami, Igor Coretti, INAF (Italy); Claudio Cumani, Diego Del Valle, Frédéric Derie, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Paolo Di Marcantonio, INAF (Italy); Mario Kiekebusch, Christophe Moins, Pablo Gutierrez Cheetham, Antonio Ramon Manescau Hernandez, Dan Popovic, Ralf Siebenmorgen, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Veronica Strazzullo, Antonio Sulich, INAF (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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FORS2 is a multi-mode optical spectrograph mounted on ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT). To keep it operational for at least the next 15 years, ESO and INAF-OATs launched the FORS upgrade project (FORS-Up). The twin spectrograph FORS1 is now undergoing a complete refurbishment at the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, and will replace FORS2 at the VLT once the upgrade is finished. The control software for FORS is being reimplemented within the new ELT (Extremely Large Telescope) software framework: new GUIs have been designed, new standard procedures have been developed, and the upgraded hardware components have been configured. The upgrade will ensure the continued operation of the instrument and provides a testbed for the new ELT software framework, since this will be the first instrument to operate under it.
Author(s): Laura Asquini, Marco Landoni, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); David Young, Astrophysics Research Centre, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast (United Kingdom); Laurent Marty, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Stephen Smartt, Univerity of Oxford (United Kingdom); Sergio Campana, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Riccardo Claudi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Pietro Schipani, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Jani Achrén, Incident Angle Oy (Finland); Matteo Aliverti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); José A. Araiza-Durán, INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Iair Arcavi, Tel Aviv University (Israel); Federico Battaini, Andrea Baruffolo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Sagi Ben-Ami, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Andrea Bianco, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Alex Bichkovsky, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Anna Brucalassi, INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Rachel Bruch, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Giulio Capasso, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Enrico Cappellaro, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Mirko Colapietro, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Rosario Cosentino, INAF - Fundación Galileo Galilei (Spain); Francesco D'Alessio, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy); Paolo D'Avanzo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Massimo Della Valle, Sergio D'Orsi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Rosario Di Benedetto, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Simone Di Filippo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Avishay Gal-Yam, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Matteo Genoni, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Marcos Hernandez Díaz, INAF - Fundación Galileo Galilei (Spain); Ofir Hershko, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Jari Kotilainen, FINCA - Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO (Finland); Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Tuorla Observatory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku (Finland); Gianluca Li Causi, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy); Seppo Mattila, Tuorla Observatory (Finland); Matteo Munari, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Giorgio Pariani, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Hector Pérez Ventura, INAF - Fundación Galileo Galilei (Spain); Giuliano Pignata, Universidad de Tarapacá (Spain); Kalyan Radhakrishnan, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Michael Rappaport, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Davide Ricci, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Marco Riva, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Adam Rubin, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Bernardo Salasnich, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Salvatore Savarese, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Maximilian Stritzinger, Aarhus University (Denmark); Salvatore Scuderi, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica (Italy); Fabrizio Vitali, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy); Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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We present progress on the SOXS instrument scheduler at ESO-NTT 3.58-m telescope in La Silla, Chile. SOXS, a single-object spectroscopic facility, spans 350-2000 nm with R≈4500, focusing on UV-visible and near-infrared follow-up observations of astrophysical transients. The scheduler addresses diverse scientific objectives, coping with specific observation planning requirements. Notably, SOXS is exclusively operated by La Silla staff, challenging the scheduler to be fully automated, interacting with databases and the La Silla Weather API. It provides ordered optimal targets and backups in changing conditions, requiring rapid-response capabilities. The scheduler's architecture, featuring Docker Containers, API Gateway, and Python-based Flask frameworks, is ready for on-site testing during the Commissioning phase.
Author(s): Davide Ricci, Bernardo Salasnich, Andrea Baruffolo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Jani Achrén, Incident Angle Oy (Finland); Matteo Aliverti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); José A. Araiza-Durán, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Iair Arcavi, Tel Aviv Univ. (Israel); Laura Asquini, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Federico Battaini, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Sagi Ben-Ami, Alex Bichkovsky, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Anna Brucalassi, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Rachel Bruch, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Lorenzo Cabona, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Sergio Campana, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Giulio Capasso, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Enrico Cappellaro, Riccardo Claudi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Mirko Colapietro, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Rosario Cosentino, Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF (Spain); Francesco D'Alessio, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy); Paolo D'Avanzo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Sergio D'Orsi, Massimo Della Valle, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Rosario Di Benedetto, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Simone Di Filippo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Avishay Gal-Yam, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Matteo Genoni, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Marcos Hernandez Díaz, Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF (Spain); Ofir Hershko, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Jari Kotilainen, Finnish Ctr. for Astronomy with ESO (Finland); Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Tuorla Observatory, Univ. of Turku (Finland); Marco Landoni, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Gianluca Li Causi, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy); Laurent Marty, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Seppo Mattila, Tuorla Observatory, Univ. of Turku (Finland); Matteo Munari, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Luca Oggioni, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Hector Pérez Ventura, Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF (Spain); Giorgio Pariani, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Giuliano Pignata, Univ. de Tarapacá (Chile); Kalyan Radhakrishnan, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Stephen Smartt, Univ. of Oxford (United Kingdom); Michael Rappaport, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Marco Riva, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Adam Rubin, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Salvatore Savarese, Pietro Schipani, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Salvatore Scuderi, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica cosmica Milano (Italy); Maximilian Stritzinger, Aarhus Univ. (Denmark); Fabrizio Vitali, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy); David Young, Queen's Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom); Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The Instrument Control Software of SOXS (Son Of X-Shooter), the forthcoming spectrograph for the ESO New Technology Telescope at the La Silla Observatory, has reached a mature state of development and is approaching the crucial Preliminary Acceptance in Europe phase. Now that all the subsystems have been integrated in the laboratories of the Padova Astronomical Observatory, the team operates for testing purposes with the whole instrument at both engineering and scientific level. These activities foresee a set of software challenges that will be discussed in this contribution. In particular, we focus on the Active Flexure Compensation system which controls two separate piezo tip-tilt devices, one for the visible channel and one for the infrared one; on the target acquisition strategy, and on the co-rotator system.
Author(s): David Melkumyan, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Rodrigo Fernandez, Cosylab d.d. (Slovenia); Dmitriy Kostunin, Thomas Murach, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany); Igor Oya, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany); Sunil Sah, Cosylab d.d. (Slovenia); Torsten Schmidt, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) is the next generation ground-based observatory for gamma-ray astronomy at very-high energies. CTAO will consist of two arrays, one array in the Northern and the other in the Southern hemisphere, containing telescopes of different types, for covering different energy domains. The Array Control and Data Acquisition (ACADA) system provides the means to execute observations and to handle the acquisition of scientific data in CTAO. The Resource Manager (RM) and Central Control (CC) subsystems are core components of the ACADA system. The RM subsystem provides infrastructure services concerning the administration of various resources to all ACADA subsystems. The CC subsystem implements the execution of observations after receiving them from the scheduler subsystem. This contribution provides a summary of the main design features, current status and future implementation plans for the ACADA RM and CC subsystems.
Author(s): Tom Kamphuis, ASTRON (Netherlands)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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Software maintainability is a crucial aspect of software engineering, especially within research institutes with research infrastructure where software's longevity and adaptability directly impact scientific endeavors’ success. ASTRON, the Institute for Radio Astronomy in the Netherlands, has faced significant challenges in the past and present regarding the maintainability of its software. This presentation delves into the importance of software maintainability, the specific challenges ASTRON faced, and some measures implemented to overcome these obstacles.
Author(s): Xiao Zhang, Lab. de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement et de l’Espace (France); Ismaël Cognard, Lab. de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement et de l’Espace (France), Station de Radioastronomie de Nançay (France); Nicolas Dobigeon, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (France)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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Radio-frequency interference (RFI) raises a challenging issue confronted by radio astronomy. This challenge is particularly pregnant when recording extremely faint signals such as those associated with pulsar observations. To tackle this problem, current solutions consist in performing RFI flagging and discarding RFI-corrupted data before any subsequent data processing, which unavoidably leads to a loss of information. Alternatively, we propose to formulate RFI mitigation as a joint detection and restoration task to allow parts of the dynamic spectrum affected by RFI to be not only identified but also recovered. The proposed deep neural network is trained on a large data sets generated within a simulation framework specifically designed according to physically-inspired and statistical models of the pulsar signals and of the RFIs. Through extensive numerical experiments, the proposed approach is shown to reach competitive performance in terms of RFI detection and dynamic spectrum restoration.
Author(s): Elia Costa, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Nicholas Doucet, The Australian National Univ. (Australia), Astralis (Australia); Salvatore Savarese, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Capodimonte (Italy); Bernardo Salasnich, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Julien Tom Bernard, Advanced Instrumentation Technology Ctr., The Australian National Univ. (Australia), Astralis Instrumentation Consortium (Australia); Damien Gratadour, Advanced Instrumentation Technology Ctr., The Australian National Univ. (Australia); Francois Rigaut, Advanced Instrumentation Technology Ctr., The Australian National Univ. (Australia), Astralis Instrumentation Consortium (Australia)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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MAVIS is the new MCAO Assisted Visible Imager and Spectrograph for ESO’s Very Large Telescope. In this paper we focus on the interface between the instrument control system software (ICSS) and the Soft Real-Time Computer (SRTC). ICSS will be based on the new ESO ELT software framework, which is still under development; SRTC will be based on the new ESO RTC Toolkit, also under development. We present the first design of the common interface between ICSS and SRTC, focusing mainly on the communication processes (commands and data) and which are the most critical points we had to face.
Author(s): Antonio Sulich, Veronica Baldini, Sara Bertocco, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Henri M. J. Boffin, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Giorgio Calderone, Roberto Cirami, Igor Coretti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Claudio Cumani, Diego Del Valle, Frédéric Derie, Pablo Gutierrez Cheetham, Antonio Manescau, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Paolo Di Marcantonio, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Christophe Moins, Dan Popovic, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Matteo Porru, Veronica Strazzullo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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This paper present the current state of the refurbishment of the multi-mode optical instrument FORS (FOcal Reducer and low dispersion Spectrograph) for the Very Large Telescope (VLT) UT1 Cassegrain focus. The upgrade, termed FORS-Up (FORS-Upgrade), carried on by ESO and INAF-OATs, comprises, beside replacement of some optical components, the replacement of all the motors, the development of a new calibration unit, the adoption of a new detector, and the design of a control electronics based on the new ELT standards. This document will describe the PLC software implementation and the electronics integration with the new mechanics carried out at the laboratories of the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste.
Author(s): Josué Toledo Castro, Ismael Álvarez Candelario, Pedro González, Héctor De Paz Martín, Henry Brito Martín, Manuel Huertas Lopez, Gran Telescopio de Canarias, S.A. (Spain)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), a 10.4-meter telescope with a segmented primary mirror of 36 hexagonal segments, relies on a crucial stabilization system to function as a single unit. After 15 years, subsystems like the primary mirror stabilization face high maintenance costs and obsolescence, limiting performance. A new platform using Linux Preempt-RT and industrial Compact PCI computers, with real-time OS and control card drivers, was developed. Due to restricted hardware access, a test bench mimicking production hardware expedited development. Tests on the production system validated performance, confirming the new solution meets current requirements and enhances system performance, enabling a higher-performing control loop. This new platform addresses obsolescence and maintenance issues, proving effective and improving the GTC’s functionality.
CANCELED: Infrastructure and kubernetes cluster management: Inside the SKAO
Author(s): Pedro Silva, Atlar Innovation (Portugal), SKA Observatory (United Kingdom)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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Managing computing infrastructure across the globe is an existential requirement for the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) telescope, demanding simple, maintainable, and efficient approaches to infrastructure management. In this paper, we delve into the strategies adopted at the SKAO to streamline the creation and management of compute and network resources across diverse environments, ranging from commercial cloud providers to on-premises datacentres, combining well-established industry-standard tools like Terraform, Ansible, Vault and novels such as ClusterAPI. We will explore the challenges and solutions developed to maintain a resilient and scalable infrastructure and how support the SKAO's ambitious goals and development activities.
Author(s): Tim-Oliver Husser, Sven Martens, Georg-August-Univ. Göttingen (Germany)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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pyobs is a Python-based, open source framework for operating robotic telescopes. It defines interfaces and the means of communication for so-called modules, which are single pyobs processes handling a single task, like controlling a piece of hardware or performing some kind of operation. While pyobs ships with many ready-to-use modules (several camera types, auto-focus, acquisition & guiding, etc), it is easily extendable to support new hardware and procedures due to its implementation in Python. A graphical user interface for remote operations is provided as well as a full robotic mode based on Las Cumbres Observatory's observation control system -- while other backends can be added as easily. We are currently running pyobs on four telescope, ranging from 50cm to 1.2m, including a solar telescope. The framework is published under a free license and uses open standards wherever possible.
Author(s): Benjamin Carpenter, Alastair J. Borrowman, Observatory Sciences Ltd. (United Kingdom)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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During ongoing maintenance and development of software used to control the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT), the detection of memory leaks in legacy and newly developed software is of the utmost importance. This paper describes investigations into the development and use of additional test support software using Machine Learning (ML) to determine the presence of memory leaks. The software is implemented to integrate within existing pytest code and is designed to be executed alongside software module nightly tests as part of Continuous Integration (CI) testing. The work’s prime objective is to highlight memory suspicious processes so that memory leaks can be found and fixed before software deployment at the observatory.
Author(s): Marina Vela Nuñez, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Alessio Pannocchia, Kayser Italia Srl (Italy); Mauro Focardi, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Carlo del Vecchio Blanco, Kayser Italia Srl (Italy); Vladimiro Noce, Simone Chiarucci, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Andrea Russi, Giovanni Giusi, Anna Maria Di Giorgio, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy); Rosario Cosentino, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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This paper presents a methodology to automate and accelerate the PLATO Payload boot SW (BSW) testing procedures by presenting a set of pre-programmed TCL scripts with different verification targets, satisfying the BSW requirements. These scripts are conceived in order to run an autonomous regression testing while verifying the BSW core functionalities, so that in case of an additional BSW verification is needed, a set of scripts will be available for obtaining an automatic quick health-statement. The present method was proven by carrying out the pre-programmed functional and performance tests on the different PLATO's BSW versions installed on the ICU development models. The tests performed on these models have proven their effectiveness during the BSW testing process, since the testing time has been greatly reduced and the test results can be archived to maintain a useful record that contemporaneously with the dedicated TCL scripts may assist in future verification of the flight BSW version.
Author(s): Antonio de Ugarte Postigo, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (France); Christina C. Thöne, Astronomical Institute of the CAS, v.v.i. (Czech Republic); José Feliciano Agüí Fernández, Observatorio de Calar Alto (Spain)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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Gamma-ray bursts are some of the most energetic events in the Universe. For a few seconds they become the brightest object in the gamma-ray sky. This very short emission is followed by a synchrotron afterglow that is also very luminous at all wavelengths, but that rapidly fades following a power-law decay. Due to this, specific observation techniques, such as robotic or target of opportunity observations are required. Furthermore, observations from all around the globe and at all frequencies are needed to produce complete datasets, making them very difficult to properly study. With GRBSpec and GRBPhot we have created centralized facilities to gather and enable public access to data from heterogeneous sources of observations. GRBBase will be the next step, in which we will make all the data, together with high-energy information available in a single place. Access will not only allow to view and download data but also to perform online analysis and construct data samples that allow researchers to address specific problems. Here we will present the project and give an overview of its potential as well as some first results.
Author(s): Stefano Di Frischia, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico d'Abruzzo (Italy); Hannes Feldt, Corné Lukken, Jan David Mol, Arno Schoenmakers, ASTRON (Netherlands)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) is Europe’s largest radio telescope, originally designed, built and operated by ASTRON. The monitor and control software system of each observation station is based on the open-source TANGO-Controls framework, which manages the device architecture and the various functionalities of the station, including its states and transitions. Since each hardware device is implemented as a software module, the startup of the station and its states transitions until a full operative state implies a non trivial interaction and communication among the different device classes. The proposed solution defines a specific hierarchical structure whereas each one of the device represents a node, considering also that the hierarchy can be different according to the power sequence and the control sequence. In order to adhere to the TANGO architecture, the operations are mainly developed exploiting device attributes and properties, such that a potentially complex process is handled in a very straightforward and maintainable way. The software architecture has been already deployed and successfully tested on the LOFAR2 Test Station (L2TS) located in the Netherlands.
Author(s): Pau Ramos Ramirez, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan); Daisuke Kawata, Mullard Space Science Lab., Univ. College London (United Kingdom), National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan); Ryou Ohsawa, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan); Shogo Nishiyama, Miyagi Univ. of Education (Japan); Jason Sanders, Univ. College London (United Kingdom); Leigh Smith, Institute of Astronomy, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom); Naoki Koshimoto, Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States); Dante Minniti, Univ. Andres Bello (Chile), Univ. Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil), Specola Vaticana (Italy); Phil Lucas, Univ. of Hertfordshire (United Kingdom)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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One of the main goals of the JASMINE astro-photometric satellite is to measure precise proper motions and parallaxes for hundreds of thousands of stars in the direction of the Galactic centre. To observe these distant and dimmed stars at the required level of precision, we need to pioneer in the use of infrared astrometric detectors from space, and thus extensive testing is needed to understand the instrument and model all possible biases accurately. Here we present the largest mock catalogue of the Galactic centre in the near infrared, resulting from the smart combination of observed real stars and kinematic models of the Milky Way. This catalogue, as well as the methods used to create it, will be crucial for any future survey of this region like JASMINE, ROMAN, or even Gaia NIR.
Author(s): Justin R. Fletcher, Jon Kadan, USSF SSC (United States)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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The expansion of scientific, economic, and military activity in space has driven concomitant growth in the diversity, dynamism, and size of the anthropogenic space object population. The safety of spacecraft operations depends on the detection and monitoring of transient events among this population, such as satellite maneuvers, proximity operations, and component articulation, as well as the routine maintenance of high-accuracy ephemerides. Optical sensors are effective tools for this task when applied in large numbers. However, responsiveness to transient events necessitates geographic diversity and cost-effectiveness motivates heterogeneity of aperture and instrumentation. Orchestrating a globally distributed, diverse collection of sensors to satisfy space object tracking objectives remains an open challenge. In this work, we adopt the open-source MACHINA agentic software framework to embody an autonomous space domain awareness agent that addresses this challenge.
Author(s): Hyeonho Choi, Myungshin Im, Ji Hoon Kim, Seoul National Univ. (Korea, Republic of)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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We introduce a novel software called TCSpy which is designed to efficiently control a multi-telescope array through network-based protocols. The primary objectives of TCSpy include centralized control of the array, support for diverse observation modes, and swift responses to the follow-up observations of astronomical transients. To achieve these objectives, TCSpy utilizes the ASCOM Alpaca protocol in conjunction with Alpyca, establishing robust communication among multiple telescope units. For the practical application of TCSpy, we implement TCSpy within the 7-Dimensional Telescope (7DT). 7DT is a telescope array consisting of 20, 0.5-m telescopes, equipped with 40 different medium-band filters. The main scientific goals of 7DT include detecting the optical counterparts of gravitational-wave sources, identifying kilonovae, and the spectral mapping of the southern sky. Through the integration of TCSpy, 7DT can achieve these scientific objectives with its unique observation modes and rapid follow-up capabilities.
Author(s): Carel H. D. R. van Gend, Stephen Potter, Nicolas Erasmus, Sunil Chandra, Hannah Worters, Moloko Hlakola, South African Astronomical Observatory (South Africa); Roufurd Julie, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (South Africa)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The Intelligent Observatory (IO) is a project of the South African Astronomical Observatory which aims to improve the efficiency of observing, optimise the use of the observatory’s resources and allow rapid follow-up of targets of interest. We have developed software to enable our telescopes and instruments to be programmatically controlled, and have used this to develop remotely operable web interfaces for each of these. We are now focussed on enabling robotic operation. To this end we have adopted the Las Cumbres Observatory’s Observatory Control System (OCS). This allows users to submit observing requests, and the OCS scheduler produces a schedule of observations for each telescope. We have developed software to retrieve the latest schedule, configure the telescope and instruments accordingly, and take the required exposures. In full robotic mode, it is important that the telescopes and instruments be operated only when safe to do so. We have developed watchdog software, using the same interfaces, to monitor the weather and shut down telescopes and instruments if the weather turns bad.
Author(s): Erich Wiezorrek, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (Germany); John Lightfoot, UK Astronomy Technology Ctr., The Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (United Kingdom); Andrea Modigliani, Mark Neeser, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Alex Agudo Berbel, Yixian Cao, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (Germany); Lars Lundin, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Ric Davies, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (Germany); Robert J. De Rosa, European Southern Observatory (Chile); Kateryna Kravchenko, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (Germany); Harald Kuntschner, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Laura Mascetti, European Southern Observatory (Germany), Terma GmbH (Germany); Isabelle Percheron, European Southern Observatory (Germany); William Taylor, UK Astronomy Technology Ctr., The Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The ERIS data reduction pipeline, as part of the ESO-VLT Data Flow System, provides recipes for the reduction of ERIS data, the support of Operations, and a monitoring of instrument health and data quality. The pipeline generates science-ready data products that are ingested into the ESO archive. The Enhanced Resolution Imager and Spectrograph (ERIS) is an instrument that both extends and enhances the fundamental diffraction-limited imaging and spectroscopic capabilities of the VLT. The observational modes ERIS provides are integral field spectroscopy at 1-2.5 um, done with ERIS-SPIFFIER, imaging at 1-5 um with several options for high-contrast imaging, and long-slit spectroscopy at 3-4 um, done with ERIS-NIX. The pipeline recipes can be executed either with EsoRex at the command-line level, through the ESOReflex graphical interface, or using the new ESO Data Processing System. This paper will present the main functionalities of the ERIS-NIX and ERIS-SPIFFIER pipelines.
Author(s): Stefano Di Frischia, Mauro Dolci, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico d'Abruzzo (Italy)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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Imaging in the near-infrared is affected by a background signal which plays an important role in limiting the instrument performances. Several extremely faint sources can therefore remain hidden under the noise, or else their weak characteristic peaks could be mistaken as residual noise peaks. We present here a study aimed to identify below-the-noise (S/N<1) sources in near-infrared astronomical images exploiting a Deep Learning algorithm based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). We used a dataset of images acquired with the SWIRCAM near-infrared camera of the AZT24 telescope in Campo Imperatore observatory. Each image from a first subset has been compared with the corresponding, photometrically deeper image from the 2MASS catalogue, producing a set of positions of the sources in 2MASS. The SWIRCAM images have then been labelled with both the S/N>1 sources and the other, undetectable sources (S/N<1), and have been used as input to a CNN, training it with the aim of identifying a pattern in the background around the missed astronomical sources. The algorithm can represent a way to push the limiting magnitude of a telescope beyond the classical paradigm based on the S/N only.
Author(s): Samuel Nyarko Twum, Drew Devereux, Thomas Juerges, SKA Observatory (United Kingdom); Johan Anton Venter, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (South Africa); Thomas Ives, Observatory Sciences Ltd (United Kingdom); Jarrett Engelbrecht, Vivo Technical (South Africa)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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Components in the SKA telescope control system are implemented using the TANGO controls framework. A shared repository is used to ensure consistency and standards in the various components across the subsystems. This repository provides boilerplate code that guides the creation of custom implementations for TANGO device servers. The discussion highlights the design behind the shared repository and its role in maintaining uniformity and efficiency in the SKA telescope control system.
Author(s): Zhendong Chen, Congcong Zhang, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (China)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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EtherCAT motion control architecture has become more and more popular these years. Its realization is based on the real-time operating system(RTOS), which utilizes one or more CPU cores of multi-core CPU computers to do the real-time operation and not interfere with the general-purpose operating system. Compared with the traditional DSP/FPGA motion controller-based motion control system, RTOS-based EtherCAT has many advantages, including much less wiring, much easier programming, easier maintenance, more flexibility, and so forth. I have tested several EtherCAT motion control systems based on different RTOS, including TenAsys INtime, IntervalZero RTX, and Acontis RTOS32Win. All EtherCAT masters present similar performance and using methods. I have used an RTX-based EtherCAT motion controller in 2 real projects, which makes my life much easier.
Author(s): Antonio Sulich, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Gino Tosti, Univ. degli Studi di Perugia (Italy), INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Veronica Baldini, Igor Coretti, Paolo Di Marcantonio, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Giovanni Pareschi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Salvatore Scuderi, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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This paper describe the development of the low-level software for the control of six telescopes forming part of the ASTRI project (Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia Replicante Italiana) led by INAF (Italian National Institute of Astrophysics), which was created to study astronomical sources that emit gamma rays at very high energies. The logic to be implemented will be derived from the existing software on the ASTRI-Horn prototype telescope installed on Mount Etna as well as from what was created by INAF on the three already existing ASTRI Mini-Array telescopes.
Author(s): Alessandro Costa, Kevin Munari, Federico Incardona, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (Italy); Stefano Germani, Univ. degli Studi di Perugia (Italy); Pietro Bruno, Emilio Mastriani, Sebastiano Spinello, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (Italy); Igor Oya, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (Germany)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) marks the next era in ground-based gamma-ray astronomy, tailored for the age of multi-messenger astronomy. With over 118 Cherenkov telescopes distributed across two arrays in Spain and Chile, CTAO leverages diverse telescope designs and instruments for unparalleled sensitivity, aiming to advance the study of transient phenomena in the GeV-TeV range. We present the advancements in the Monitoring, Logging, and Alarm subsystems of the Array Control and Data Acquisition System for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory. The Monitoring System is responsible for monitoring and logging the conditions of the overall array, it can help in the rapid identification and diagnosis of faults, while the Array Alarm System enhances observational efficiency by gathering and filtering alarms. This paper provides insights into the system architecture, data structure, and technological choices for implementation.
Author(s): Lorenzo Cabona, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Scigé Liu, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy); Riccardo Claudi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Adriano Ghedina, Avet Harutyunyan, Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF (Spain); Fabrizio De Angelis, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy); Emanuele Pace, Univ. degli Studi di Firenze (Italy); Stefania Stefani, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy); Valentina D'Orazi, INAF Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri (Italy); Monica Rainer, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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In this proceeding we present the Instrument Control Software of LOCNES. LOCNES (LOw Cost NIR Extended Solar telescope) is a new instrument installed at the TNG (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo), designed to obtain high signal to noise spectroscopic data of the Sun as a Star in the NIR making use of the GIANO-B spectrograph. The operation and monitoring of LOCNES are carried out with a set of software-controlled motorized components and sensors. The instrument control software also manages the observation and calibration procedures, as well as maintenance, self-test operations and alarms. The control software of LOCNES is developed using C#, and based on the .NET 6 framework. Internally, the control software makes use of Python 3. This system has been developed to support both manual and fully automated operation modes, allowing interaction with other TNG subsystems, such as the weather station.
Author(s): Alessio Turchi, Elena Masciadri, Luca Fini, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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In this contribution we present the FAST, which is a comprehensive software suite that aims to streamline and automatically manage the forecast of atmospheric and astroclimatic parameters on large ground-based telescope installations. The forecast of the aforementioned parameters is becoming crucial for the operation of the large telescope installations equipped with Adaptive Optics (AO) systems. The role of such service is useful both in optimizing beforehand AO instruments to the next atmospheric conditions and in planning telescope observations (especially in “service mode”) in order to maximize the scientific output. FAST was applied to the ALTA Center and FATE projects, supporting LBT and VLT respectively. Since its first version FAST evolved and it has has been modified to fit with the different technical specifications of the different projects gaining in modularity. It is now able to provide forecasts on different timescales (from days to hours before). After several years of continuous development we can say that FAST reached full maturity and it is now ready for applications to other projects/sites.
Author(s): Alberto Vecchiato, Mario Gilberto Lattanzi, Beatrice Bucciarelli, Valentina Cesare, Ugo Becciani, Raffaella Buzzi, Deborah Busonero, INAF (Italy); Ruben De March, ALTEC (Italy); Mario Gai, Alberto Riva, INAF (Italy)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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This talk will present AVU-GSR, a verification pipeline of the Gaia ESA mission whose goal is to replicate the AGIS baseline process of the Global Astrometric Sphere Reconstruction. The pipeline produces an independent solution using a different astrometric model and different algorithms for the solution of this problem, thus providing an effective way to assess the reliability of the solution, as it is called by the absolute character of the satellite measurements. We will show the goals of GSR, describing its implementation, its results with real data, and the possible developments for this problem suggested by our experience.
Author(s): Fulvio Gianotti, Ismam Abu, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Marcello Lodi, Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF (Spain); Alessandro Tacchini, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Giuseppe Malaspina, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Marco De Benedetto, Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF (Spain); Federico Fiordoliva, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy); Marco Costi, Giordano Mancini, Daniele Gregori, Mirco Pinetti, Massimo Sardo, Davide Fuzzati, Matteo Rosi, Davide Obbi, E4 Computer Engineering S.p.A. (Italy); Pietro Bruno, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Andrea Bulgarelli, Luca Castaldini, Vito Conforti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Alessandro Costa, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica di Catania (Italy); Valentina Fioretti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Stefano Gallozzi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy); Christine Grivel, Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF (Spain); Federico Incardona, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica di Catania (Italy); Giuseppe Leto, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Fabrizio Lucarelli, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy); Kevin Munari, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica di Catania (Italy); Nicolò Parmiggiani, Valerio Pastore, Federico Russo, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Salvatore Scuderi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Gino Tosti, Univ. degli Studi di Perugia (Italy); Massimo Trifoglio, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The ASTRI (Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia Replicante Italiana) program, led by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), is developing nine 4-meter Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) to detect gamma-ray radiation above 1 TeV at the Teide Observatory in the Canary Islands. To support this project, an on-site Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure has been designed. This paper describes the design of this ICT infrastructure, which includes various subsystems dedicated primarily to hosting the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) software. The ICT architecture was divided into subsystems dedicated to specific functions: telescope control; acquisition and storage; data quality control; fast transmission to data archiving; and monitoring of the entire Observatory. All these ICT components are interconnected, so special attention was paid to the network topology to ensure the necessary throughput and reliability of the connections.
Author(s): Henry T. Corbett, Jonathan Carney, William Marshall, Nicholas M. Law, Shannon Fitton, Ramses Gonzalez Chavez, Lawrence Machia, Thomas Proctor, Alan Vasquez Soto, The Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The detection of astronomical transients in sky survey images is typically accomplished by comparing each observed field with a previously constructed reference frame representing the time-averaged flux from the sources in the field. Constructing these reference frames and vetting the resulting event stream can be a demanding process, adding considerable operational burden and commissioning requirements, particularly for multiplexed surveys like the 900-telescope Argus Array. We have developed an alternate technique for transient detection, using deep convolutional models to subtract the unvarying background scene given either single image of a sky region, including optical variability, weather effects, and sensor systematics, or a conventional pair of science and reference images. In this poster, I present our proof-of-concept model, Sky2Sky, including comparisons with the detection latency, astrometric localization, and photometric calibration achievable with existing analytic transient detection pipelines tailored for this dataset.
Author(s): Gerald Mösenlechner, Roland Ottensamer, Franz Kerschbaum, Armin Luntzer, Marko Mecina, Univ. Wien (Austria); Miroslaw Rataj, Konrad Skup, Kamil Ber, Space Research Ctr. of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024
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The Ariel space telescope in the ESA Cosmic Vision program aims to uncover the chemical composition of exoplanetary atmospheres through transit spectroscopy and photometry. These measurements require stable pointing relative to the host star which is handled by a dedicated instrument: the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS). The FGS is a science instrument providing photometry and spectroscopy in the visual and near-infrared. A key component of the FGS is the Instrument Application Software (IASW) which handles the processing of science data, guiding as well as general instrument control. In this paper we explore our design to code workflow and our test-driven development approach while also covering the peculiarities and challenges of the Ariel FGS IASW implementation.
CANCELED: A Data Pre-Processing Pipeline for Astronomical Images in Big Data Era
Author(s): Liang Cao, Yu Song, Jiameng Lv, Yushan Li, Jiaxin Li, Xu Li, Peng Jia, Taiyuan Univ. of Technology (China)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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With the advancement of observation equipment, we have gained access to a vast amount of astronomical images. However, traditional astronomical image pre-processing methods are often developed under traditional CPU architecture, which require a considerable amount of time when dealing with large-scale astronomical image data, thereby restricting the speed of data analysis and research progress. Faced with the above problems, an automated data processing pipeline becomes imperative. In this paper, we propose a pre-processing pipeline for astronomical image data to expedite the processing of large-scale astronomical image data. Our pipeline is built upon the NVIDIA DALI framework, encompassing primary modules such as image quality assessment, image alignment, background estimation, source detection, and grayscale transformation. Leveraging the parallel computing capability of GPUs and optimizing data processing algorithms, we expedite the processing of image data. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate the outstanding performance of our pipeline in handling astronomical image data of various scales and types. The results indicate that our pipeline significantly reduces proc
CANCELED: Galaxy Circus: A Citizen Science Platform for AI-Assisted Anomalous Galaxy Discovery
Author(s): Sabiha Omer, Jiameng Lv, Yu Song, Zuozhen Li, Yanyan Xu, Peng Jia, Taiyuan Univ. of Technology (China)
18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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New discoveries have always been the driving force behind the advancement of astronomy. However, since there is a huge amount of astronomical target images obtained by modern astronomical surveys, it is difficult to discover celestial objects with unique properties. Currently, two primary methodologies, machine learning and citizen science, are employed for this purpose. While machine learning excels in mining efficiency and automation, its dependence on extensive training data limits its effectiveness in anomalous object searches. Conversely, citizen science has proven to be highly effective in this regard. This study combines machine learning and citizen science to establish an efficient citizen science platform, Galaxy Circus, that can discover anomalous galaxy images. Utilizing a Bayesian classification network, we can screen out the data of the most likely anomalous objects and introduce them to citizen science for further judgment to find out the true anomalous objects. Simultaneously, we employ Bayesian Inference to automatically evaluate the credibility of both users and labels, thereby enhancing the accuracy of labels. In Galaxy Circus, we have successfully imported over 4
Session PS2: Posters II: Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F

View Wednesday Poster Session schedule and event details

Each day includes a unique set of posters. Poster groupings are listed below by topic.

Author(s): Ismam Abu, Fulvio Gianotti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Marcello Lodi, Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF (Spain); Giuseppe Malaspina, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); M. De Benedetto, Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF (Spain); Federico Fiordoliva, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy); Marco Costi, E4 Company SPA (Italy); Giordano Mancini, Massimo Sardo, Matteo Rosi, E4 Computer Engineering S.p.A. (Italy); Andrea Bulgarelli, Luca Castaldini, A. Tacchini, Vito Conforti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Alessandro Costa, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Valentina Fioretti, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Stefano Gallozzi, Fabrizio Lucarelli, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy); Kevin Munari, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Nicolo Parmiggiani, Valerio Pastore, Federico Russo, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Salvatore Scuderi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy); Gino Tosti, Univ. degli Studi di Perugia (Italy); Massimo Trifoglio, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The ASTRI (Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia Replicante Italiana) program, led by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), is developing nine 4-meter class, dual mirror Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) to detect gamma-ray radiation above 1 TeV at the Teide Observatory in the Canary Islands. To support this project, an on-site Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure has been designed. The ICT infrastructure hosts the Computing System, which hosts the SCADA systems that control and monitor the ASTRI Mini-Array Telescopes mainly based on container architecture and Kubernetes orchestration. This paper discusses the virtual and containerized environment, utilizing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) alongside orchestration systems to simplify infrastructure and application management. This architecture allows easy configuration control of the SCADA system and streamlined deployment in production and testbed environments.
Author(s): James Burgoyne, Adrian Sinclair, The Univ. of British Columbia (Canada); Scott Chapman, Dalhousie Univ. (Canada); Steve K. Choi, University of California, Riverside (United States); Cody J. Duell, Cornell University (United States); Anthony Huber, University of Victoria (Canada); Zachary B. Huber, Ben Keller, Lawrence Lin, Michael D. Niemack, Cornell University (United States); Douglas Scott, The Univ. of British Columbia (Canada); Eve M. Vavagiakis, Samantha Walker, Cornell University (United States); Matt Xie, The Univ. of British Columbia (Canada)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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We outline the development of the readout software for the Prime-Cam and Mod-Cam instruments on the CCAT Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope (FYST), primecam_readout. The instruments feature lumped-element kinetic inductance detector (LEKID) arrays driven by Xilinx ZCU111 RFSoC boards. In the current configuration, each board can drive up to 4000 KIDs, and Prime-Cam is implementing approximately 25 boards. The software runs on a centralized control computer connected to the boards via dedicated ethernet, and facilitates such tasks as frequency-multiplexed tone comb driving, comb calibration and optimization, and detector timestream establishment. The control computer utilizes dynamically generated control channels for each board, allowing for simultaneous parallel control over all, while uniquely tracking diagnostics for each. This work demonstrates a scalable RFSoC readout architecture where computational demands increase linearly with the number of detectors, enabling control of tens-of-thousands of KIDs with modest hardware, and opening the door to the next generation of KID arrays housing millions of detectors.
Author(s): Rubén A. Flores-Meza, Jose L. Garcés, Gerardo Lara, Carolina Keiman, Carlos Espejo, Beatriz Sánchez, Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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FRIDA (inFRared Imager and Dissector for Adaptive optics of GTC) is a near infrared imager and integral field spectrograph covering the wavelength range from 0.9 to 2.5 microns. FRIDA will work in two observing modes: direct imaging and integral field spectroscopy. This paper describes the main achievements and current status in the development of the electronics and control systems for the FRIDA´s cryogenic mechanisms, cabling and House-keeping (HK). A description of main hardware and software tests is presented.
Author(s): Eric Jeschke, Takeshi Inagaki, Russell Kackley, Subaru Telescope, NAOJ (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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We present a simple system for job distribution built on the RabbitMQ open-source message broker. The system is based on the concept of job sources (origins), sinks (destinations) and realms (hubs), where a network of these entities can be readily established with a configuration file for each site and a RabbitMQ server running at each hub. Jobs are sent via persistent JSON-encoded packets and delivered reliably by RabbitMQ queues. The system was built primarily for robust data transfers amidst volatile network connections, but is general enough for any kind of flexible job distribution scheme where reliable delivery of job messages is needed. We are releasing the "datasink" as an open source Python package on Github. Aside from RabbitMQ, there are minimal additional requirements.
Author(s): Jed Diller, Matt Rippa, NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Lab. (United States), Gemini Observatory (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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This paper describes the design, implementation, and testing of a modern user interface for the control and tuning of the Gemini Observatory M2 tip/tilt/focus mechanism. As part of observatory upgrades the M2 control electronics that sense and drive the M2 mechanism are being upgraded from a 90’s DOS-based system to contemporary components and software while maintaining and potentially improving system performance. For rapid display, plotting, and analysis (including FFT computation) of telemetry from the control computer, the user interface is a Linux based desktop application built using PyQt. The user interface is an expert user tool for monitoring, controlling, and tuning the M2 mechanism live and exposing low level parameters not typically exposed. The user interface is feature rich with tools for control engineers like plant identification and filter tuning. The performance results and lessons learned during development and through the laboratory testing phase are discussed.
Author(s): Timothy Jenness, David H. Irving, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States); James F. Bosch, Princeton Univ. (United States); Andrei Salnikov, SLAC National Accelerator Lab. (United States); Nate B. Lust, Princeton Univ. (United States); Russ Allbery, Vera C. Rubin Observatory (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Rubin Observatory’s Data Butler provides a way for science users to retrieve data without knowing where or how it is stored. In order to support the 10,000 science users in a hybrid cloud environment, we have to modify the Data Butler to use a client/server architecture such that we can share authentication and authorization controls with the Rubin Science Platform and more easily support standard tooling for scaling up backend services. In this paper we describe the changes that had to be made to support this and some of the difficulties that were encountered.
Author(s): Edward L. Chapin, Jennifer Dunn, Dan Kerley, NRC-Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics (Canada); Lianne Mueller, NRC-Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Ctr. (Canada); Malcolm Smith, Jon Stocks, NRC-Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics (Canada)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Herzberg Extensible Adaptive optics Real-Time Toolkit (HEART) is a complete framework written in C and Python for building next-generation adaptive optics (AO) system real-time controllers, with the performance needed for extremely large telescopes. With numerous HEART-based RTCs now in their design or build phases, each with different AO algorithms, target hardware, and observatory requirements, continuous automated builds and tests are a cornerstone of our development effort. In this paper we describe the many levels of testing that we perform, from low-level unit tests of individual functions, to more complex component and system-level tests that verify both numerical correctness and execution performance. Incorporating extensive testing into HEART since its inception has allowed us to continuously (and confidently) refactor and extend it to both meet the changing needs of local on-sky experiments, as well as those of the several major facility instruments that we are developing.
Author(s): R. Elliot Meyer, Matthias Tecza, Univ. of Oxford (United Kingdom); Alvaro Menduina Fernandez, Civil Aviation Authority (United Kingdom); Niranjan Thatte, Univ. of Oxford (United Kingdom)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The detection and characterisation of Earth-like planets in the solar neighbourhood is a key scientific goal for the European Southern Observatory’s upcoming Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). A major limitation in achieving the high contrast ratios, i.e. 10$^{-8}$--10$^{-9}$, at the small inner working angles necessary to conduct these observations is the presence of non-common path aberrations (NCPAs), which arise from optical path differences between the adaptive optics system and the science instrument. NCPA calibration is therefore critical for improving the performance of several current and planned instruments including ELT-PCS and ELT-HARMONI, a first light instrument for the ELT. We present the development of an alternative approach to NCPA calibration using a deep learning model. The model is trained on both simulated image slicer images and real calibration data obtained from the recently commissioned ERIS integral field spectrograph at the VLT.
Author(s): Christopher Foster, Charles R. White, National Solar Observatory (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The National Science Foundation’s Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) is the largest solar telescope in the world, utilizing a 4-m offset primary mirror that accumulates a 13 kW solar load. Safely offsetting that heat load is the Facility Management System (FMS), a subsystem of the Facility Control System (FCS) that controls all aspects of the Facility Thermal System (FTS). During DKIST’s construction phase, each subsystem was commissioned at the most basic acceptable level, then immediately put into a production environment due to pre-existing cooling demands of the facility. This led to a tight time budget to program and deliver the FMS, making sequential prototyping, commissioning, and acceptance nearly impossible. Presented herein is the programming methodology implemented in the FMS that allowed us to meet aggressive moving targets during construction, revise system operation and function in early operations commissioning, and ensures that the system will continue to provide necessary controls for the observatory while maintaining flexibility for future improvements.
Author(s): Jose Gallardo, ALMA (Chile)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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The ALMA Observatory has been observing science data for more than 10 years. Since 4 years ago, the Data Processing and consequently the Data Delivery were seriously affected because the large amount of science data needed to be processed. This was mainly because at that moment the observatory missed completely an integration software procedure. The main purpose of this paper is to describe in more detail the complete history, and to present the current regression and integration tests suite we currently have in place.
Author(s): Nuwanthika Fernando, Nuria Lorente, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia), Astralis (Australia); Richard McDermid, Macquarie Univ. (Australia); Anthony J. Horton, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia), Astralis (Australia); Lance Luvaul, The Australian National Univ. (Australia), Astralis (Australia)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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We outline the two workflows used for the reduction of science data from the MCAO Assisted Visible Imager and Spectrograph (MAVIS), and describe the inputs, outputs, and static calibration files required for each process of the workflows. Ronchi masks and pinhole masks are used in combination to determine the geometry of the spectrograph slices, and wavelength calibrations will be enhanced with Etalons. The precision required for the Imager astrometry is obtained by the mid-spatial frequency distortion calibrations. To prototype these complex methods and to test the efficacy of pixel tables and error handling we are using the new ESO PyCPL and PyHDRL libraries, which provide an interface to ESO’s classic Common Pipeline Library (CPL) in the Python ecosystem.
Author(s): Hawi K. Stecher, John White, Andrew W. Stephens, Edo Tapia, Joey D'Amato, Gemini Observatory (United States); Shane Jacobson, NSF NOIRLab (United States); Andy Adamson, Charlie Figura, Jen Miller, Ricardo Cardenes, Gemini Observatory (United States); Luc Boucher, European Space Research and Technology Ctr. (Netherlands); Brittany Cooper, Sierra Space Corp. (United States); Carlos Quiroz, Emma Kurz, Francisco Ramos, Gemini Observatory (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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Gemini Observatory commissioned a SDSU (ARC) detector controller (DC) replacement for the aging GNAAC DC for the Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS). The focus of this paper is on the iterative development approach that led to a unique Python-based DC. We leveraged the stability and modern technology of the Gemini Data System (GDS) and Gemini Instrument API (GIAPI) to facilitate communication between the DC and the Gemini telescope systems. Another core innovation was to implement a Python version of the Gemini specific CAD/CAR EPICS records which allowed us to switch from an EPICS Input Output Controller (IOC) to a Caproto Python IOC. These innovations allow the Python based DC to communicate with all of the many Gemini systems required to process GNIRS observations. The use of a Python based DC enhances the system's functionality but also simplifies future updates and maintenance. Our paper delves into the team-centric iterative development process, the software engineering challenges, and the initial operational performance, emphasizing the software's role in modernizing the observatory's infrastructure.
Author(s): Amir Ebadati Bazkiaei, Macquarie Univ. (Australia); Lee Kelvin, Princeton Univ. (United States); Sarah Brough, The Univ. of New South Wales (Australia); Simon O'Toole, Macquarie Univ. (Australia); Aaron Watkins, Univ. of Hertfordshire (United Kingdom); Morgan Schmitz, Princeton Univ. (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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We present the phase 1 report of the Bright Star Subtraction (BSS) pipeline for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). This pipeline is designed to create an extended PSF model by utilizing observed stars, followed by subtracting this model from the bright stars present in LSST data. Running the pipeline on Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) data shows a correlation between the shape of the extended PSF model and the position of the detector within the camera's focal plane. Specifically, detectors positioned closer to the focal plane's edge exhibit reduced circular symmetry in the extended PSF model. To mitigate this effect, we present an algorithm that enables users to account for the location dependency of the model. Our analysis also indicates that the choice of normalization annulus is crucial for modeling the extended PSF. Smaller annuli can exclude stars due to overlap with saturated regions, while larger annuli may compromise data quality because of lower signal-to-noise ratios.
Author(s): Malcolm Scarrott, Janus Brink, Encarni Romero Colmenero, Anthony R. Koeslag, Lisa A. Crause, Southern African Large Telescope (South Africa)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) is a 10-m class optical telescope that has been in operation since 2011. As one of the world's largest telescopes, attention needs to be directed towards mitigating overheads in key areas to ensure optimal scientific output. It is critical for science operations and science output that SALT operates at an efficient level. Software implementations that automate time-consuming processes can significantly reduce the overheads that cost SALT valuable science time. In this paper, an analysis of the problems affecting SALT’s observational efficiency is conducted, as well as an in-depth discussion on how these inefficiencies are being resolved by software such as machine learning.
Author(s): Antonio Matta-Gómez, Jorge Quintero Nehrkorn, Carlos Quintero Noda, Horacio Rodriguez Delgado, Silvia Regalado, Jonai Bienes, Claudia Ruiz de Galarreta, Manuel Collados, Mary Barreto Cabrera, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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Due to the complexity of scientific instruments like spectropolarimeters, managing instrument sequences can be challenging. To address this issue, a finite state machine (FSM) approach was used to manage solar observation sequences of the GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS). FSMs provide a structured and visual representation of control logic, making them well-suited for managing intricate workflows. By using FSMs, scientists can clearly define and modify instrument sequences, ensuring the precise coordination of various instrument components. In spectropolarimeters that support multiple optical channels, such as GRIS, FSMs can effectively manage the selection of the scanning system, synchronize image acquisition across multiple channels, adjust exposure times, and handle errors. To streamline the implementation process, CodeDesigner RAD was used to create diagrams illustrating the operations sequence. CodeDesigner's code generation feature automatically translates these diagrams into C++ code. This approach ensures the precise and reliable operation of the GRIS spectropolarimeter.
Author(s): Anthony J. Horton, Anthony Heng, Aidan Farrell, Mrunmayi Deshpande, Brent Miszalski, Nuwanthika Fernando, Nuria Lorente, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia); Ralf Palsa, Lars Lundin, Armin Gabasch, European Southern Observatory (Germany)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The ESO Common Pipeline Library (CPL) and High Level Data Reduction Library (HDRL) together form a comprehensive, efficient and robust software toolkit for data reduction pipelines. They were developed in C for reasons of efficiency and speed, however, with the community’s preference towards Python for algorithm prototyping and data reduction, there is a need for access from Python. PyCPL and PyHDRL provide this, making it possible to run existing CPL data reduction recipes from Python as well as developing new recipes in Python. These new recipes are built using the PyCPL and PyHDRL libraries, which provide idiomatic Python interfaces to CPL and HDRL while allowing users to take advantage of the scientific Python ecosystem. PyCPL and PyHDRL are already being used to prototype recipes for the MAVIS instrument pipeline, and have been used to develop an extensible pipeline development framework. Here we describe their design, implementation and usage.
Author(s): Arturo Hoffstadt Urrutia, Gianluca Chiozzi, Mario Kiekebusch, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Carlos Pascual-Izarra, iPronics Programmable Photonics, S.L. (Spain); Zbigniew Reszela, ALBA Synchrotron (Spain)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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Taurus is an opensource GUI framework that implements a Model View Controller design pattern tailored for Control Systems. It is based on python and Qt and is extensively used in the Particle Accelerators and Large Experimental Physics community and with Tango Controls. Taurus solves design patterns and requirements that the ELT Control Software project has for its GUIs. It provides an homogeneous way to interact with any control system and can be extended in many ways. The Taurus integration into the ELT Control Software is presented; the two plugins that integrate Taurus to ELT back-ends; widgets; and the challenges particular to ELT perspective.
Author(s): Alessandro Lorenzetto, Davide Ricci, Fulvio Laudisio, Daniele Vassallo, Andrea Baruffolo, Domenico Barbato, Maria Bergomi, Elena Carolo, Simone Di Filippo, Valentina D'Orazi, Tania Gomes Machado, Davide Greggio, Luca Marafatto, Dino Mesa, Jacopo Farinato, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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SHARK-NIR instrument (System for coronagraphy with High Order adaptive optics in Z and H band) has completed its commissioning phase at the Large Binocular Telescope. During the long commissioning nights several issues emerged which led to significant improvements in the architecture of SHINS, its instrument control software. The new updates concern the internal communication between the software and the electronics resulting in a consistent improvement of the Observation Software performance and of the web based user interface. The other innovations are the new user interface panel dedicated to the Real Time Computing system and, eventually, the de-rotation process implemented for the SHARK-NIR instrument to allow precise long-slit-spectroscopy observation and compensate for field rotation.
Author(s): Salvatore Lampitelli, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Salvatore Savarese, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Chiara Di Prospero, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Alfio T. Puglisi, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Andrea Baruffolo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Italo Foppiani, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy); Giulio Capasso, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Amedeo Petrella, Pietro Schipani, Danilo Selvestrel, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Marcos Suárez Valles, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Paolo Ciliegi, INAF - Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio (Italy)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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The Real Time Computer of the MORFEO@ELT Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics module for the ESO Extremely Large Telescope is responsible for computing the atmosphere tomography and controlling the shape of three deformable mirrors. Implementing the MORFEO RTC presents many technical challenges due to the high data throughput generated by the system sensors and the heavy processing power required for the real time mirrors’ shape computation. The ESO RTC Toolkit will be used to build the Software RTC subsystem, while the Hard RTC will be based on a custom architecture. A physical design is proposed for the MORFEO SRTC to meet the computational requirements. To validate the architecture’s functionalities, some prototyping activities have been initiated. The prototyping platforms will be also useful in the final design and development stages.
Author(s): Martin Kulas, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Olivier Absil, Liège Univ. (Belgium); Thomas Bertram, Florian Briegel, Hugo Coppejans, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Carlos Correia, Univ. do Porto (Portugal); Wim De Meester, KU Leuven (Belgium); Markus Feldt, Vianak Naranjo, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Andreas Obereder, MathConsult GmbH (Austria); Gilles Orban de Xivry, Liège Univ. (Belgium); Horst Steuer, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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METIS is one of three first-generation science instruments for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). It is equipped with an adaptive optics (AO) system and it has recently entered the manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing (MAIT) phase. The METIS adaptive optics control system (AOCS) is responsible for the AO wavefront correction. While the main AO loop runs on a real-time computer (RTC), several auxiliary functions will run outside of the RTC in order to maintain the quality of the wavefront correction. This paper describes the current status of the METIS AO control system, driving forces behind the design and the important control loops.
Author(s): Hugo Coppejans, Thomas Bertram, Florian Briegel, Markus Feldt, Martin Kulas, Silvia Scheithauer, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Carlos Correia, Univ. do Porto (Portugal); Andreas Obereder, MathConsult GmbH (Austria)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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METIS will use an internal SCAO system to correct for atmospheric distortions and enable diffraction-limited observations. The SCAO system recently passed its final design phase while the ELT is expected to have its first light in 2028. The computational and data transfer requirements for these next generation ELT RTCs are enormous and require advanced data processing and pipelining techniques. METIS SCAO will use a pyramid wavefront sensor (WFS) to capture incoming wavefronts at 1kHz with a raw throughput of 148 MB/s. The Hard Real Time Computer (HRTC) has a loop computation time of 382µs and runs on two Nvidia A100 GPUs. This paper shows a breakdown of the HRTC on a CUDA kernel level, focusing on the tasks that run on the GPUs. We will also present the current design choices, performance and possible improvements for the METIS RTC, while explaining the challenges of creating such a real-time system.
Author(s): Sriprasanna Srivalli Annadevara, Hanna Kellermann, Hans-Joachim Hess, Jörg Schlichter, Ralf Bender, Univ.-Sternwarte München (Germany)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Multi-Adaptive Optics Imaging Camera for Deep Observations (MICADO) is the first light ESO Extremely-Large-Telescope (ELT) Instrument and now nearing the completion of its final design stage. The MICADO instrument aims to generate high-resolution images of the Universe at near-infrared wavelengths, which requires maintaining a stable vacuum environment at 82 K inside the MICADO cryostat. To fulfill this requirement and for safety reasons, a PLC-based control software is used. This software communicates with over 180 sensors and devices simultaneously to remotely maintain the cryostat environment. This paper discusses the software’s design architecture and implementation.
Author(s): Giulio Capasso, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Andrea Baruffolo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Alfio T. Puglisi, INAF (Italy); Salvatore Savarese, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Salvatore Lampitelli, INAF (Italy); Chiara Di Prospero, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Italo Foppiani, Guido Agapito, Lorenzo Busoni, INAF (Italy); Jennifer Dunn, NRC-Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics (Canada); Sylvain Oberti, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Amedeo Petrella, INAF (Italy); Pietro Schipani, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Danilo Selvestrel, INAF (Italy); Marcos Suàrez Valles, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Jean-Pierre Véran, NRC-Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics (Canada); Paolo Ciliegi, INAF (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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MORFEO is the Multi Conjugate Adaptive Optics module for the Extremely Large Telescope. It will correct the incoming wavefront by means of three deformable mirrors. The wavefront sensing is based on six laser guide stars and three natural guide stars. The Real Time Computer consists of a Hard Real Time Core and a Soft Real Time Cluster. The former acquires data from the wavefront sensors and controls the deformable mirrors and jitter mirrors. The latter provides the interface toward the Instrument Control System Software, performs all the supervisory and monitoring tasks and the auxiliary loops for optimisation of the wavefront correction. This paper discusses the updated design after the PDR, following the preliminary test results obtained by the instrumentation founded by the PNRR STILES. It also provides a description of the distributed architecture adopted by the SRTC, the derivation of requirements for the HRTC and the interfaces between HRTC and SRTC. Part of the research activities described in this paper were carried out with contribution of the Next Generation EU funds within the PNRR, Mission 4, Component 2 (M4C2), Investment Line 3.1 IR0000034 - STILES
Author(s): Alessandro Ballone, Simone Di Filippo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy), ADONI - Lab. Nazionale Ottica Adattiva (Italy); Sylvain Cetre, Wakea Consulting (France); David Barr, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom); Daniele Vassallo, Bartolomeo Bottazzi Baldi, Valentina Viotto, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy), ADONI - Lab. Nazionale Ottica Adattiva (Italy); Andrea Baruffolo, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Carmelo Arcidiacono, Luca Marafatto, Davide Greggio, Jacopo Farinato, Kalyan Radhakrishnan, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy), ADONI - Lab. Nazionale Ottica Adattiva (Italy); Gabriele Umbriaco, Univ. degli Studi di Bologna (Italy), INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Runa Briguglio, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy), ADONI - Lab. Nazionale Ottica Adattiva (Italy); Chiara Selmi, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Paolo Cerpelloni, Tania Gomes Machado, Federico Battaini, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy), ADONI - Lab. Nazionale Ottica Adattiva (Italy); Luigi Lessio, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Maria Bergomi, Elena Carolo, Simonetta Chinellato, Demetrio Magrin, Marco Dima, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy), ADONI - Lab. Nazionale Ottica Adattiva (Italy); Stefano Salvadori, Univ. degli Studi di Padova (Italy); Roberto Ragazzoni, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy), ADONI - Lab. Nazionale Ottica Adattiva (Italy), Univ. degli Studi di Padova (Italy); Timothy Morris, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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MATTO (Multi-conjugate Adaptive Techniques Test Optics) is a wide-field adaptive optics test bench, under development at the INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Padova, with the goal of supporting the study and development of new Multi-Conjugated Adaptive Optics techniques. Hence, it has been designed to be flexible and composed of independently configurable modules. The DAO4MATTO Real-Time Control system will be a system-tailored implementation of DAO, the new RTC software solution developed at Durham University, that will interface with and control several devices with different purposes. After a short presentation of the main concepts of MATTO, we briefly discuss the hardware and software architecture of DAO4MATTO. Furthermore, we show some preliminary findings obtained in a closed-loop scenario for a basic prototype system, composed of two visible wavelength cameras, a Shack Hartmann wavefront sensor and a deformable mirror.
Author(s): Jack Lashner, Yale Univ. (United States); Kaiwen Zheng, Princeton University (United States); Kevin T. Crowley, Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego (United States); Nicholas Galitzki, Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin (United States); Kathleen Harrington, Argonne National Laboratory, High Energy Physics Division (United States), University of Chicago, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics (United States); Hironobu Nakata, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University (Japan); Max Silva-Feaver, Yale Univ. (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Simons Observatory (SO) is a ground-based cosmic microwave background experiment currently being deployed to Cerro Toco in the Atacama Desert of Chile. SO will read out its detectors using Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) microwave-frequency multiplexing ($\mu$mux), a form of frequency division multiplexing where an RF-SQUID couples each TES bolometer to a superconducting resonator tuned to a unique frequency. Variations in resonator fabrication, and frequency shifts between cooldowns caused by trapped flux can cause the measured resonance frequencies to deviate significantly from their designed values. We introduce a method for pairing measured and designed resonators by constructing a bipartite graph based on the two resonator sets, and assigning edge weights based on measured resonator and detector properties such as resonance frequency, detector pointing, and assigned bias lines. We will present results based on the first on-sky measurements from SAT1, the first SO MF small-aperture telescope.
Author(s): Muhammad Salman, Gert Raskin, KU Leuven (Belgium); Werner Laun, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Gerd Jakob, Dan Popovic, Mario Kiekebusch, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Emilie Bouzerand, ETH Zurich (Switzerland); Wannes Verstraeten, Wim Pessemier, Wim De Meester, Kwinten Missiaen, Bart Vandenbussche, Maddalena Reggiani, KU Leuven (Belgium); Dirk Lesman, NOVA Optical and Infrared Instrumentation Group (Netherlands); Hans Van Winckel, KU Leuven (Belgium)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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The METIS instrument requires precise temperature control to minimize thermal background radiation and ensure optimal performance. The cryostat control system plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining the required thermal stability. The METIS cryo-control system is implemented on systems based on a BECKHOFF programmable logic controller (PLC) and the EtherCAT fieldbus. It utilizes the ESO ELT Cryo-toolkit, which provides building blocks of components to support individual hardware components.
Author(s): Salvatore Savarese, Laurent Marty, Mirko Colapietro, Pietro Schipani, Francesco Perrotta, Sergio D'Orsi, Giulio Capasso, Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Italy); Demetrio Magrin, Jacopo Farinato, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy); Gabriele Umbriaco, Univ. degli Studi di Bologna (Italy); Stefano Covino, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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VSTPOL enhances VST's capabilities by adding optical polarimetry via a linear polarized filter. This will make the VST the first large wide-field survey telescope with optical polarimetry. The project addresses the need for optical follow-up observations of Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) sources and transients. This paper describes software upgrades required for the new polarimetric mode. The current instrument control software, based on ESO VLT software 2011, manages pointing, acquisition, and active optics. The polarimetric mode necessitates two additional motorized movements: inserting the filter and selecting polarization while tracking the object. Traditionally, VLT systems use a Local Control Unit (LCU) on VxWorks for motor control, but this system is outdated. Since compatibility with modern hardware is crucial, we resorted to a PLC-based system, which are unsupported by the installed VLTSW. Fortunately, the ICS Fieldbus Extension allows for a dedicated Device Control Environment (DCE). This DCE, using an updated VTLSW release, acts as a gateway to control electronics, minimizing system-wide impact and reducing update-related risks.
Author(s): Brock Taylor, Billy Mahoney, Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp. (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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Atmospheric visibility is a major factor in the quality of data produced by ground-based instruments in astronomy. Two instruments Canada France Hawaii Telescope uses to address this issue are ASIVA and SkyProbe. ASIVA produces all-sky infrared and visible light images to identify clouds, and SkyProbe produces an attenuation measurement for the atmosphere in between the telescope and its observation target. A Convolutional Neural Network is used to detect clouds on Mauna Kea using ASIVA archival data. A full-sky model was able to determine clear skies with 100% accuracy and cloudy skies with 96% accuracy. A separate heatmap generator model used a small kernel passed over an input image to determine the likelihood of cloud coverage at each location, producing an AUC of 0.987. Further work is being done to incorporate SkyProbe data by correlating measurements to locations in ASIVA images. Preliminary results show a strong ability to differentiate clear from cloudy kernels. However, dataset limitations inhibit a strong correlation between predicted and actual attenuation values. Additional work is needed to tune the model architecture and find more data in ASIVA archives.
Author(s): Marco Molinaro, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Valerio Formato, Univ. degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy); Carmelo Magnafico, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy); Federico Benvenuto, Univ. degli Studi di Genova (Italy); Mirko Stumpo, Scige' Liu, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy); Stefano Scardigli, Loredana Vigliano, Univ. degli Studi di Roma (Italy); Dario Del Moro, Univ. degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy); Monica Laurenza, INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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CAESAR is an ASI-INAF project for the development of the prototype of the ASI SPace weather InfraStructure (ASPIS), to unify Space Weather resources through a flexible architecture, allowing researchers to exploit the whole chain of phenomena from the Sun to the Earth up to planetary environments. Design considerations and challenges for the prototype are reported: the collection of research products and metadata; the design of the pilot database; the concept of the causal chain, kept flexible to cope with the heterogeneous products to be ingested; the archive's user interfaces: a graphical web interface and an advanced Python module.
Author(s): Javier León Gil, Nicolás Adrián Rodríguez Linares, Marta Belío Asin, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain); José Manuel Gonzalez Cava, Universidad de La Laguna (Spain); Fernando Merlos García, Guillermo Fuentes Morales, Ángel Mato Martínez, Alejandro Mahy Soler Trujillo, Miguel Nuñez Cagigal, Carmen Marillai Barreto Cabrera, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a 4-m class solar telescope incorporating a multi-conjugate adaptive optics system (MCAO) within its optical path. Despite its open-dome configuration, wind exposure significantly impacts image stability. This study focuses on merging active optics (AcO), handling real-time optical adjustments for mechanical issues, with adaptive optics (AO), countering atmospheric turbulence. Strategies are explored for their integration, utilizing high-sensitivity wavefront sensors, advanced control algorithms, and adaptive deformable mirrors. AcO targets low-frequency distortions like wind perturbances, while AdO tackles high-frequency atmospheric turbulences. The paper presents an analysis of the control loop and planned actuation ranges for this active-adaptive optics integration in solar telescopes.
Author(s): Alexander Bell, Matthias Schubert, Clemens Halbgewachs, Leibniz-Institut für Sonnenphysik (KIS) (Germany)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Visible Tunable Filter Instrument (VTF) is a 2D imaging spectropolarimeter for high spatial and spectral resolution solar observations in the visible light. Integration into the world largest solar telescope, the 4m aperture Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) starts in January 2024. In this paper we present an overview over the complete software infrastructure designed and developed for this instrument. In particular the Instrument Control Software (ICS), the Instrument Performance Calculator (IPC) and the real-time monitoring plugins implemented to verify data acquisition and instrument stability.
Author(s): John Donor, Texas Christian Univ. (United States); Michael Blanton, New York Univ. (United States); Kevin Covey, Western Washington Univ. (United States); Tom Dwelly, TD Astro (United Kingdom); Ilija Medan, Vanderbilt Univ. (United States); José Sánchez-Gallego, Univ. of Washington (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The new Focal Plane Systems (FPS) built for the fifth iteration of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-V) at Las Campanas Observatory and Apache Point Observatory each consist of 500 robotic fiber positioners, feeding optical and infrared multi-object spectrographs, that can be arranged in configurations, internally called "designs", to match science targets in the night sky. SDSS-V plans to observe roughly 50,000 of these designs over the 5 year survey, with up to 30 being observed on a single night at each observatory. Besides the sheer volume of designs, there are strict time domain requirements ("cadences") that must be respected in order to complete the signature SDSS time domain surveys. This complex set of requirements necessitates software that can ensure cadence requirements are always respected, in addition to normal observing requirements such as maximum skybrightness, moon distance, etc., while also optimizing the designs scheduled in a night to ensure all designs are completed by the end of the survey. We present an overview of the roboscheduler package which was developed to solve these problems.
Author(s): Fabian Haberhauer, Kieran Leschinski, Martin Baláž, Hugo Buddelmeijer, Oliver Czoske, Univ. Wien (Austria); Jörg-Uwe Pott, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Germany); Carmelo Arcidiacono, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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ScopeSim is a general-purpose observation data simulation environment for astronomical instruments. It allows users to simulate observations with multiple instruments for the same (often custom built) target description using a common software platform, thus enabling “apples-to-apples” comparisons of the outputs. The simulation engine has been described in a previous proceedings paper (Leschinski+2020), however behind the scenes a vast infrastructure has been built to support the ScopeSim engine. The supporting elements are in some cases major projects in their own right, with multiple additional use cases and user groups. For example, the instrument reference database (IRDB) provides a public and open-source platform for instrument consortia to distribute a coherent picture of the optical properties and characteristics of their instrument(s). In these proceedings we aim to shed light on the various elements of the infrastructure required to support simulations done with ScopeSim.
Author(s): Ugur Yilmaz, SKA Observatory (United Kingdom); Matteo Di Carlo, INAF (Italy); Piers Harding, SKA Observatory (United Kingdom)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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Building on the Square Kilometre Array's (SKA) Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) advancements, this paper focuses the adoption and evolution of cloud-native technologies in the integration environment and subsystem-level orchestration. We present SKA's transformative journey employing Kubernetes, Integration environment and release process to streamline development workflows, automate integration testing, and ensure high-velocity deployments. The paper discusses strategies for dynamic environment provisioning, the seamless integration of independently developed subsystems, and the management of complex workflows with advanced CI/CD capabilities. We highlight the implementation of Kubernetes cluster integration environments with software's lifecycle management across multi-cloud environments, accentuating a robust, scalable, and transparent infrastructure. These cloud-native paradigms have not only optimized observatory operations but have also paved the way for enhanced collaboration, observability, and reliability in the era of large-scale astronomical projects.
Author(s): Daniel May, NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Lab. (United States); Tayyaba Zafar, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia); Vitor Neves-Hartmann, Thais Silva, Univ. de São Paulo (Brazil); Ariel Lopez, NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Lab. (Chile); Claudia Oliveira, Univ. de São Paulo (Brazil); Celestina Lacombe, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia); Andrew Szentgyorgyi, Cem Onyuksel, Ctr. for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The MANIFEST is a facility fiber positioner proposed for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) - also funded by NSF's NOIRLab - designed to be compatible with upcoming instruments to observe several targets at once. In order to control the signal to noise ratio (SNR) and the exposure times of a set of objects, as well as determining the optimal number and arrangement of observations it should perform, there is a need for new software that builds upon existing exposure time calculators (ETCs). We developed a Python code capable of managing these variables and integrated it to the GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF) ETC. The algorithm is inspired by binary searching routines, dividing the original set into smaller subsets based on brightness and saturation. The results, based on simulations, show that we can deliver uniform behavior across an optimal set of observations given the range of SNR and a total exposure time. Our code can be adapted to work with other instruments on world-class telescopes, such as the Gemini Observatory, to observe multiple objects in an optimal way.
Author(s): Kyle Lanclos, Josh Walawender, W. M. Keck Observatory (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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Commissioned in November 2022 at W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO), the Keck Planet Finder (KPF) instrument is a fiber-fed high resolution spectrometer, developed in partnership with California Institute of Technology, University of California Berkeley Space Science Laboratory, and University of California at Santa Cruz. At the heart of object acquisition and tracking is KPF's guiding system, which uses 100 Hz tip/tilt corrections to maintain the target on the fiber aperture, and coarse telescope corrections to keep the target within the effective range of the tip/tilt mechanism. This paper covers the design of the guider software at the heart of these corrections, emphasizing simplicity for the initial approach, deliberately avoiding potentially unnecessary optimization, while leveraging existing standards and practices at WMKO. The software is implemented in Python with one key component written in C. The paper covers the gradual process of optimization, addressing critical performance bottlenecks in targeted fashion without rewriting the bulk of the code; the specific bottlenecks addressed include image acquisition, image transmission, command transmission, and image processing.
Author(s): Paul Horton, Arizona State Univ. (United States); Nargess Memarsadeghi, Jordan A. Caraballo-Vega, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Roman Space Telescope (RST) Wide Field Instrument (WFI) will be utilizing a preliminary Science Data Processing (SDP) pipeline during its Integration and Test, and to some extent during Operations, to track basic statistics and identify known features such as cosmic rays, snowballs as well as possible anomalies in raw detector data. In our detectors, these anomalies appear as jumps in the ramp of a readout and are classified as cosmic rays if they appear as a streak or snowballs if they’re more circular. The WFI employs an array of 18 H4RG-10 detectors that collect image samples. Each set of raw frames within a non-destructive exposure is packaged by the SDP pipeline into image cubes for each detector. Each cube is a time series of 4096 × 4096 accumulating pixel frames. The preliminary analysis pipeline is used to locate anomalies in these time-series accumulation frames and identify the type of anomaly, either natural phenomena or detector characteristic. To compare different methods, we’ve implemented both heuristic-based and data-driven methods to identify anomalies. For the heuristic-based approach, we identify snowballs and cosmic rays by the size and shape of outlier pixe
Author(s): Bruno Ribeiro, Altar Innovation (Portugal)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) project aims to establish two radio interferometers in South Africa and Australia, forming a singular Observatory centrally monitored from the UK's global headquarters at Jodrell Bank. This international endeavor involves the deployment of large-scale computational facilities on both continents to handle the substantial data generated by the radio telescopes. Given the project's distributed nature and the extensive use of servers, a remote deployment and management system has been implemented. Leveraging open-source technologies like OpenStack Ironic/Bifrost and IPMI/Redfish interfaces, the system achieves full automation for deploying bare metal servers. This innovative approach enables a globally situated team to remotely bootstrap and manage servers without the need for physical presence, ensuring efficient and seamless operation of the SKA project's infrastructure.
Author(s): Brian J. Koopman, Sanah Bhimani, Yale Univ. (United States); Nicholas Galitzki, University of Texas at Austin (United States); Matthew Hasselfield, Flatiron Institute (United States); Jack Lashner, Yale Univ. (United States); Hironobu Nakata, Kyoto University (Japan); Laura Newburgh, David Nguyen, Yale Univ. (United States); Tai Sakuma, Kyohei Yamada, Princeton University (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Simons Observatory (SO) is a cosmic microwave background (CMB) observatory consisting of three small aperture telescopes and one large aperture telescope. SO is located in the Atacama desert in Chile at an elevation of 5180m. Distributed among the four telescopes are over 60,000 transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers across six spectral bands centered between 30 and 280 GHz. A large collection of ancillary hardware devices, which produce lower rate "housekeeping" data, are used to support the detector data collection. We describe an overview of the software and computing systems used within SO, software deployment strategies, and how the various software systems interact with each other. We also discuss the timing distribution system and its configuration as well as lessons learned during the deployment process and where we plan to make future improvements in these processes.
Author(s): Matteo Canzari, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico d'Abruzzo (Italy); Valentina Alberti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Hèlder Ribeiro, Atlar Innovation (Portugal); Ajaykumar Dubey, Persistent Systems Ltd. (India); Athos Georgiou, CGI Inc. (United Kingdom); Yimeng Li, Vincent Hardion, Mikel Eguiraun, Jonas Forsberg, Max IV Lab. (Sweden); Michal Gandor, S2INNOVATION Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Taranta project, a collaboration between the MaxIV Institute and SKAO in the Tango Collaboration, introduces a no-code solution for creating graphical interfaces dedicated to monitoring and controlling Tango-based systems. Developed collaboratively, the software has undergone active refinement, resulting in advanced features and improved functionality. The current software state supports adoption in both MaxIV synchrotron beamline operations and the SKA project's developmental phases. New features include accessing devices from different Tango databases within a single dashboard. Architectural improvements allow seamless integration with applications like Synoptic, enabling third-party data source incorporation. Ongoing improvements are influenced by user feedback. The presentation will discuss a significant challenge—meeting diverse demands from institutes with varying scientific purposes and project stages. This involves considerations of architecture, component numbers, and operator skill sets. Lessons learned will highlight the importance of adaptability in a dynamic collaborative environment. The presentation will outline the roadmap strategy, emphasizing creating comp
Author(s): Francesco Schillirò, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Isaak Kavasidis, Univ. degli Studi di Catania (Italy); Giuseppe Romeo, Paolo Leto, Saverio Costanzo, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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Disturbance removal in astronomical images is of paramount importance both for automated processing methods and for “manual” inspection of images by humans. Disturbances in images comes in various forms and can be introduced in the raw signal itself as either noise, when random processes are involved, or artifacts, due to signal acquisition modality. Such is the case of signals acquired by earth rotation aperture synthesis where astronomical observations are made by integrating multiple signals coming from arrays of geographically distributed radio antennas. In this work we provide a dataset and present a deep learning nertwork for removing interferometry artifacts in combined images generated by aperture synthesis. The model combines the capabilities of both U-Nets [1] and Vision Transformers [2]. The CANDELS dataset was used as the seed dataset. The 16200×16200 images were randomly sampled by extracting random crops of size 1024×1024. The model was trained on a split comprising 60% of the dataset (60,000 images), 20% (20,000 images) was used for validation and 20% (20,000 images) in testing achieving a PSNR of 18db and a SSIM score of 0.51.
Author(s): Marco Molinaro, Giovanna Jerse, Valentina Alberti, Sara Bertocco, Igor Coretti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Adriana Marcucci, University of Trieste, Department of Physics (Italy); Mauro Messerotti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The TSRS was a set of two multi-channel solar radio polarimeters which performed continuous surveillance of the decimetric and metric coronal radio emissions with high time resolution. TSRS was operational in Trieste (Italy) under the management of the INAF Astronomical Observatory of Trieste from 1969 to 2010 when a lightning stroke irreparably compromised its operations. Starting from that moment, all the services related to it, including the archive system, were abandoned due to lack of funds and resources. An Heritage Archive (TSRS-HA) has been preserved with the available digitised data and this contribution describes how it was planned to refurbish archive and service for such an heritage resource following current common FAIR principles adherence and new technologies.
Author(s): Attila Kovacs, Paul Grimes, Christopher Moriarty, Robert W. Wilson, Ctr. for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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We developed the SMA eXchange (SMA-X) as a real-time data sharing solution, built atop a central Redis database. SMA-X provides efficient low-latency and high-throughput real-time sharing of hierarchically structured data among the various systems and subsystems of the telescope. It enables fast, atomic retrievals of specific leaf elements, branches, and sub-trees, including associated metadata (types, dimensions, timestamps, and origins, and more). At the Submillimer Array (SMA) we rely on it since 2021 to share a diverse set of ~10,000 real-time variables, including arrays, across more than 100 computers, with information being published every 10 ms in some cases. SMA-X is open-source, and will be available to all through a set of public GitHub repositories in Summer 2024, including C/C++ and Python3 libraries, and a set of tools, to allow integration with observatory applications. A set of command-line tools provide access to the database from the POSIX shell and/or from any scripting language, and we also provide a configurable tool for archiving the observatory state at regular intervals into a time-series SQL database to create a detailed historical record.
Author(s): Valentina Alberti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Gianluca Marotta, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Matteo Canzari, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico d'Abruzzo (Italy); Grant Hampson, Andrew Bolin, CSIRO (Australia); Giorgio Brajnik, Univ. degli Studi di Udine (Italy), Interaction Design Solutions Srl (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The SKA Central Signal Processor is a real-time system that provides visibilities and pulsar search and timing capabilities. The system is currently in an evolutionary state where different components, developed by different teams, are at different maturity levels. In this context, we leverage a collaborative design approach to gather expertise from different teams and develop a set of engineering dashboards that effectively represent the system in its current state, identifying a process that allows for evolving them as the system grows. The paper presents the details of the adopted method as well as its challenges and lessons learnt.
Author(s): Matteo Canzari, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico d'Abruzzo (Italy); Valentina Alberti, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy); Marotta Gianluca, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Giorgio Brajnik, Interaction Design Solutions Srl (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The SKAO project, engaging 30+ global teams, employs SAFe for agile management. The CREAM team develops software for CSP.LMC subsystem and Taranta web interface. Some Taranta features, meeting DoD and management criteria, fall short of user needs, leading to underutilization or loss of confidence. A hypothesized cause is the lack of a beta testing process at release. In SAFe, features are demonstrated during release, with limited adjustments based on session feedback. This paper proposes integrating beta tests into SAFe's 2-level iterations (quarterly and bi-weekly), addressing challenges in exploring UX issues, delivering solutions within consecutive sprints, and adhering to DoD. Steps include selecting beta users, conducting tests, collecting feedback, implementing changes, and assessing impact. Post-release, user behaviors are studied for satisfaction. This approach, tested with small SKAO groups, could standardize across SKAO teams and other large scientific projects using agile methods.
Author(s): Andrew Ferayorni, Andrew Beard, Chris Berst, Keith Cummings, Stephen Guzzo, John Hubbard, Jon Munoz, National Solar Observatory (United States)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The National Science Foundation’s Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) is a 4-meter solar observatory in operation at Haleakalā, Hawaii. The High-Level Software (HLS) group develops and maintains software and control systems for the observatory. During the nearly 20 yearlong observatory construction phase we utilized the Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) as the revision control component of our software configuration management process. As we transitioned into the observatory operations phase, we began looking at using a more modern revision control system that would offer more flexibility and control for software development going forward. Through our long-term planning process, the decision was made to transition from CVS to the Git revision control system. In this paper we describe the motivation to move from CVS to Git for software revision control at DKIST and explain the planning involved to ensure a smooth transition. We will review challenges faced, planning steps involved, migration results, and look at lessons learned from from the process. We conclude by sharing initial feedback from the team on the experience thus far using Git.
Author(s): Deborah Busonero, Mario Gilberto Lattanzi, Enrico Licata, Roberto Morbidelli, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino (Italy); Raffaella Buzzi, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino (Italy); Beatrice Bucciarelli, Mariateresa Crosta, Alberto Riva, Maria Margherita Sarasso, Alberto Vecchiato, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino (Italy); Rosario Messineo, Lorenzo Bramante, Ruben De March, Luigi Squillante, Filomena Solitro, Leonardo Tolomei, ALTEC SpA (Italy)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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Gaia Legacy idea born to enhance the platform system of Gaia's Big Data science data center in Turin and to be a center for the management, visualization, processing, manipulation and analysis of large amounts of data that require the development and implementation of innovative systems with exascale approach, guaranteeing high performances. The system responds to the scientific needs of the INAF community beyond the core science of the Gaia mission itself under a multimessenger approach such as characterization of cosmological gravitational waves and degenerate binary systems in the Milky Way. The system will extend its capability to engineering data collected by space instrumentation for studies of future missions, observation calibration and qualification of instrumental models. We present the Gaia Legacy repository project which goal is the generation of a deep and complete sky, on 4π sterad, as a reference tool and therefore interoperable for the integration of multiband data (from radio to high energies) and multimessenger data (e.g. sources of gravitational waves, neutrinos,...) for efficient data mining aimed at fast multidimensional scientific data exploitation.
Author(s): Fiorenzo Stoppa, Radboud Univ. Nijmegen (Netherlands)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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This project introduces a new Machine Learning (ML) pipeline aimed at enhancing data processing in astronomical observatories. This automated pipeline aims to significantly reduce nightly data processing time and false positives rate. By integrating various deep learning algorithms and adhering to ML Operations (MLOps) principles, the pipeline promises enhanced performance and adaptability for present and future observatories. It will streamline the analysis of astronomical data, improve transient detection, and allow for more efficient sky surveys, enabling the study of a wider range of celestial phenomena. The modular design of the pipeline not only boosts efficiency but will also foster collaboration and innovation within the astronomical community.
Author(s): Filomena Bufano, Cristobal Bordiu, Thomas Cecconello, Matteo Munari, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Andrew Hopkins, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Macquarie University (Australia); Adriano Ingallinera, Paolo Leto, Sara Loru, Simone Riggi, Eva Sciacca, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Giuseppe Vizzari, Universita' degli Studi Milano-Bicocca (Italy); Andrea Demarco, Institute of Space Sciences and Astronomy, Maths & Physics Building, University of Malta (Malta); Carla Buemi, Francesco Cavallaro, Corrado Trigilio, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy); Grazia Umana, INAF-OsservatorioAstrofisico (Italy)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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The Square Kilometre Array precursors are starting releasing the first data of their large-field continuum surveys, making clear that also in the field of radio astronomy, deep learning turns as the primary solution for handling an overwhelming volume of data. Within this framework, our research group is taking a forefront position in various research initiatives aimed at assessing the effectiveness of ML techniques on survey data from ASKAP and MeerKAT. In this work we show how an unsupervised multi-stage pipeline is able to discover physically meaningful clusters within the heterogeneous Supernova Remnant (SNR) population: a convolutional autoencoder extracts features from multiwavelength imagery of a SNR sample; then an unsupervised clustering process operates on the latent space. Despite a large number of outliers, we were able to find a new classification system, in which most clusters relate to the presence of certain features regarding not only the morphology but also the relative weight of the different frequencies.
CANCELED: Machine Learning-Powered Pipeline for Discovering Transient Phenomena for the Ground-based Wide Angle Cameras
Author(s): Jiaxin Li, Peng Jia, Chao Lv, Yining Wang, Liang Cao, Taiyuan Univ. of Technology (China)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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Astronomical transients are important targets for time domain observations. Ground-based wide-angle camera arrays (GWAC) are employed for exploring transient sources, featuring a large field of view and high temporal sampling rates. These devices generate substantial data streams nightly, aiming to swiftly identify short-lived optical transients. In contrast to conventional sky survey projects, GWAC camera systems demand a faster transient source identification processing speed. To address this challenge, we have developed a framework for the detection, identification, and classification of transient sources. The framework comprises data preprocessing, image differencing, and classification. For the classification component, we have devised a multi-input convolutional neural network (CNN) incorporating both original images and meta data of celestial objects. The data processing framework has exhibited significant improvements in speed and accuracy, which makes it possible to be used for transient detection in the GWAC telescope.
CANCELED: Ensemble learning based framework for space debris object detection
Author(s): Ge Li, Peng Jia, Bafeng Cheng, Taiyuan Univ. of Technology (China); Rongyv Sun, Purple Mountain Observatory (China)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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With the ongoing advancement of human space activities, space debris have brought more and more problems. It is crucial to develop high efficienct space debris detection method. However, traditional target detection methods face a series of challenges in detecting space targets due to the complexity of data and noise interference. This paper aims to enhance the accuracy and reliability of detection by utilizing advanced target detection models such as YOLOX and YOLOv8 for FITS data of space objects. To further improve detection performance, we introduce the concept of ensemble learning and construct a multi-model integrated object detection framework by simultaneously utilizing the output of multiple models.The technology of Weighted Boxes Fusion (WBF) has been adopted to effectively integrate the output of multiple models by taking into account the confidence and spatial information of each model. The objective of the method presented in this paper is to synthesize the strengths of various models and enhance the overall system's robustness and generalization ability.
CANCELED: A reinforcement learning based source detection framework
Author(s): Ying Li, Yining Wang, Peng Jia, Taiyuan Univ. of Technology (China)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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There are many source detection algorithms developed for different observation projects. A lot of parameters are included in these algorithms, which normally require additional human interventions in real applications. For time domain astronomical observations, it is necessary to process observation images as soon as possible, which makes it impossible to fine-tune parameters of source detection algorithms for each observation images. This research is dedicated to solving the challenge of fine-tuning parameters in source detection algorithms with the reinforcement learning. Our framework firstly extract image features and then the agent will obtain parameters of source detection algorithms based on these features. This innovative approach introduces new possibilities to the field of object detection, enabling algorithms to self-improve and adapt to changing data and environments, improving practicality and accuracy.
Author(s): Mah Rukh, Zuozhen Li, Jie Cheng, Yanyan Xu, Peng Jia, Taiyuan Univ. of Technology (China)
19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F
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This research introduces Huoliuxing, a public science platform crafted for the identification and analysis of meteors, leveraging data contributed by citizen scientists and smart camera arrays. In the online domain, meteor data is collected from uploads by citizen scientists. Concurrently, we provide Smart Camera Arrays capable of detecting meteors efficiently and at scale. This is made possible through the integration of real-time edge device data processing with cloud-based storage and analysis. The data captured by these Smart Camera Arrays is automatically transmitted to the platform for further scrutiny. Following data acquisition, a specialized team employs a combination of machine learning algorithms and human vetting to meticulously examine the data. Only meteor detection results that meet the predefined evaluation criteria are utilized to compute trajectories and potential meteorite landing locations. The Huoliuxing website successfully underwent a test run last year and is poised to receive more data in the coming years, with scientific data set to be made available soon.
Author(s): Peter J. Young, The Australian National Univ. (Australia); Edward Chapin, NRC-Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics (Canada); Tony J. Farrell, Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia); Jon G. Nielsen, The Australian National Univ. (Australia); Carlos Quiroz, Roque Ruiz-Carmona, Cristian Urrutia, Gemini Observatory (Chile)
On demand | Presented live 19 June 2024
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This paper describes the final integration and commissioning of the Gemini High Resolution Optical Spectrograph (GHOST) instrument control software. The instrument was developed at three separate organisations starting in 2011 and finishing in 2023 with the software control system undertaken by a team at the Australian National University. This scenario presented challenges during development and ultimately when integrating at the various labs in Australia and Canada and then commissioning at the Gemini South telescope in Chile. We describe the software aspects of this process.
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Joint ALMA Observatory (Chile)
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European Southern Observatory (Germany)
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INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Italy)
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Observatory Sciences Ltd. (United Kingdom)
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Thirty Meter Telescope (United States)
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Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia)
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GMTO Corp. (United States)
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National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan)
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Vera C. Rubin Observatory (Chile)
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Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia)
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W. M. Keck Observatory (United States)
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